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Military版 - 美弟怎么就不长记性呢
面对逊尼派极端组织,美国准备援助叙利亚温和的反叛军了。美国已经在法西斯国家的边缘了 2012-02-20 12:42:28
叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德接受法新社采访红脖彻底觉醒: 美国民主为人民吗?
美帝准备接受难民了16年8万, 17年16万叙利亚首都发现满隧道的外国提供的武器。
面对难民潮,德国首相默克尔大妈吃不消了zzBashar Assad---是一个真正的男人
米国法兰西国的大屎又回到叙利亚Kerry:我们通过100 youtube video确认是Assad干的ZT
话题: syrian话题: said话题: syria话题: assad话题: opposition
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4978
Syrian Rebels To Receive $123 Million More In Aid From United States
ISTANBUL — The United States is providing Syrian rebels with $123 million
in new nonlethal aid that may include body armor and other types of supplies
that haven't been part of the assistance package in the past.
The additional money will double the nonlethal assistance to the Syrian
opposition as well as increase humanitarian aid. The nonlethal aid could
include armored vehicles, night vision goggles and advanced communications
Foreign ministers from the main supporters of the rebels trying to topple
the Syrian government were meeting in Istanbul over the weekend to increase
pressure on Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down. The United Nations
estimates that the fighting in Syria has killed more than 70,000 people.
"The stakes in Syria couldn't be more clear: chemical weapons, the slaughter
of people by ballistic missiles and other weapons of huge destruction, the
potential of a whole country ... being torn apart into enclaves, the
potential of sectarian violence," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in
a statement.
"This bloodshed needs to stop and that's what brought us here tonight on
Saturday and a very early Sunday morning to talk about the possibilities for
peace and transition," Kerry said.
In a joint statement, the foreign ministers said they welcomed the Syrian
National Coalition's "firm rejection of extremism and its commitment not to
use chemical weapons" and cited those commitments in agreeing to enhance and
expand support for all coalition institutions.
The foreign ministers said they recognized the "need to change the balance
of power on the ground" and, in looking at the current flow of military
assistance, welcomed the additional pledges and commitments to further
increase the support to the Supreme Military Council. The head of the
council provided a military briefing during the meeting.
Syrian opposition leader Moaz al-Khatib said in a statement, "Our revolution
is for the entire Syrian people."
Still, the Syrian National Coalition said the limited support, while
appreciated, wasn't enough. "We call on the international community to be
more forthcoming and unreserved to fulfill its responsibilities in extending
support that is needed by the Syrian people," the coalition said in a
The foreign ministers also urged an immediate investigation by the United
Nations to substantiate claims that chemical weapons had been used. "If
these allegations are proven to be correct, there will be severe
consequences," they said.
European nations were considering changes to an arms embargo that would
allow arms transfers to the Syrian opposition. But European Union action
seemed unlikely before May, and the fresh U.S. help fell short of the
strongest demands from the Syrian National Coalition: drone strikes to
disable Assad's chemical weapon and missile capability; a no-fly zone
requiring significant military operations; and a U.N. resolution that
condemns Assad for attacks on Syrians.
"The technical ability to take specific action to prevent the human tragedy
and suffering of innocent civilians, mostly women and children, is available
in the form of specific intelligence and equipment," the group said in a
statement before the conference ended.
"Syrians understand that such ability is within the reach of a number of
members of the Friends of Syria group, yet nothing serious has been done to
put an end to such terror and criminality."
At the open of Saturday's meeting, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
said he wanted the conference to help bring peace to Syria, which has
endured more than two years of civil war.
"I hope this meeting will be helping to peace in Syria, to regional peace
and global peace. At the end of the day, we are all working together to end
the pains of Syrian people," he said.
German's foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, spoke of giving the opposition
greater political power and concrete support. "That is how we are trying to
ease the pain of the Syrian people," he said. "A violent solution is not a
solution, only a democratic one is a real solution."
Kerry met with Davutoglu and Khatib before the conference got underway.
In the latest clashes, Syrian troops backed by pro-government gunmen
captured at least one village in a strategic area near the Lebanese border,
activists and state media reported.
President Barack Obama has said he has no plans to send weapons or give
lethal aid to the rebels, despite pressure from Congress, some
administration advisers and appeals from the Syrian opposition leadership.
Since February, the U.S. has shipped food and medical supplies directly to
the Free Syrian Army, but Obama recently expanded that include defensive
military equipment.
Kerry's announcement on Saturday was the first under that new authorization.
So far, the U.S. has provided an estimated $117 million in nonlethal aid to
the Syrian opposition, according to the White House.
Some Arab states are supplying the rebels with arms, and Britain and France
are leading a push to modify the European Union's arms embargo on Syria to
permit weapons transfers to the opposition.
The embargo is to expire at the end of May unless it is extended or revised.
Those in favor of the change say there have been no decisions on whether to
actually supply the rebels with arms. They argue that allowing such
transfers would increase the pressure on Assad. U.S. officials say they
support testing this strategy.
Germany and the Netherlands, however, are said to be reluctant to support
the step because they fear it would lead to further bloodshed.
Kerry said before leaving Washington that the conference aim was to get the
opposition and all prospective donors "on the same page" with how Syria
would be governed if and when Assad left power or was toppled.
The U.S. and its European and Arab allies are struggling to find ways to
stem the escalating violence that has led to fears that chemical weapons may
have been used. Despite international pressure, Assad has managed to retain
power far longer than the Obama administration or its allies expected.
The U.S. is not opposed to other countries arming the rebels, provided there
are assurances the weapons do not get to extremist groups that have gained
ground in the conflict.
Kerry planned to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov next week in
Brussels on the sidelines of a NATO-Russia Council meeting. He has said he
has not given up on persuading Moscow to reverse its support for Assad.
发帖数: 8594
发帖数: 20343
美国正在重犯70年代在阿富汗的错误。 那次让本拉登翅膀硬了。
发帖数: 8594
1 (共1页)
Kerry:我们通过100 youtube video确认是Assad干的ZT茉莉花的实质是披着民主外衣的新殖民主义
Syria's Assad hails Russia's takeover of CrimeaZT面对难民潮,德国首相默克尔大妈吃不消了zz
Defending Dollar Imperialism叙利亚今天杀了75个示威者,砰,砰呯呯
面对逊尼派极端组织,美国准备援助叙利亚温和的反叛军了。美国已经在法西斯国家的边缘了 2012-02-20 12:42:28
叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德接受法新社采访红脖彻底觉醒: 美国民主为人民吗?
美帝准备接受难民了16年8万, 17年16万叙利亚首都发现满隧道的外国提供的武器。
话题: syrian话题: said话题: syria话题: assad话题: opposition