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Military版 - 男子枪杀妓女被判无罪:陪审团认定妓女拿钱不办事属于偷窃
谁敢穿T-shirt:Jihad: Born on Sept. 11ZT圣灵的果子:牧师和多名女基XXOO被定罪(8/25/2012) (转载)
twitter名字里面X多的白女,不是pron star也是浪荡女Sharpton: 'Slap in the Face to Those Who Believe in Justice in This Country'
牧师性侵犯13岁女童,陪审团裁定:罪名成立NAACP asking Obama administration to pursue civil case against Zimmerman
手稿怎么证明阿?自己抄的不行么?Texas prostitute's jilted killer acquitted
话题: gilbert话题: his话题: frago话题: he话题: san
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Texas prostitute's jilted killer acquitted, was trying to 'retrieve stolen
property' says jury
Ezekiel Gilbert, 30, facing life in jail for the 2009 death of Lenora Frago,
23, near his San Antonio home, got off even though he shot her with an AK-
47. But a jury said his actions were justified under state law.
Ezekiel Gilbert, 30, was found not guilty of murdering an escort he hired
from Craigslist. Gilbert's lawyers argued that because Lenora Ivie Frago had
left his house with the $150 he'd paid her, without having sex with him, he
was within his rights to use deadly force to retrieve his property.
A Texas john who shot a Craigslist escort dead after she took $150 of his
cash but refused to have sex has been cleared of murder.
Ezekiel Gilbert, 30, was facing life in jail for the 2009 Christmas Eve
killing of Lenora Frago, 23, outside his San Antonio apartment.
Gilbert used a AK-47 assault rifle to spray his alleged victim's car with
bullets as she was driven away at 4:15 a.m. by her alleged pimp, Christopher
Frago was hit in the neck.
Left paralyzed and brain damaged from the shooting, she was hooked up to a
respirator for several months until her family pulled the plug in July 2010.
A Bexar County Texas court jury on Thursday took 11 hours to acquit Gilbert
— saying his actions were justified because he was simply trying to
retrieve stolen property.
This is because state residents are permitted "to use deadly force to
recover property during a nighttime theft."
Gilbert's defense attorneys argued he did not intend to kill Frago and only
wanted to blow out the car tires and get back his cash.
They also said the shooting was justified, as he thought sex was included as
part of the fee.
Gilbert hugged his attorneys and thanked God, his lawyers, and the jury
following his acquittal, reports My San Antonio.
"I sincerely regret the loss of the life of Ms. Frago," he said outside the
court room.
"I've been in a mental prison the past four years of my life. I have
nightmares. If I see guns on TV where people are getting killed, I change
the channel," he added.
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谁敢穿T-shirt:Jihad: Born on Sept. 11ZT圣灵的果子:牧师和多名女基XXOO被定罪(8/25/2012) (转载)
话题: gilbert话题: his话题: frago话题: he话题: san