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Military版 - 奥巴马不是个好猫
Snowden 是大片主演, CIA 和 007 都傻眼了!美国参议员麦凯恩:因斯诺登事件,美国应该轰炸入侵香港
斯诺登 (Snowden): 人和事"Hong Kong Be Water Act"
This'll be a joke for decadesHong Kong police shoot man in Monday morning rush hour protests
声东击西,史诺登可能藏于中国Edward Snowden退房后取向何处?
snowden got the asylum and enters RussiaSnowden Showed Evidence Of US Hacking China To Hong Kong Newspaper
话题: snowden话题: mr话题: kong话题: hong话题: said
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发帖数: 8463
1. 奥巴马是个超级猫, 但是, 大脑太慢, 不是个好猫;
2. 斯诺登 (Snowden)是一个超级老鼠, 大脑太快;
3. 美帝CIA 和大阴帝国007都在瞎盲, 乐坏了。
Link below:
Snowden on the Run
A global cat-and-mouse game involving the admitted leaker of National
Security Agency secrets exploded into a diplomatic scramble, as U.S.
authorities sought to catch Edward Snowden before he reached what supporters
say is his next goal: political asylum in Ecuador.
Mr. Snowden's unexpected Sunday flight to Moscow from Hong Kong exposed the
apparent limits of America's diplomatic and intelligence-gathering reach. At
a time when Mr. Snowden has been the subject of intense interest from U.S.
authorities, they were unable to prevent his departure from a jurisdiction
generally viewed as friendly to U.S. extradition requests.
Washington had requested Hong Kong arrest Mr. Snowden in anticipation of
extradition, and officials including Attorney General Eric Holder had
reached out to authorities in the city to urge that request be honored, a U.
S. official said. But it wasn't until Mr. Snowden had left for Moscow that
the Americans had found out that Hong Kong, a special administrative region
of China, viewed their request as "insufficient," the official said.
According to people familiar with the case, the U.S. never asked Interpol,
the international police agency, to issue a so-called "red notice" for Mr.
Snowden, which would have triggered alerts at airports to delay, if not stop
outright, his departure.
The 30-year-old Mr. Snowden, who until May was a government contractor
working at an NSA facility in Hawaii, has been hailed as a hero by some
civil libertarians on the right and left after he said he disclosed the
secrets to prompt a public debate about the NSA's surveillance practices.
But he has begun to draw harsh bipartisan criticism for involvement with
countries such as China, Russia and Ecuador, which are at odds with the U.S.
on many issues, and with WikiLeaks, a group that has published U.S. secrets
in the past. China and Russia also drew barbs from U.S. lawmakers Sunday,
raising the prospect of new strains in America's relations with key powers
at a time when President Barack Obama is seeking their help dealing with a
host of foreign-policy concerns in places such as Syria, Iran and North
The Chinese government is almost certain to have approved Hong Kong's
decision to let Mr. Snowden leave because it pertains to national security
and foreign relations, according to diplomats, analysts and Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse / Getty Images Two of the Ecuadorian embassy's cars
were parked at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport on Sunday.
News of Mr. Snowden's departure from Hong Kong fueled conflicting reports
during the day of where he might be headed, and it sent a horde of
journalists rushing to Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport to await
his expected arrival at a Soviet-era terminal.
No images surfaced of Mr. Snowden exiting Aeroflot flight 213 from Hong Kong
. But an airport spokeswoman confirmed late Sunday that he was in the
airport's "transit zone"—where passengers await connecting flights to other
countries. Passengers arriving in Moscow from abroad don't need to have a
Russian visa if they are booked on a connecting flight and stay within that
Passengers on Mr. Snowden's reported flight from Hong Kong said those on
board the plane disembarked via a staircase on the runway rather than via a
passenger walkway, which is unusual for big international arrivals. Two
business-class passengers said they saw cars meet the plane, one of them a
black-windowed, black sedan.
Russian media later reported that Mr. Snowden underwent a medical exam and
was taken to a hotel inside the transit area.
The day was marked by a flurry of diplomatic and law-enforcement maneuvering
, with U.S. authorities saying they had revoked Mr. Snowden's passport and
asking other countries not to harbor him. State Department spokeswoman
Jennifer Psaki said Mr. Snowden "should not be allowed to proceed in any
further international travel, other than is necessary to return him to the
United States."
Mr. Obama was getting updates from national-security aides on Mr. Snowden's
travels, according to a senior administration official.
Associated Press A banner supporting Edward Snowden is displayed at Central,
Hong Kong's business district.
Mr. Snowden had traveled to Hong Kong from Hawaii on May 20, taking with him
secret information detailing the government's mass collection of Americans'
telephone-call records and its Internet surveillance program called Prism.
That information formed the basis of articles in the Guardian and Washington
Post newspapers that spurred intense public debate about U.S. surveillance
A person familiar with Mr. Snowden's case said his decision to get on a
flight to Moscow was "very sudden," made only in the day before departing.
The decision was made in consultation with WikiLeaks, which encouraged Mr.
Snowden to leave the city after communicating with others about his options
abroad, the person said.
"He is very independent, but also very willing to listen to advice," the
person said, adding that Mr. Snowden was concerned that any further delay
would result in his detainment by Hong Kong authorities. In part, Mr.
Snowden's determination to leave Hong Kong was based on the fear of losing
access to the Internet—his vital link to the rest of the world—should he
be detained, the person said.
At no point was Mr. Snowden questioned or detained by Hong Kong authorities,
the person said, and neither was he told by local authorities to leave the
city. The decision to get on a plane to Moscow was made independently by Mr.
Snowden, the person said: "It seemed that time was of the essence."
One American official said the U.S. had privately requested on June 15 that
Hong Kong authorities provisionally arrest Mr. Snowden in anticipation of
extradition. Two days later, Hong Kong authorities acknowledged receiving
the request and said the matter was under review, the U.S. official said.
This past Friday, Hong Kong asked for additional details about the charges
and the evidence, according to the official. U.S. officials say they were
responding to that request when they learned Hong Kong had allowed him to
Jacques Semmelman, an extradition lawyer in New York, said U.S. officials "
were double-crossed" by Hong Kong. "I find it inconceivable that the U.S.
didn't meet the standard, because the standard is very easy to meet," he
A Hong Kong government spokesman Monday echoed a previous statement from the
government, saying that, "according to the law, any persons who lawfully
stay in Hong Kong, unless prohibited by law, shall be free to leave Hong
Meanwhile, observers in Hong Kong said a prolonged legal battle over Mr.
Snowden's extradition in Hong Kong could have heightened U.S. pressure on
Beijing and left Chinese authorities with few good choices.
"It's good for Hong Kong and Beijing to get rid of this hot potato," said
James Sung, political scientist at City University of Hong Kong, adding that
Mr. Snowden's departure is a "relief for both Hong Kong and Beijing."
The departure drew mixed reviews among the city's lawmakers. "He has
abandoned Hong Kong and that's somewhat sad," said legislator Claudia Mo. "
Personally, I think Snowden owes Hong Kong people an explanation." Ms. Mo
was among the hundreds who rallied to support Mr. Snowden earlier this month
, calling on Hong Kong to resist any U.S. request for his surrender.
"For Hong Kong, this was the best option," said Regina Ip, the city's former
security secretary and a current legislator. She added that the city might
not have had any other choice.
WikiLeaks, best known for publicizing a trove of secret U.S. government
cables provided by Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, said it was helping Mr.
Snowden on his travel from Hong Kong to Russia and Ecuador. Whether Mr.
Snowden will make it to South America was unclear late Sunday. The lack of a
valid passport isn't in itself enough to force the Russians to turn Mr.
Snowden over to U.S. authorities.
Russia's Interfax News Agency said Mr. Snowden was booked on a flight from
Moscow to Cuba. There are no direct flights from Moscow to Ecuador.
Previously, Russian officials had said they would consider an asylum request
from Mr. Snowden, if he made one.
A top Ecuadorean official said that country would analyze Mr. Snowden's
asylum application before making a decision. Last year, Ecuador granted
asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Mr. Snowden has been charged in a criminal complaint with theft of U.S.
government property, unauthorized communication of national defense
information and willful communication of classified communications
intelligence information. The last two charges are espionage-related, which
complicated the matter.
The U.S. could have sought an Interpol red notice—the equivalent of an
arrest warrant sent to its 190 member countries. But under Interpol
guidelines, espionage charges are considered political, and the organization
isn't permitted to get involved in a matter of a military, political,
racial or religious nature, an Interpol official said.
Douglas McNabb, a veteran extradition lawyer based in Washington, D.C., said
if officials had charged Mr. Snowden initially with just the theft of
government property, they could have tied Mr. Snowden down in Hong Kong,
while U.S. prosecutors built a stronger case and negotiated with local
authorities over possible additional charges.
"They could have gone the safe route, charged him with the theft, and then
once you have him detained, they could then indict him,'' said Mr. McNabb. "
I think somebody dropped the ball. I think it was poorly done.''
A U.S. official said they didn't seek a red notice on Mr. Snowden because
the government was already negotiating with Hong Kong, and the charges had
been sealed.
On a day when U.S. authorities were forced to react to the high-profile
gamesmanship of Mr. Snowden, politicians in the U.S. could do little but
vent their frustration at Russia and China.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) said Mr. Snowden's choice of countries
undercuts his claims to be defending privacy and freedom.
"The freedom trail is not exactly China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela. So I hope
we'll chase him to the ends of the earth, bring him to justice and let the
Russians know there will be consequences if they harbor this guy," Mr.
Graham told Fox News.
Nanda Chitre, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Justice Department, said the agency
will "pursue relevant law enforcement cooperation with other countries
where Mr. Snowden may be attempting to travel."
Gary Fields, Jeanne Whalen, Olivia Geng, Lukas I. Alpert, Paul Sonne, Peter
Nicholas, Jeremy Page and Chester Yung contributed to this article.
Corrections Amplifications A previous version of this article misspelled the
name of Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport.
发帖数: 8463
Deng Xiaoping's theory still works:-)
发帖数: 8463
发帖数: 8463
发帖数: 8463
发帖数: 7538
1 (共1页)
美国向委内瑞拉发出Snowden引渡令ZTThis'll be a joke for decades
美国务院:对斯诺登返回美国充满希望snowden got the asylum and enters Russia
Snowden 是大片主演, CIA 和 007 都傻眼了!美国参议员麦凯恩:因斯诺登事件,美国应该轰炸入侵香港
斯诺登 (Snowden): 人和事"Hong Kong Be Water Act"
话题: snowden话题: mr话题: kong话题: hong话题: said