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Military版 - snowden申请进展
斯诺登不会去南美,一定会留在俄罗斯Russia's space defenses in shambles - experts
雪花膏到了 Venezuela俄中谈判苏35、苏33战机交易
Edward Snowden对中国政府来说没有价值Chinese Are Astonished, Too.
待证实,zt: Iceland Congress puts forward bill to grant Snowden citizenship俄向华出售48架SU35(源于南华早报)
Russia delivers S-300 air-defence batteries to China中俄争吵进口油价 上法院?废合同?
Death toll in Chinese unrest reaches 140 [Muslim riot in Ch俄邀日开采天然气 俄中合作或受影响
话题: snowden话题: 8226话题: ministry话题: said话题: tuesday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9308
• Austria: His request is not valid, because applicants must be in
Austria and submit their applications in person.
• Bolivia: Despite WikiLeaks' statement, Morales, the Bolivian
president, said Bolivia has not received a request for asylum on Snowden's
behalf, Itar-Tass reported.
• Brazil: The country won't grant asylum or even respond to the
request, Reuters reported Tuesday, citing a Foreign Ministry spokesman.
• China: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Tuesday it had no
information to offer on Snowden's case.
• Cuba: No response yet.
• Ecuador: The South American country has said that it's considering
Snowden's request but that he needs to reach its territory.
• Finland: "We don't have an official application from Snowden," Jorma
Vuorio, director general for the migration department of the Interior
Ministry, told CNN. "He just left a letter requesting asylum at the Finnish
Embassy in Moscow. According to Finnish legislation, it is not possible to
leave an asylum application outside the Finnish territory."
• France: Hollande, the French president, said he has "not received
any particular demands from Mr. Snowden," according to French television
• Germany: Asylum requests must be made from within the country, but
an Interior Ministry spokesman also said "the German right of residence
principally entails the possibility of acceptance from abroad, if this seems
necessary for international legal or urgent humanitarian reasons, or for
the ensuring of political interests of the federal republic of Germany. This
needs to be examined thoroughly in the case of Mr. Snowden."
• Iceland: Officials have said asylum seekers need to be in Icelandic
territory in order to apply.
• India: Ministry of External Affairs spokesman Syed Akbaruddin said
Tuesday that India will deny the request.
• Ireland: The Irish Justice Ministry declined to confirm whether it
had received a request on Snowden's behalf, but said Irish law requires that
applicants reach the country's borders before a request can be considered.
• Italy: The Italian Foreign Ministry said it received an asylum
request by fax. The country accepts requests done in Italian territory or at
the border, the ministry said.
• The Netherlands: Snowden would need to be in Holland to formally
request shelter, a spokesman for the Dutch state secretary said Tuesday.
• Nicaragua: No response yet.
• Norway: The country confirms the receipt of his request, but usually
, asylum seekers must be in the country already to be allowed to apply. The
Ministry of Justice is considering whether or not to process his application.
• Poland: Snowden's request for asylum doesn't fulfill requirements,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Tuesday.
• Russia: Snowden has withdrawn his request for permission to stay in
Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday, according to the news
agency RIA Novosti.
• Spain: The country is not reviewing Snowden's request because it
must be made from within or on its borders, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
• Switzerland: Applicants for political asylum have to be on Swiss
soil, a spokeswoman for the Swiss federal office for migration said Tuesday.
Swiss authorities aren't aware of any application by Snowden, the
spokeswoman said.
• Venezuela: "We haven't been asked for help, but when he asks, he
will have an answer," Maduro, the Venezuelan president, said Tuesday.
Opinion: Why we're all struck in the digital transit zone with Snowden
发帖数: 33185
发帖数: 9751
1 (共1页)
俄邀日开采天然气 俄中合作或受影响待证实,zt: Iceland Congress puts forward bill to grant Snowden citizenship
中国挑战俄罗斯坦克出口霸主地位Russia delivers S-300 air-defence batteries to China
俄罗斯或切断和减少对华原油供应Death toll in Chinese unrest reaches 140 [Muslim riot in Ch
斯诺登不会去南美,一定会留在俄罗斯Russia's space defenses in shambles - experts
雪花膏到了 Venezuela俄中谈判苏35、苏33战机交易
Edward Snowden对中国政府来说没有价值Chinese Are Astonished, Too.
话题: snowden话题: 8226话题: ministry话题: said话题: tuesday