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判决信息很明显: No more Rodney King!!!Rachel Jeantel吓唬Trayvon芝麻仁是基佬强奸犯
芝麻仁; 卡特 V.S. 奥巴马看来,黑人崔旺同学确实问题多多
谁说黑人的智商低?Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer? zz
庭审结束吧: 法医作证Trayvon坐在上面中枪的Martin funeral director: No signs of fight on body
O8正式给ZIMMERMAN事件定调: 种族案件,白人欺压黑人法官允许Zimmerman律师展示Trayvon吸过大麻。
zt George Zimmerman Is Lying如果撞击创伤后马上死亡是不是就没淤血?
Ex-President Jimmy Carter is on fire!!!Trayvon Martin 案件中需要把是非置于首位
Obama Files Federal Charges Against George ZimmermanRe: Trayvon Martin这案,我看美国将输的很惨 (转载)
话题: zimmerman话题: martin话题: trayvon话题: justice话题: carter
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8463
发帖数: 23033
我草,丫没有要copyright clearance?
发帖数: 8463
Here is another link:
President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me
35 years ago".
Americans, Obama said, are aware of the "history of racial disparity in our
criminal laws" in the country.
He added that a perception of the Trayvon Martin killing exists in the
African-American community that "if a white male teen was involved in the
same scenario, top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have
been different."
发帖数: 12955
Anyone who reads obama's speech objectively would find nothing wrong with it
发帖数: 14844
that's the beauty of it. 等到老黑起义了,巴马可以耸耸肩,说,我那句话有问题


【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: Anyone who reads obama's speech objectively would find nothing wrong with it
: .

发帖数: 48111
黑马这话是火上浇油已经差不多成共识了, 至少在老白那里已经是共识了。
今后今天有任何大的riot和killing, 都可以算到他头上去

【在 l********k 的大作中提到】
: that's the beauty of it. 等到老黑起义了,巴马可以耸耸肩,说,我那句话有问题
: 了?他们理解成这样,我有什么办法。
: it

发帖数: 8463
发帖数: 8463
Ex-President Jimmy Carter is on fire!!!
check out the link below:
Jimmy Carter on George Zimmerman Verdict: ‘Right Decision’
Email1414 Smaller FontTextLarger Text|Print
By Chris Good
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Jul 17, 2013 3:57pm
AP jimmy carter jef 130717 16x9 608 Jimmy Carter on George Zimmerman Verdict
Credit: David Goldman/AP Photo
Jimmy Carter says the jury made the right call in finding George Zimmerman
not guilty.
“I think the jury made the right decision based on the evidence presented,
because the prosecution inadvertently set the standard so high that the jury
had to be convinced that it was a deliberate act by Zimmerman, that he was
not at all defending himself,” Carter told Atlanta NBC affiliate WXIA-TV.
On Saturday, Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury in Florida. He shot
and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February 2012, Zimmerman maintains
in self defense.
The former president and Georgia governor discussed the verdict, and what it
says about race in America, in an on-camera interview with the station.
“It’s not a moral question, it was a legal question, and the American law
requires that the jury listen to the evidence presented,” Carter said. “
The action that was taken in the courtroom was not to bring in the race
issue at all. The prosecution avoided that subject quite clearly.”
Judge Debra Nelson ruled that prosecutors could argue that Zimmerman “
profiled” Martin, but only if they avoided suggesting Zimmerman profiled
the 17-year-old based on race.
Asked what the Zimmerman verdict says about race, Carter compared it to
other high-profile moments involving race and violence in U.S. history, such
as the police beating of Rodney King and the ensuing 1992 Los Angeles race
riots and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
“I think eventually, no matter how deep the moral feelings and personal
feelings might be among African Americans or others, with time passing they
start seeing what can we do about the present and the future and put aside
their feelings about the past,” Carter said. “I think that’s what’s
gonna happen in our country.”
This post has been updated.
发帖数: 8463
another link:
Jimmy Carter: George Zimmerman Jury 'Made The Right Decision' (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing
Posted: 07/17/2013 9:11 am EDT | Updated: 07/17/2013 5:30 pm EDT
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George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman Not Guilty, George
Zimmerman Trial, Jimmy Carter George Zimmerman, Jimmy Carter Zimmerman,
Zimmerman Jury, Zimmerman Trial, Politics News
Former President Jimmy Carter weighed in Tuesday on the recent verdict
handed down in the trial of George Zimmerman, the Florida man who faced
murder charges for the 2012 killing of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin. Speaking
with Atlanta's WXIA, Carter said he believed the jury's decision to acquit
Zimmerman was correct, in part because the prosecution had been overly
"I think the jury made the right decision based in the evidence presented
because the prosecution inadvertently set the standard so high that the jury
had to be convinced that it was a deliberate act by Zimmerman and that he
was not defending himself and so forth," he said. "It's not a moral question
, it's a legal question and the American law requires that the jury listens
to the evidence presented."
Asked if he thought Martin's killing and Zimmerman's case presented any
broader issues of race, Carter said not necessarily, considering the
prosecution didn't bring up any alleged racial motivation during the trial.
He also said he believed the vocal and at times physical backlash to the not
guilty verdict would subside as people "start seeing what we can do about
the present and the future and put aside the feelings about the past."
Carter said he agreed with President Barack Obama regarding the trial. On
Sunday, the president released a statement saying that despite personal
disagreements over the verdict, "we are a nation of laws, and a jury has
While Zimmerman has been released and given his gun back, the legal saga is
not over yet. The Department of Justice began to examine evidence this week
in its investigation to determine if Zimmerman was motivated by racial
animosity in his shooting of Martin. While Obama has not pressed for a civil
rights case, a number of petitions have arisen demanding follow-up charges
from the Justice Department.
发帖数: 8463
'Justice For Trayvon' Rallies Set For 100 Cities
'Justice For Trayvon' Rallies Set For 100 Cities
'Justice For Trayvon' Rallies Set For 100 Cities
'Justice For Trayvon' Rallies Set For 100 Cities
'Justice For Trayvon' Rallies Set For 100 Cities
'Justice For Trayvon' Rallies Set For 100 Cities
By BILL BARROW 07/20/13 04:41 PM ET EDT AP
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justice for trayvon
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Obama Racism, Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, George Zimmerman Verdict,
Justice For Trayvon, Justice For Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin Case,
Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin Justice, Trayvon Martin
Rally, Zimmerman Verdict, Black Voices News
ATLANTA — One week after a jury found George Zimmerman not guilty in the
death of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin, people gathered for nationwide rallies
to press for changes to self-defense laws and for federal civil rights
charges against the former neighborhood watch leader.
The Florida case has become a flashpoint in separate but converging national
debates over self-defense, guns, and race relations. Zimmerman, who
successfully claimed that he was protecting himself when he shot Martin,
identifies himself as Hispanic. Martin was black.
"It's personal," said Cincinnati resident Chris Donegan, whose 11-year-old
son wore a black hoodie to the rally, as Martin did when he died. "Anybody
who is black with kids, Trayvon Martin became our son."
The Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network organized the "Justice for
Trayvon" rallies and vigils outside federal buildings in at least 101 cities
stood in the rain at the base of the federal courthouse, with traffic
blocked on surrounding downtown streets.
Chants rang out across the rallies. "Justice! Justice! Justice! ... Now! Now
! Now!" `'We won't forget." `'No justice! No peace!" Many also sang hymns,
prayed and held hands.
And plenty of participants carried signs: "Who's next?" "I am Trayvon Martin
." `'Enough Is Enough."
Most rallies began at noontime. In New York, hundreds of people – including
music superstars Jay-Z and Beyonce, as well as Martin's mother, Sybrina
Fulton – gathered in the heat.
Fulton told the crowd she was determined to fight for societal and legal
changes needed to ensure that black youths are no longer viewed with
suspicion because of their skin color.
"I promise you I'm going to work for your children as well," she said to the
rally crowd.
At a morning appearance at Sharpton's headquarters in Harlem, she implored
people to understand that the tragedy involved more than Martin alone. "
Today it was my son. Tomorrow it might be yours," she said.
In addition to pushing the Justice Department to investigate civil rights
charges against Zimmerman, Sharpton told supporters he wants to see a
rollback of stand-your-ground self-defense laws.
"We are trying to change laws so that this never, ever happens again,"
Sharpton said.
Stand-your-ground laws are on the books in more than 20 states, and they go
beyond many older, traditional self-defense statutes. In general, the laws
eliminate a person's duty to retreat in the face of a serious physical
Zimmerman relied on a traditional self-defense argument and didn't invoke
stand-your-ground, though the judge included a provision about it in
instructions allowing jurors to consider it as a legitimate defense. And
race wasn't discussed in front of the jury. But the two topics have
dominated public discourse about the case, and came up throughout Saturday's
Part of Sharpton's comments echoed those made by President Barack Obama on
the case Friday. "Racial profiling is not as bad as segregation, but you don
't know the humiliation of being followed in a department store," Sharpton
In Indianapolis, the Rev. Jeffrey Johnson told about 200 attendees that the
nationwide effort is about making life safer for young black men. Johnson
said young black men still are endangered by racial profiling, and he
compared Zimmerman's acquittal to that of four white officers in the beating
of black motorist Rodney King in 1992.
"The verdict freed George Zimmerman, but it condemned America more," said
Johnson, pastor of the Eastern Star Church in Indianapolis and a member of
the board of directors of the National Action Network.
In Miami, Tracy Martin spoke about his son.
"This could be any one of our children," he said. "Our mission now is to
make sure that this doesn't happen to your child."
He recalled how he vowed to Trayvon as he lay in his casket that he would
seek justice.
"I will continue to fight for Trayvon until the day I die," he said.
Shantescia Hill held a sign in Miami that read: "Every person deserves a
safe walk home." The 31-year-old mother, who is black, said, "I'm here
because our children can't even walk on the streets without fearing for
their lives."
In his remarks Friday, Obama said it's a reality for black men in American
to "be followed in a department store" while shopping or to walk down the
street and "hear the car doors lock." The nation's first black president
said he had both experiences before he rose to social and political
At the New Orleans rally, La'Monte Johnson shared some of the same
The California native said he's been stopped multiple times by police and
handcuffed "because I fit the description of someone they were looking for,"
though he noted charges were never filed against him.
"You can be the greatest black guy around, but you can't get away from it,"
he said. "You're not equal."
Attorney General Eric Holder announced this week that his department would
investigate whether Zimmerman could be charged under federal civil rights
laws. Such a case would require evidence that Zimmerman harbored racial
animosity against Martin. Most legal experts say that would be a difficult
charge to bring. Zimmerman's lawyers have said their client wasn't driven by
race, but by desire to protect his neighborhood.
Holder said the shooting demonstrates the need to re-examine stand-your-
ground laws.
1 (共1页)
Re: Trayvon Martin这案,我看美国将输的很惨 (转载)O8正式给ZIMMERMAN事件定调: 种族案件,白人欺压黑人
虽然 Zimmerman not gulity, 本人还是祝愿 Trayvon Martin 安息zt George Zimmerman Is Lying
正论:庆祝Zimmerman无罪判决Ex-President Jimmy Carter is on fire!!!
NAACP asking Obama administration to pursue civil case against ZimmermanObama Files Federal Charges Against George Zimmerman
判决信息很明显: No more Rodney King!!!Rachel Jeantel吓唬Trayvon芝麻仁是基佬强奸犯
芝麻仁; 卡特 V.S. 奥巴马看来,黑人崔旺同学确实问题多多
谁说黑人的智商低?Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer? zz
庭审结束吧: 法医作证Trayvon坐在上面中枪的Martin funeral director: No signs of fight on body
话题: zimmerman话题: martin话题: trayvon话题: justice话题: carter