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Military版 - Is China's rise unstoppable? (zz)
奥托·冯·俾斯麦我25岁以前是铁杆老将 来美国工作十年后还是自豪的铁杆老将
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Comment number 148. beammeup
18TH JULY 2013 - 20:41
@144 sieuarlu
Perhaps others would have their fate in their own hands too, if you, the USA
, stayed out of their affairs. Fix your own problems!! You have plenty.
Comment number 79. Cheddy
18TH JULY 2013 - 16:15
75. powermeerkat
so what was London like, heaven? acid rain didn't first happen in China. All
developing countries are going through the same thing US/UK did 100 yrs ago
. China invests more than most countries in clean energy.
Pollution in major cities is more of a population problem; plus, most
Chinese people live in the country side, it's quite nice out there actually.
Comment number 43. JonathanB
18TH JULY 2013 - 13:08
"Think oil" or maybe don't...
China leads world in green energy investment
Comment number 14. damian
18TH JULY 2013 - 11:32
In a significant proportion of China's history it has been the economic
super power of the world, mainly perhaps as a function of its early
formation as a large country but nevertheless the recent period with China a
smaller economy than other states is the exception rather than the rule.
Comment number 32. JimmyTheJock
18TH JULY 2013 - 12:12
Spend some time in China then some in the US and see which you believe is
likely to be No.1 in 20 years...and it's not the US.
Comment number 35. damian
18TH JULY 2013 - 12:23
There seem to be two types of people posting here; those that have been to
China and seen what they are doing there and those who have not. The Chinese
are no more dependant on foreign know how than the Japanese are. They are,
as a nation, religious in learning how something works.
My children are learning Mandarin, its an obvious choice given English as a
first language.
Comment number 38. The world is going to hell in a hand cart
18TH JULY 2013 - 12:51
At least the Chinese don't have to make do with unkempt Victorian-era
Comment number 15. Moneydude
18TH JULY 2013 - 11:33
Who works the hardest? The Americans or the Chinese?
The work ethic of the Chinese is second-to-none. They eat more healthily,
are rarely obese, they exercise more than westerners, and they have an
amazing resource rich country.
It is a shame it is communist, but the new China is head and shoulders above
the competition. That is why our wages are being driven lower.
Comment number 12. Friendlycard
18TH JULY 2013 - 11:27
In the 1980s, Japan was "unstoppable". It stopped.
In the 1990s, the ASEAN 'tigers' were "unstoppable". They stopped.
On this basis, China looks eminently stoppable.....
P.S. Both Titanic and Bismarck were "unsinkable". This is the problem with
euphoric claims.
Comment number 235. Opondo
19TH JULY 2013 - 11:23
A stereotype maybe, but it's true that Chinese are largely very industrious.
People are not only willing, but happy to work long hours in pursuit of
Whether that's born of necessity due to China's poor past or rooted deeply
in the culture is unclear, but it's a huge economic driver.
We in the West have had it easy for too long, and (especially the young)
want everything on a plate.
Comment number 238. Chris London
19TH JULY 2013 - 11:35
The question that should be asked is has China peaked? All the signs are
there that their economy will no longer grow in double digits but rather at
a more pedestrian pace. The issue with this is that they need double digit
growth just to stand still. Just to get power and water security is going to
cost them not to mention all the raw materials they need to buy in.
Comment number 253. powermeerkat
19TH JULY 2013 - 13:10
Some people question whether China massively steals US patents, technologies
and know how having no indigenous ones.
NYT reports that PRC masssively snoops even at US universities, hoping to
steal newest technologies, etc., designed by its professors and doctoral
Comment number 254. sieuarlu
19TH JULY 2013 - 13:15
253 China has lots of US patents...for useless junk.
China's banking system is so fragile that if it didn't manipulate its
currency to keep it cheap the whole system would come crashing down.China's
banks fund vast inefficient govt owned factories.There's lots of crony
capitalism.You have to wonder if much new infrastructure isn't shoddy the
way the high speed train was.China is not as it seems
Comment number 255. powermeerkat
19TH JULY 2013 - 13:20
Re #247 " if its so all powerful, how come one of its largest Cities,
Detroit, has today filed for bankruptcy owing between $15-18 BILLION?".
Old industries (e.g. car one) go the way of dinosaurs. And cities which
cannot finance their own activities disapper, as always in history. US
citities with industries based on tomorrow's technologies (such as those in
Silicon Valley) are doing v. well.
Comment number 133. Paul
18TH JULY 2013 - 19:23
130.beammeup Its a win win for the US, if there is a war, even though they
never win.
Often the US don't want to win wars outright- they want to prolong them so
that government owned institutions like the Carlyle Group which owns
Halliburton can make as much money from supplying equipment as possible. US
propaganda and cover-up prevent many from realizing this fact through the
power of ridicule.
Comment number 134. Katie
18TH JULY 2013 - 19:30
127. sieuarlu
The US bailed the UK out of three world wars in the 20th century alone.
When was the third world war?
Comment number 140. ThankyouandGoodbye
18TH JULY 2013 - 20:13
@132. sieuarlu #
The UK lured the US into Iraq? What? News to me. And to the rest of the
Friendlycard explains it well in his 136. THEY,the US, wanted war, and Blair
towed whatever line he was given.
But the reason was simply that, as the Cold War was over, their military
needed something to do, as 50% of the US GDP depends on their military
machine in some way.
Comment number 142. Cameron
18TH JULY 2013 - 20:23
I think a different question is 'Should China be No1?' and I think the
answer is yes, a country with a 1.2B population should be richer than the US
with their 300m people.
Spreading the world's wealth around isn't comfortable for us but ultimately
is a very good thing.
Comment number 146. Paul
18TH JULY 2013 - 20:39
144.sieuarlu I'll just say IMO the UK has far more in common with China than
it has with the US.
I think you'll find you are wrong. JFK in 1961 put it very well, he said
there was a government behind the government which is controlled at a far
higher level making a "Monolithic and Ruthless' conspiracy combining
military, economic and scientific means. The UK and US are in on this
Comment number 129. Friendlycard
18TH JULY 2013 - 18:59
China does steal technology - but, for the most part, it gets given it for
China offers Western (and especially US) companies a deal - "manufacture
here, sell here, make big money here; but you must transfer your technology
to us".
China is gaining far more from these deals with technology transfer strings
than it could gain from spying. Why spy, when you can exploit US corporate
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逢中必反的老将们,读读普通老外怎么说的吧 :)
老将们,自恨源于自卑,不自信,会自然成为loser滴 :)

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: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23355572
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: Comment number 148. beammeup

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土共自己不折腾的话,unstoppable ~~~譬如巴马不打仗的话,美国的经济复苏也
unstoppable ~~
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奥托·冯·俾斯麦我25岁以前是铁杆老将 来美国工作十年后还是自豪的铁杆老将
布坎南文章: How the Chinese Must See Usplease comment on facebook.com/JimmyKimmelLive
神秘的共济会开始进攻中国zzHow to respond to a racist comment (转载)
话题: china话题: comment话题: july话题: us话题: 18th