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Military版 - the corrupt system---重点已经不是路虎男, 而是揭黑大汇总
mike bloomberg还在标榜他任内犯罪率降低砸窗户的找到了
成都打人男在美国最严重也就是半年拘禁+200小时社区服务警察捉到把 Lien 从车里拖出来打的人 (转载)
围殴路虎华裔司机嫌犯被判刑2年中国空军发言人: 29日空军起飞 查证进入识别区的12架美日飞机
CNN: Duke lacrosse accuser charged with murder in boyfriend's stabbing俄罗斯受最严制裁 美国投行:已给中国送大礼
US man killed three sons, to be executed沙场阅兵,看看外国媒体怎么说
话题: chance话题: gun话题: sources话题: mondo话题: monday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 48111
砸车的警察, 打检察官gf的undercover.
Officials tripped over themselves Monday to explain how a thug who copped to
gun and drug possession in the spring was still roaming around free last
week — when he sparked the biker-mob beatdown of a Manhattan driver.
Reginald Chance, 37, was busted Saturday for allegedly smashing the window
of dad Alexian Lien’s Range Rover with his helmet before other riders beat
the Columbia grad in the vicious road-rage attack.
Chance already had 21 busts under his belt when he was arrested in April
over a cocaine sale involving an undercover cop in Brooklyn, records show.
Although they had no warrant, investigators went to search the nearby
apartment of Chance’s girlfriend — and found the door open and the
girlfriend let them in, sources said.Inside, they found Chance, a .22-
caliber handgun, cocaine and pot, all of which Chance admitted were his both
in a handwritten statement and before a grand jury, according to records
and sources.
Chance could have faced felony gun and drug raps and landed up to 25 years
behind bars. But the grand jury didn’t indict him on the gun charge and the
drug charges were lowered to a misdemeanor pot possession in a deal with
prosecutors that was signed off on by Judge Suzanne Mondo.
Law-enforcement sources noted many factors went into the decision to give
Chance a conditional release, including that he had only three misdemeanor
convictions and no history of physical violence.
“Taking into account that the defendant was not the hand-to-hand who gave
the informant the drugs, the defendant did . . . do community
service, his past record was only misdemeanors, no felonies, and the last of
which was 6 years old, given those facts, it’s not a an unreasonable plea
deal,” the source said.
Of course, “This was before we knew what he did with the helmet,” the
source added.
Mondo declined to comment Monday.
发帖数: 48111
good comments
If you are a legal gun owner and have an 8 round clip at home, in nyc you
will be jailed for FIVE YEARS! But if you have an illegal gun while selling
coke and have a rap sheet as long as the GWB, you will not get one day in
jail. This makes sense, right Governor Cuomo??? Right Bloomberg?
发帖数: 48111
25年的jail随便就变成25天的community services了
1 (共1页)
二哥进来看一下,这个是那个字阿CNN: Duke lacrosse accuser charged with murder in boyfriend's stabbing
小孩子的风度教育,对大人也适用US man killed three sons, to be executed
mike bloomberg还在标榜他任内犯罪率降低砸窗户的找到了
成都打人男在美国最严重也就是半年拘禁+200小时社区服务警察捉到把 Lien 从车里拖出来打的人 (转载)
围殴路虎华裔司机嫌犯被判刑2年中国空军发言人: 29日空军起飞 查证进入识别区的12架美日飞机
话题: chance话题: gun话题: sources话题: mondo话题: monday