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Military版 - 针对鸡毛事件,在Youtube上回复的总结
A flyer for 周六游行跟藏人的交流 (转载)
建议签了名的“humorless goons”去dailycaller的文章留言反击 (转载)US and NATO: We Killed Those Pregnant Afghan Women ZZ
抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路行了,黄西能调侃美国副总统,已经比很多wsn强多了
大家还记得这个新闻么?做宣传单的时候可以把这个加入吧!anti-jimmy/abcChinese colleague kills Indian-origin doc at Yale
为什么没有其他国家的华人出来抗议?Smokinggun: Keeping stupid spies >> Killing one
面对黑人,你们为什么保持沉默Br Bull Center: 3 soldiers killed on Friday in Af
尼哥终于觉醒了: ”我们必须已牙还牙“Flood in Pakistan killed more than 1500 people
话题: kill话题: chinese话题: china话题: people话题: joke
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11198
Jimmy Kimmel - kill everyone in China
Let me summarize my replies:
Please read this article whether you are pro or anti-gun control (
). When it's related to killing, there isn't joke and you have to take it
seriously. How do you interpret this ad,“Guns Don't Kill People, People
Kill People”? I believe freedom of speech, but it isn't unconditional--you
can't threaten the safety of others, can you? Oh, yeah, it's publicly aired.
Even worse. You can't teach or encourage kids to kill people. Sorry, I can'
t take it as a joke; it's very serious. Safety is the way we live as a human
being to be able to enjoy happiness as we try to avoid living in a criminal
area. Therefore, in Jimmy Kimmel's show, it tells another story that
educational implication of killing does more harm to kids than just a joke.
Again, we understand it's impossible to kill all 1.3 billion Chinese in
China, but it's highly possible to kill the Chinese Americans in this
country. We can't accept it as a joke, we feel it's a threat and here is a
piece of information to share (
). We don't want the history to be repeated.
There are more industrious Chinese being paid with low stipend. Take a look
at your iPad or iPhone, it's made in China. Those disadvantaged Chinese have
made so huge sacrifice in order to make a living. Let's blame the
government and the corporations, not the people, innocent. Then, how come
killing anyone in China is the solution to solve the American debt?
1 (共1页)
现在国内请黑社会干掉仇家一般是什么价?尼哥终于觉醒了: ”我们必须已牙还牙“
Prison fire kills 83 in Chile (from CNN)鳖精人把kill翻译成”死亡“确实是文盲
A flyer for 周六游行跟藏人的交流 (转载)
建议签了名的“humorless goons”去dailycaller的文章留言反击 (转载)US and NATO: We Killed Those Pregnant Afghan Women ZZ
抗议ABC 还可以有一个思路行了,黄西能调侃美国副总统,已经比很多wsn强多了
大家还记得这个新闻么?做宣传单的时候可以把这个加入吧!anti-jimmy/abcChinese colleague kills Indian-origin doc at Yale
话题: kill话题: chinese话题: china话题: people话题: joke