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Military版 - 菲律宾公知体及小将
清朝那么虚弱,美国都只是租界中国土地,没有占领中国。毛泽东怎么这么傻,认为 美国会入侵北朝鲜入侵中国东北。老毛脑子进水了??菲律宾不参加诺贝尔和平奖的原因出来了(西媒造谣?)
Does the gov still remember those Chinese hijacked a month ago?这个阿merica idol中的这个thia mega
A Letter of Apology from a Filipino Teenager现在美国族裔的划分
突然想起一件事情...一下子心理平衡了点Chinese navy allegedly opened fire on Filipino fishermen
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有菲律宾人在cnn冬奥会《A first for Southeast Asia: An Olympic figure skater
robin • a day ago
Her mother has been bragging about getting funded privately and how
government didn't support funding for her son on their venture both in local
and international media.
I really couldn't care less if he can win 100's of gold medal; It's not
practical seeing the budget required to fund this trip while we are still in
processing of begging help from other countries to help our fellow
countrymen on disaster that struck in our country last year.
I would rather spend every peso he wasted on this trip on street children,
She's trying to highlight how unfortunate his child not getting any support
from government while didn't really have 2nd thought of how many more
million of people and specially children in the Philippines living their
miserable lives under $1 budget a day if lucky.
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TheBasterd robin • 10 hours ago
eto lang yan pare eh, my budget dapat sa mga ganyan - tanong mo ang Phil
Sports Commission, pero binubulsa lang ng gobyerno natin. Yan ang problema.
At kailangan din natin ito kasi makakatulong din ito sa bansa natin . Paano?
Kung celebrated athlete ka, magkakaroon ka ng pera, and you can use that
money to help others. Kaya binigay yan sa kanya ng Diyos kasi alam ng Diyos
that he can help - just like Pacquiao. My budget para sa lahat, pero gago
lang talaga ang gobyerno natin.
Kaya ikaw, na nakalatak jan sa first world hammock mo, magpasalamat ka sa
nangyayari sayo pero tumulong ka din. magsalita ka kala ko naman andito ka
pa din sa Pinas naghihirap eh. kailangan namin to dahil andito kami sa Pinas
ngayon naghihirap...kung hindi mo kailangan to dahil na sa IBANG BANSA KA
PALA NAKATIRA...eh di putangina tumahimik ka na lg
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edescasin robin • 21 hours ago
Hey Robin ....
My wheat located at the south portion of my farm was almost totally
destroyed but on the opposite side I have some vegetables that are growing
beautifully. What should I do ? Spend the succeeding days ONLY on repairing
what was damaged or should I also be happy and spend SOME fertilizers and
attention on my vegetables which will earn me something.
Would you prefer day by day to ONLY hear how miserable the lives of most of
our countrymen ? Or sometimes would you welcome that hidden smile because
there's a Filipino that makes us PROUD ?
We don't abandon our fellow Filipinos who need help but we also give support
to those who uplift our spirit especially during difficult times.
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TasteTheRainbow edescasin • 16 hours ago
Thank you for posting this one. I admire you, Sir.
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Friedrich robin • 21 hours ago
you can make the same argument about every athlete in every country of the
world......Just dont watch the Olympics if you have such negativity.
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pinakatagotago robin • a day ago
BOOOOOOOO to your misplaced passion robin. leave your issues away from
michael's participation in the olympics.
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robin pinakatagotago • a day ago
tagalogin ko na po.. pls read my comments 10x before replying in wrong
direction.. papunta ako ng luzon ikaw naman papuntang mindanao. =)
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kunsabagay robin • 14 hours ago
frustrated figure skater ka ano robin? ahihihi
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Dyeyson Mora kunsabagay • 13 hours ago
tsktsktsktsk... Robin... bakit hindi ka pwedeng maging proud sa katulad ni
Michael... Ano ba problema mo sa pagsali nya dyan?
Tama ba si kunsabagay? Frustrated figure skater ka ba?
Nabasa mo ba? First time sa South East Asia..... PAKSHET KA!
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edescasin robin • 21 hours ago
Mukhang lahat kalaban mo .... Parang china yan ah ... lahat mali pero ang
China tama ...
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Friedrich robin • 21 hours ago −
Robin, you have serious personal issues...You should be proud of Michael as
most people are proud of athletes from their country.
And I know a Philipina lady in Atlanta whose brother lost her home in the
typhoon, and she IS PROUD OF MICHAEL, .
And proud of JR Celski who is half filipino as well as the half filipino
canadian figure skater
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南亚那么多国家.A Letter of Apology from a Filipino Teenager
美人口普查 23萬人自認台灣人 ZT突然想起一件事情...一下子心理平衡了点
清朝那么虚弱,美国都只是租界中国土地,没有占领中国。毛泽东怎么这么傻,认为 美国会入侵北朝鲜入侵中国东北。老毛脑子进水了??菲律宾不参加诺贝尔和平奖的原因出来了(西媒造谣?)
Does the gov still remember those Chinese hijacked a month ago?这个阿merica idol中的这个thia mega
话题: 8226话题: share话题: reply话题: robin话题: ka