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Military版 - 南华早报alex lo的评论,希望香港的媒体多点类似的理性评论,而不是如某些才子乩童上身
香港大陆女老将在NBC撰文哭诉被夹的痛苦Hong Kong Protests Backfired on West
先富们在香港买的都是Super Luxury,Luxury的已经看不上了.Occupiers' unspoken real reason for their action
花街这都什么标题啊,明显歧视大陆人李嘉诚真配合啊:Tom在线 更换搜索引擎
话题: kong话题: hong话题: mainland话题: chinese
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发帖数: 911
南华早报alex lo的评论,希望香港的媒体多点类似的理性评论,而不是如某些才子

在公共场合解决nature call? 苛责一个二岁幼童并无限扩大化,好似文革般上纲上线

Mainland Chinese aren't the only ones peeing on streets of
Hong Kong

ALEX L*******[email protected] :

Monday, 28 April, 2014,
2:19pmAll sorts, not just Chinese mainlanders, answer call of nature in
publicIf you only get your news stories from local social media, you may
think Hong Kong is about to be flooded in mainland urine.These sites are
filled with accounts of mainland visitors' misbehaviour, the most
provocative of which must be their supposedly carefree way of answering the
call of nature in public. The latest spark to an escalating toilet war
stemmed from a fight in Mong Kok between a mainland couple and several
locals who filmed their child relieving himself. The clips went viral on the
internet, being viewed more than a million times. Even the state-owned 
;People's Daily weighed in.A campaign has been launched on the mainland
urging parents to let their children urinate on our streets. A Hong Kong
counter-campaign asks people to film and document such misbehaviour. It
would be comical if it was not so tragic.Are mainlanders the only ones
incapable of finding or using public toilets?In Hong Kong, I have seen that
type of behaviour from any number of visually identifiable groups - local
Chinese, expatriates, foreign (non-mainland) visitors, taxi drivers, teenage
schoolboys, fathers and sons, and yes, fellow journalists. I have seen it
at the Sevens and in the Wan Chai bar district.Just last year, I witnessed a
young man unzipping himself on Leighton Road, near my office, during the
evening rush hour and releasing a long stream in front of dozens of
horrified and disgusted people. I was sure his first language was neither
Cantonese nor Putonghua.Such behaviour can get you arrested in Hong Kong and
you would not just face a fixed penalty. If someone breaks the law, he or
she should pay for it. The police should make an example of those guilty of
such misbehaviour, regardless of their race, ethnicity or any other
identifiable physical attributes.Yes, there is a lot of anger and
frustration over the way mainland tourists have flooded into Hong Kong,
overwhelmed our facilities and distorted our economy. A strong case can be,
and has been, made to control the number of visitors. That is a valid
concern. But try not to demonise some people with behaviour that everyone
else is guilty of at one time or another.
发帖数: 911
1 (共1页)
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话题: kong话题: hong话题: mainland话题: chinese