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Military版 - 据统计同性恋折寿25至30年
43%杀手 69% 的连环杀手是GAY/homosexualsbully 是高喊平权的黑帮组织的有利武器? (转载)
来看看男同性恋的生活方式再为其结婚辩论吧D.同性戀者性濫交的情況 (转载)
Re: 相信吗? 43%的连环杀手是GAY! (转载)表观遗传学 科学家解释同性恋之谜
Did anyone really not see this coming?homosexuality为什么不是精神疾病?
加拿大新国歌Pope: leave gays alone
homosexuality is a disease!有一个美国佬评论哦宝马
话题: homosexual话题: percent话题: gay话题: men
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7039
摘自Henry Makow 的网页
The following information is based on two sources. 1. Comparing the
Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples by Timothy Dailey Ph.D.
and 2. the book, "Homosexuality & the Politics of Truth" by Jeffrey
Satinover, MD pp.49-70.
Remember, this is the "lifestyle" they are foisting on your children.

1. Promiscuity
Heterosexuals: Average of four lifetime partners. A national survey found
that 77 percent of married men and 88 percent of married women had remained
faithful to their marriage vows.
Male Homosexuals: The average male homosexual has 50 lifetime partners and
as many as hundreds of sex partners. Bell and Weinberg found that 43 percent
of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28
percent had one thousand or more sex partners. Most homosexual men
understood sexual relations outside the "relationship" to be the norm and
viewed adopting monogamous standards as an act of oppression.
2. Duration of Relationship:
Heterosexuals: 66 percent of first marriages last ten years or longer, with
fifty percent lasting twenty years or longer.
Male Homosexuals: In a survey of 7,862 homosexuals, only 15 percent describe
their current relationship as having lasted twelve years or longer, with
five percent lasting more than twenty years. "Typical gay city inhabitants
spend most of their adult lives in 'transactional' relationships, or short-
term commitments of less than six months."
3. Level of Commitment
Surprisingly few homosexuals and lesbians choose to enter into legally
recognized unions where such arrangements are available.
In 2004, four years after passage, only about 21 percent of the estimated
homosexual and lesbian population of Vermont had entered into civil unions.
Put another way, 79 percent of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont choose
not to enter into civil unions. By contrast, in Vermont, heterosexual
married couples outnumber cohabiting couples by a margin of 7 to 1, per
4. Children
Only a small minority of gay and lesbian households have children. Beyond
that, the evidence indicates that comparatively few homosexuals choose to
establish households together--the type of setting that is normally
prerequisite for the rearing of children.
5. Life Expectancy and Health Risks
Homosexuals experience a 25-35 year decrease in life expectancy. They suffer
chronic potentially fatal liver disease and infectious hepatitis. Fatal
immune disease includes associated rectal and other cancers.

Even those homosexual relationships that are loosely termed "monogamous" do
not necessarily result in healthier behavior. The evidence indicates that
homosexual and lesbian relationships are at far greater risk for contracting
life-threatening disease compared with married couples. The journal AIDS
reported that men involved in relationships engaged in anal intercourse and
oral-anal intercourse with greater frequency than did those without a steady
partner. Anal intercourse has been linked with a host of sexually
transmitted diseases, including AIDS.
6. Mental Health and Suicide
Homosexual and lesbian relationships experience a far greater rate of mental
health problems compared to married couples. Homosexuals were 6.5 times
more likely than their twins to have attempted suicide.
7. Domestic Violence
Research indicates very high levels of violence in homosexual and lesbian
relationships. In one survey, 90 percent of lesbians had been recipients of
one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during
the prior year, with 31 percent reporting one or more incidents of physical
abuse. In their book Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men
and Domestic Violence, Island and Letellier state that "the incidence of
domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual
population." However, the Illuminati-controlled media has used domestic
violence to turn heterosexuality into a pathology.
"Gay rights" and "Gay marriage" are a ruse to hide a deliberate attack on
heterosexual norms.
Dr. Dailey quotes Paula Ettelbrick, the former legal director of the Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund: "Being queer is more than setting up house
, sleeping with a person of the same gender, and seeking state approval for
doing so....Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and
family, and in the process transforming the very fabric of society."
Gay activists market homosexuality as the same as heterosexuality but they
know better. One warns: "The masses must not be repulsed by premature
exposure to homosexual behavior itself." (Satinover, p.52)
Whether it is false flag state terrorism, vaccines or chemtrails, the
Illuminati agenda is to weaken, depopulate and enslave society. The
promotion of homosexuality is designed to destroy the fundamental building
block of a healthy society: the traditional family.
1 (共1页)
有一个美国佬评论哦宝马Did anyone really not see this coming?
Re: 恐同恶母杀死4岁亲生子,就因怀疑儿子是gay (转载)同性恋与遗传无关
放着好好的女人你不草,非得插男人的后定,活该homosexuality is a disease!
43%杀手 69% 的连环杀手是GAY/homosexualsbully 是高喊平权的黑帮组织的有利武器? (转载)
来看看男同性恋的生活方式再为其结婚辩论吧D.同性戀者性濫交的情況 (转载)
Re: 相信吗? 43%的连环杀手是GAY! (转载)表观遗传学 科学家解释同性恋之谜
话题: homosexual话题: percent话题: gay话题: men