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Military版 - Break news: (CNN) -- An American general was killed
荆轲刺秦将-- 美帝将军阿富汗遇刺身亡Life in Afghan? only $210, if killed by NAziTO
Afghan riots up, many killed, wounded塔利班打下黑鷹,死了七個美國兵
四只霉菌又被阿富汗伪军干掉了Two U.S. soldiers "killed by Afghan soldier, civilian" zz
美军与阿富汗国民军激战五人死亡US and NATO: We Killed Those Pregnant Afghan Women ZZ
NATo killed dozens of Afg美国著名退伍军人团体呼吁美国公众反对战争
阿穷汉清真寺又爆炸了,死二十人(包括一州长)How MI6 was fooled by Taleban impostor
Uniform-wearing Afghan kills 6 U.S. troopsUS soldiers burn Quran In Afghan base
话题: afghan话题: cnn话题: killed话题: american话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 138
(CNN) -- An American general was killed Tuesday after a shooter wearing an
Afghan military uniform opened fire at a training facility in Kabul, U.S.
officials told CNN.
The gunman, who was killed, was believed to be an Afghan soldier who had
served for some time, according to a Pentagon official.
At least 15 coalition troops, including other Americans, were wounded in the
attack, U.S. officials said.
The incident happened at Marshal Fahim National Defense University in Kabul,
said NATO's International Security Assistance Force in a statement,
clarifying earlier information from ISAF which reported that the shooting
happened at Camp Qargha.
The German military said that the violence broke out during a "key leader"
event. It also said that one person was killed and 14 were injured,
including a German brigadier general.
The Afghan Defense Ministry described the shooter as a "terrorist" and said
Afghan soldiers shot him dead.
In the past, people dressed as Afghan security forces have attacked
coalition forces who have worked to thwart such violence.
发帖数: 721
WOW!WW III is coming!
发帖数: 1613
"highest-ranking U.S. officer of the nearly 13-year war"


【在 h*******y 的大作中提到】
: (CNN) -- An American general was killed Tuesday after a shooter wearing an
: Afghan military uniform opened fire at a training facility in Kabul, U.S.
: officials told CNN.
: The gunman, who was killed, was believed to be an Afghan soldier who had
: served for some time, according to a Pentagon official.
: At least 15 coalition troops, including other Americans, were wounded in the
: attack, U.S. officials said.
: The incident happened at Marshal Fahim National Defense University in Kabul,
: said NATO's International Security Assistance Force in a statement,
: clarifying earlier information from ISAF which reported that the shooting

1 (共1页)
阿富汗出大乱子了,快去看新闻NATo killed dozens of Afg
Five more US soldiers have been killed in AfghanistanUniform-wearing Afghan kills 6 U.S. troops
19 US soldiers killed in af since SatNATO说是自我防卫,小巴先动手ZTguardian
荆轲刺秦将-- 美帝将军阿富汗遇刺身亡Life in Afghan? only $210, if killed by NAziTO
Afghan riots up, many killed, wounded塔利班打下黑鷹,死了七個美國兵
四只霉菌又被阿富汗伪军干掉了Two U.S. soldiers "killed by Afghan soldier, civilian" zz
美军与阿富汗国民军激战五人死亡US and NATO: We Killed Those Pregnant Afghan Women ZZ
话题: afghan话题: cnn话题: killed话题: american话题: said