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Military版 - 亚裔玻璃天花板的近况
80-20正在和Walt Disney的VP进行谈判交涉Courage is your name, Asian Ams.
骂吴仙标的,想想老中为什么搞不过阿三You Can Stop the Prosecution of Innocent Chinese Americans (转载)
80-20 亚裔美人促进会敦促反对SCA5在美国过半亚太裔学生曾遭校园霸凌
圣荷西方文忠(Paul Fong)的问题记录其实在美国 Chinese Americans are well respected in the society.
从反SCA5学到的教训民主党基本教义派华裔组织对反SCA5运动的反击 (转载)
We won big. ACCOUNTABILITY established亚裔议员们应该就Xi教授的事情发个声明
80-20 SELF项目的简要问答录亚裔细分真的要来了 (转载)
话题: long话题: asams话题: 80话题: way话题: 20
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
We've come a long way, BUT we've got a long long way to go!

(A) Where We Were in 2000-2002, in
private industries, universities & federal government

The data & methodology used to construct the graph below was verified by
then EEOC Chief Statistician Ronald Edwards.
(B) 80-20's Efforts to Raise the Glass Ceiling
(1) Click here to see the full-page ad. 80-20 bought in Washington Post
in 2006 to publicize that Asian Ams suffer the lowest glass ceiling, while
having the highest academic attainment.
(2) Click here to see how then presidential candidate Obama promised in
writing to 80-20 to help raise the glass ceiling over AsAms. See his Yes,
Yes, Yes answers to the first 3 questions. His Labor Dept. sent a letter to
80-20 promising to "rigorously enforce EO 11246" for AsAms.
(C) We Have Come a Long Way
All three bars for AsAms have climbed. In private industries, AsAms no
longer have the lowest bar. In universities and federal government, where
there is so much emphasis on political correctness, AsAms still fare the
(D) We still Have a Long Long Way to Go
On 7/23/2014, 80-20's Chenming Hu (a retired chair-professor), Jing-Li Yu (a
promising attorney) and I visited Deputy Labor Secretary Chris Lu. We
reviewed the above data, discussed the progress and set-backs. We all
concluded that there is a long long way to go for AsAms. We must continue
to push!
There will be a conference call organized by Dep. Sec. Chris Lu, joined by
Rep Grace Meng (NY-6) and Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) on the labor force status of
AAPI. Time will be today, 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. EDT. The call-in number
is: 1-888-995-9166, passcode is 3174329.
Help an organization like 80-20. It has served you long & tirelessly. The
best progress is made when it is "One for all, and all for all" Don't
forget to sign up for the petition:
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 National Asian American Initiative, Inc.
Posted by 80-20 Initiative at 7:27 PM
发帖数: 7106
发帖数: 7835

【在 s*****l 的大作中提到】
: up
1 (共1页)
亚裔细分真的要来了 (转载)从反SCA5学到的教训
因特朗普而分裂的美国华人社会:为政治而行动的华人 (转载)We won big. ACCOUNTABILITY established
亚裔将从美国消失80-20 SELF项目的简要问答录
80-20正在和Walt Disney的VP进行谈判交涉Courage is your name, Asian Ams.
骂吴仙标的,想想老中为什么搞不过阿三You Can Stop the Prosecution of Innocent Chinese Americans (转载)
80-20 亚裔美人促进会敦促反对SCA5在美国过半亚太裔学生曾遭校园霸凌
圣荷西方文忠(Paul Fong)的问题记录其实在美国 Chinese Americans are well respected in the society.
话题: long话题: asams话题: 80话题: way话题: 20