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Military版 - 老将在YAHOO谈南京大屠杀
我竟然没有发现一个和这个有关的帖子啊达赖要垂帘听政啦 (转载)
嚓!Vincent Chin 都死了25年了,可怜Tibetan monk said to set himself on fire in China
China makes 'suicide squad' claim美国国家民主基金会资助中国『颜色革命』、资助藏独、资助疆
Wikileaks:达赖喇嘛呼吁美国外交官关注西藏的气候,而不是政治Tibetan monk dies in self-immolation protest, group says
貌似藏毒对Groupon的不满也十分强烈。Whether they like it or not, China has been very good for Tibetans.
China says Dalai Lama has to reincarnateChina, which claims to have "peacefully liberated" Tibet in 1951
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Peace4Asia 1 hour ago
Certainly, Japan and Nazi Germany did many terrible things during WW II.
However, both countries are fully reformed and the generous pacifist
countries whose people enjoy the highest level of freedoms. On the other
hand, communist China did many terrible things in peace time since WW II.
Mao killed 50-70 millions of innocent Chinese. China killed hundreds of
thousands of Tibetans to colonize their land and allows its puppet regimes
to murder millions of people in Cambodia and N. Korea. Instead of praising
Japan for its being fully reformed, communist China relentlessly smears
Japan to psychologically prepare its people for a war with Japan and hides
its horrible misdeeds since WW II.
robert a 3 hours ago
Now why do you suppose that all of a sudden, after 77 years, the Party
suddenly decides they need to commemorate what happened in Nanjing in 1937?
For 76 years, they did not feel the need. But now they are getting ready to
throw rocks at Japan over the islands that they want and over their air
identification zone, so they need to keep their population focused on the 小
鬼 'evil devils' i.e., the Japanese. And the rest of the joke is that the
actual date is Saturday December 13, but in order to propagandize it
properly in the schools and offices, they moved the observance up to Friday
December 12.
Even the high school kids are rolling their eyes over this transparent
attempt to manipulate their emotions of the people in such a transparent and
crude manner.
kf 4 hours ago
Yes, it happened, but give it a rest, already. Mao and his Red army killed
tens of millions of innocent Chinese civilians. How about attacking them,
for a change?
I have friends whose relatives were 'disappeared by the Red army. One told
me how his brother was shot, another told me how his mother's legs were
broken, and he showed me the scars on his wrists from barbed wire used as
handcuffs and told me how he escaped while on his way to execution.
So the Chinese have much bigger fish to fry right there in China that are
way more egregious than what the Japanese did in Nanjing.
发帖数: 42116
1 (共1页)
China, which claims to have "peacefully liberated" Tibet in 1951Wikileaks:达赖喇嘛呼吁美国外交官关注西藏的气候,而不是政治
Happening now: Thousands of Tibetan students join protests貌似藏毒对Groupon的不满也十分强烈。
纽约时报怒了:为什么中国公知对藏人自焚这么冷漠?ZTChina says Dalai Lama has to reincarnate
我竟然没有发现一个和这个有关的帖子啊达赖要垂帘听政啦 (转载)
嚓!Vincent Chin 都死了25年了,可怜Tibetan monk said to set himself on fire in China
China makes 'suicide squad' claim美国国家民主基金会资助中国『颜色革命』、资助藏独、资助疆
话题: japan话题: china话题: chinese话题: ii话题: ww