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Military版 - Equation Group Questions and Answers
India to beat China's growth by 2050?Zimmerman did two damn right things that saved himself
Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 MonthsHelp needed! LDAP Integration with hosted applications
据说 中国挖了一个坑China has overtaken the US as the world's biggest consumer of energy
美国航母也来南海秀肌肉,中国怎么办 ZT就为了照顾港灿变态驾驶习惯,好好粤港大桥就得修成这样?
US banks attached英媒:中国将超日本成为专利第二多的国家,已超欧洲总和
北大大叔的视频是寓意深远的 (转载)Singapore Seen Overtaking Malaysia 45 Years After Lee's Tears
话题: windows话题: questions话题: group话题: answers话题: equation
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
发帖数: 38600
Given that this is a Windows-specific exploit, the two questions that come
to mind: 1.) Was this developed with cooperation from Microsoft? and 2.) How
long before Linux overtakes Windows on the desktop in China, Russia, India,
Brazil, South Africa, everywhere else? Companies will soon realize that you
don't need to rely on a fucking domain controller to centrally manage an IT
infrastructure. There are LDAP alternatives to Active Directory.
"EquationDrug’s core modules, designed for hooking deep into the OS, do not
contain a trusted digital signature and cannot be run directly on modern
operating systems. The code checks whether the OS version predates Windows
XP/2003. Some of the plugins were designed originally for use on Windows 95/
98/ME.If the target is using a modern operating system such as Windows 7,
the attackers use the TripleFantasy or GrayFish platforms. EquationDrug has
an integrated countdown timer, presumably designed to self-destruct if
commands are not received from the C&C for a period of time (several months)
.The information stolen from the PC and prepared for transmission to the C&C
is stored in encrypted form throughout several fake font ?les (*.FON)
inside the Windows\Fonts folder on the victim's computer"
1 (共1页)
Singapore Seen Overtaking Malaysia 45 Years After Lee's Tears美国航母也来南海秀肌肉,中国怎么办 ZT
中国又狂买美国国债,超日本重回第一ZZ wsj美国在南海只需要行动自由,不需要占据岛礁
尼尔·福格森对当今形势的演讲US banks attached
中国最多还是一个Middling power北大大叔的视频是寓意深远的 (转载)
India to beat China's growth by 2050?Zimmerman did two damn right things that saved himself
Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 MonthsHelp needed! LDAP Integration with hosted applications
据说 中国挖了一个坑China has overtaken the US as the world's biggest consumer of energy
话题: windows话题: questions话题: group话题: answers话题: equation