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Military版 - Why did China sink over the past few centuries ?
加拿大前国防部长:ETs Working with Government
烙印完胜老中老美的真正原因: (转载)
“Cosmic Serpent”
LI Lu - member of CFR
话题: chinese话题: were话题: china话题: cabal话题: masters
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 451
7)why did China sink over the past few centuries if you think you guys know
so much?
Admirals Yin Ching's and Zheng He's diplomatic voyages of goodwill
frightened the alien inter dimensional masters of the western world rulers.
They were worried that an early awakening of global goodwill, compassion and
diplomacy would lead to the end of their domination and control.( Now this
is going to be quite challenging ). For these alien multi inter dimensional
slave masters, timeline control is their forte in order to become overall
cosmo-universal lords. They project history into the future timelines; they
get their future slaves to time-traveled back into the Chinese dynasties to
cultivate the system of eunuchs to foil future diplomatic goodwill missions.
By Universal Cosmic Order, they cannot directly interfere physically but
they can " inspire mentally and socially ".
The Ming royal court succumbed to the internal sabotage during the 15th and
16th centuries.The alien interdimensional masters then psychically inspired
the Elizabethan court to begin the psychic control and domination of the
world. Elsewhere in Europe the occult wings of almost every royal court got
" inpired ". The alien interdimensional masters further got reinforcements
extra terresterially. Our Taoist astrologers/astronomers recorded a lot of
psychic and physical space phenomena during that time.
The Manchurian Ching dynasty was a reptilian inspired political-military
force linked loosely with the white dragons. The white dragons can be
regarded as renegades of the dragon families tracing their roots to the
baikal region then migrating through Mongolia, North East China ( they
called themselves initially Gogureons, then Manchurians ) and they have off
shoots in Japan and the Koreas. The Manchurians completed the rout of the
corrupted eunuch dominated royal Ming court. They invited their regents of
their masters, the Jesuits, bringing in the modern technological magic and
all the time traveling shenanigans.
When the Manchurians can no longer anchor the reptilian energies ( due to
spiritual breakdown ), in came the Christian cults, the Protestants,
Methodists and mainstream Catholics. The European Jews set shop in Shanghai,
they were more forward thinking leaving a legacy of funds to finance Mao's
hilly billies and Tsinghua University, the cradle of present day Chinese
leaders. The Christians were immediately successful with Sun Yat Sen, Chiang
Khai Shek and Zhang Xueliang but they were outsmarted by the European Jews
who held a long term view with Mao's hilly billies.
The Christians did not give up. Through the tentacles of the OSS helped in
ignorance by rogue elements of the Red Chinese Army as well as some Flying
Tiger pilots, the local Communist commanders ( who were nothing but greedy
thuggish warlords ) were fed information of vast riches of gold in Tibet.
They were given by the OSS, MI6 and other operatives the exact location of
lamaseries with gold. These rogue, greedy communist warlords raided and
sacked the lamaseries, for some of the gold left for them to find. Their
attacks were instigated to get the Tibetan lama establishment to flee the
Brahmin Hills like Potala, taking with them the secrets of Buddha's
meditation techniques, remote viewing, texts on alien technologies and
location maps of ancient technologies hidden in the Sumerian region,
Himalayas, the Changtang mountains, the Hindu Kush, the Pamirs, Korakoram,
Tien Shan and Kun Lun Ranges. They were mostly successful. The remote
viewing technology took off, the magickal rituals of the Bon cult added
power to the Vatican-Illuminati rituals and the location maps make the
forays into Middle East and Central Asia easier. Those were the same stuff
the Vril society and Hitler wanted when the Germans and Russians made the
expeditions into Tibet in the 1900s.
The Chinese Communists were hilly billies conned by Stalin and his secret
European Zionist backers. China went downhill fast, but the diligent members
of the various dragon societies tried workingquietly and secretly to lift
China out of the gloom. They were only partly successful as the cabal
dominated elements in the Red Chinese government were too strong. Those who
choose to exercise greater freedom were coopted and indoctrinated by cabal
agents to worship unbridled greed for riches. The Taoist Elders have to bide
their time..." Be like water, my friend ".
In the Taoist Elders' view, China's rapid economic development is nothing to
be proud of in the spiritual sense. It engenders unbridled greed as in the
West. The rapid economic development came at great costs and we are truly
aghast at it. However the distraction wrought by all the gung ho involvement
in mega development allow the quiet secret groups anchoring spiritual
energies to progress with linking with indigenious groups world wide. The
cabal know this however, so the upsurge in Falun Gong, underground churches,
lama and muslim insurgencies ( trying to kill 2 birds with one stone...
demonize the Chinese people and sidetrack the dragon families ). Meanwhile
the Chinese government acted well in their baddie role in this sick drama to
fool the world.
发帖数: 451
10)Do you know Chinese are so despised?
Chinese despised? Well, every society have their black sheep. We do have
diabolical Chinese individuals who are an absolute disgrace to the human
race. However do bear in mind that when the western led cabal infiltrated
the Ming and Ching dynasties, the world became a western polar control and
dominated propaganda platform. History is written to aggrandize the
victorious colonialists. Human rights were trampled, opium and gunboat
diplomacy won the day. Opium diplomacy is still deeply ingrained in your
society, only that it has morphed into cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine
based insurgency carried out by the new OSS and other intelligence agencies.
You are all mass hypnotized by the mass media, sports and hollywood.
Unfortunately instead of learning from this bad experience, the poor silly
modern Chinese are diving headlong into this train wreck of hollywood, mass
media, social media and sports " wizardry ". Sigh...
The Western intelligensia had cleverly follow the dictates of the Abrahamic
god of religions. They have successfully DEMONIZED anything Chinese.
Anything done, rightly or wrongly, by the Chinese is UTTERLY DEMONIZED. This
was how jehovah disposed off the other deities who actually might have been
kinder to humanity in the long run.
Chinese are utterly demonized when the cabal financed Chinese Red army
established socialist dictatorship in China. Coupled this with the utter
disdain at the uncouth and hilly billy nature of ignorant Chinese, we are at
the losing end. We Chinese are not evil. It is only that we are unpolished,
unwise to modern pretentious etiquette and " white shadow " niceties. The
coming timeline reset should put things right, especially when judged from a
universal cosmic perspective.
Well that will do for now. Gotta haul myself to good old Brittania to do
some work close to the Emerald Isle. Maybe the super competent closet Celtic
Druids do not even need my input except that something was squirelled away
from old Cathay by a very powerful psychic operative in the entourage of the
Prince on his recent " visit ". That might be used to augment the LHC to
wreak havoc on the portals over close to Atlantia. Hope I am not giving too
much away!
1 (共1页)
LI Lu - member of CFR
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话题: chinese话题: were话题: china话题: cabal话题: masters