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Military版 - 远离金融
妈的,波士顿房价还得涨,GE总部马上迁过来了中国蓝星将以 20亿美元收购挪威联合集团子公司
NIH经费没减,反增20亿美元。本版某些置顶文章可以取掉了 (转载)中投再次出手了,3亿美元砸向日本。
CNBC专访Jack Welch, google应该为股东负责,而不是美国政府有没有可能日本人因为在偷偷地搞核武器
专家解析中投成功逆转关键:聘用高素质人才 (转载)亚非机密网揭露中国石油公司合伙犹太商人开采安哥拉钻石
外资借调控效果抄底国内房地产业TG自戳泡沫 美投资集团陆续悄悄撤离中国房市
话题: ge话题: billion话题: capital话题: financial话题: immelt
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2394
GE to Exit Most Finance as $26.5 Billion of Real Estate Sold
General Electric Co. plans to exit the bulk of its lending business,
including a $26.5 billion sale of most of its real estate, as Chief
Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt refocuses the company on its industrial
In the broadest restructuring since the GE Capital unit destabilized GE
during the 2008-09 financial crisis, the company said it will keep only
those operations that support its manufacturing arms and dispose of its
middle-market lending business and all consumer platforms.
The shares surged 7.8 percent to $27.74 at 8:19 a.m. in New York before
regular trading as GE authorized a stock buyback of as much as $50 billion.
GE said it would take after-tax charges of about $16 billion in 2015’s
first quarter, with about $12 billion of that to be non-cash.
GE’s moves are an “overwhelming positive,” Steven Winoker, a Sanford C.
Bernstein & Co. analyst who rates the shares as outperform, said in a note
to clients. While Winoker said he was counting on GE to eventually divest
more of GE Capital, “what we did not expect was the speed with which
management would move to undertake this transformation.”
By 2018, “high-value industrials” will generate more than 90 percent of
earnings, up from 58 percent last year, according to GE, whose product lines
include jet engines, oilfield equipment and diesel locomotives. GE Capital
will be formally merged into GE as part of the shift.
‘Acceptable Returns’
“The business model for large, wholesale-funded financial companies has
changed, making it increasingly difficult to generate acceptable returns
going forward,” GE said in a statement.
Immelt, 59, has been shrinking GE Capital since its access to credit dried
up in the financial crisis, imperiling the parent company. The strategy:
move away from finance and focus on industrial operations, the traditional
heart of the company founded by Thomas Edison.
The new plan to unload most of GE Capital dwarfs the previous piece-by-piece
disposals, which included the sale of stakes in foreign banks and last year
’s initial public offering -- and eventual spinoff -- for the North
American consumer lending business. Immelt also has sold off units such as
the appliance business on the grounds that they don’t fit GE’s industrial
GE’s ending net investment in GE Capital -- a balance-sheet gauge that
excludes non-interest-bearing liabilities and cash -- will fall to $90
billion from $363 billion as of Dec. 31 once the disposals are completed,
the company said Friday.
Welch Tweet
Former CEO Jack Welch, an architect of GE’s tilt toward finance during a
two-decade tenure that ended in 2001, expressed his approval Friday. “I
like the package,” he said in a tweet. “It looks like a smart move and
right for the changing financial landscape.”
GE said it is working with the Financial Stability Oversight Council to get
below the threshold to be designated a systemically important financial
institution. GE has “a constructive relationship” with regulators, Immelt
said in a statement.
GE Capital had a $499 billion loan portfolio at the end of 2014. The unit,
one of the country’s largest non-bank financial companies, has business
lines spanning real estate, consumer and commercial lending, and aircraft
and energy financing. GE will retain GE Capital Aviation Services, Energy
Financial Services and Healthcare Equipment Finance.
Investor Support
Investors have supported Immelt’s acceleration of the business overhaul.
Immelt’s pace “is really picking up,” Jack De Gan, chief investment
officer of Harbor Advisory Corp., which owns about $2.5 million in GE shares
, said in an April 9 interview. “It appears that he’s realized that
investors want this transition to get over more quickly than his original
The real estate transaction announced Friday is an agreement with Blackstone
Group LP and Wells Fargo & Co. valued at about $23 billion, and GE said it
’s in talks with buyers for other commercial property that will boost the
value of the asset disposals to $26.5 billion.
Blackstone units will acquire U.S. holdings, mainly office buildings in
Southern California, Seattle and Chicago, for $3.3 billion, along with a $4.
6 billion portfolio of commercial mortgages, mainly in the U.S. The firm
also agreed to buy European assets including office, industrial and retail
properties, for 1.9 billion euros ($2 billion) and commercial mortgages in
Mexico and Australia for $4.2 billion.
Wells Fargo will buy performing mortgages on commercial real estate valued
at $9 billion in the U.S., U.K. and Canada, according to a statement by the
companies Friday.
After last year’s IPO, the rest of the North American consumer business,
now known as Synchrony Financial, is supposed to be spun off to shareholders
this year. GE has also sold real estate, including several floors of New
York’s 30 Rockefeller Plaza building, where GE has offices.
发帖数: 14506
发帖数: 2394

【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: 你反华丧心病狂。
发帖数: 1137

【在 f******d 的大作中提到】
: 当监管愈加严厉,当被裁的和被冷处理的首先是本应该拿生意的合伙人和董事总经理时
: ,远离金融行业会是一件长远来看正确的事情。只有某国还在不遗余力地搞“金融创新
: ”,忽悠不了外国人的钱,忽悠本国屁民也有那么难么?还真难。因为本国屁民没钱。
: 拥有50万人民币以上存款的帐户才占总帐户的0.7%。资产不算么?央行笑而不语。全世
: 界都在去杠杆,除了某国。
: GE to Exit Most Finance as $26.5 Billion of Real Estate Sold
: General Electric Co. plans to exit the bulk of its lending business,
: including a $26.5 billion sale of most of its real estate, as Chief
: Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt refocuses the company on its industrial
: roots.

发帖数: 5454
金融业本来是好东西, 美国最初受华尔街的益处很多,只是后来监管不力才受害。


【在 f******d 的大作中提到】
: 当监管愈加严厉,当被裁的和被冷处理的首先是本应该拿生意的合伙人和董事总经理时
: ,远离金融行业会是一件长远来看正确的事情。只有某国还在不遗余力地搞“金融创新
: ”,忽悠不了外国人的钱,忽悠本国屁民也有那么难么?还真难。因为本国屁民没钱。
: 拥有50万人民币以上存款的帐户才占总帐户的0.7%。资产不算么?央行笑而不语。全世
: 界都在去杠杆,除了某国。
: GE to Exit Most Finance as $26.5 Billion of Real Estate Sold
: General Electric Co. plans to exit the bulk of its lending business,
: including a $26.5 billion sale of most of its real estate, as Chief
: Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt refocuses the company on its industrial
: roots.

1 (共1页)
TG自戳泡沫 美投资集团陆续悄悄撤离中国房市股沟为什么向美国国家安全委员会通报
US business can not bear gov, continue to move out专家解析中投成功逆转关键:聘用高素质人才 (转载)
老了,无所谓(畏)了! (转载)外资借调控效果抄底国内房地产业
妈的,波士顿房价还得涨,GE总部马上迁过来了中国蓝星将以 20亿美元收购挪威联合集团子公司
NIH经费没减,反增20亿美元。本版某些置顶文章可以取掉了 (转载)中投再次出手了,3亿美元砸向日本。
CNBC专访Jack Welch, google应该为股东负责,而不是美国政府有没有可能日本人因为在偷偷地搞核武器
话题: ge话题: billion话题: capital话题: financial话题: immelt