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Military版 - Re: 空气中渐渐飘起一股尿骚味 (转载)
英媒: 书记还要负责另外两条人命美30岁产妇家中突发中风 遭急救人员嫌穷拒载身亡
China's top 10 car sellers in Q1美国人把包子和刘鹤吃得死死的。当孙子一样呵斥刘鹤
Texas gunman shot 5 men outside courthouse中国石油正在恢复天然气产能以及向四川的成品油供应 zz
ZZ Toyota says Feb China auto sales down 45.7 pct yr/yrbp预计漏5千万加仑油, 市值降了600亿
中餐馆老板雄起: 本店不欢迎警察客人美国政府禁止广西新炼厂加工苏丹原油
德国美国的反击:搞清楚了, 为什么土共没罩着利比亚
话题: wang话题: he话题: two话题: after话题: gradually
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: tx1223 (低调WSN), 信区: Joke
标 题: Re: 空气中渐渐飘起一股尿骚味
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 14 18:00:54 2015, 美东)
At the end of a meeting, Wang Qishan [who heads the Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection] said suddenly, “After today’s meeting, there are
two people who will have to stay behind!”
He then took a sip of water, lowered his head and looked at a list of names.
There was complete silence in the room, and gradually the smell of urine
filled the air.
Wang spoke again: “These two people, one is an executive at a state-owned
enterprise, the other is a government official.”
Then he stopped again. Gradually the stench in the room worsened.
Finally, he said slowly, one word at a time: “These two people are Xu
Jianyi of China FAW Group and Qiu He of the Yunnan provincial government.
Those two stay. Everyone else can leave.”
After they left, the room was a mess. Wang told his deputies: “Comrades, if
I can trouble you. Check the waste matter on the floor, and match it with
the seating chart.”
“Secretary Wang,” said a deputy, “there was one who seemed to have left
quite a bit more, Liao Yongyuan of PetroChina.”
Wang lifted his hand: “Investigate him.”
1 (共1页)
搞清楚了, 为什么土共没罩着利比亚看!国产车已经很牛了,别再买丰田陆地巡洋舰了
Tg做事真是大手笔 - 又下一城ZZ Toyota says Feb China auto sales down 45.7 pct yr/yr
Meet China's Most-Hated Reality Star中餐馆老板雄起: 本店不欢迎警察客人
英媒: 书记还要负责另外两条人命美30岁产妇家中突发中风 遭急救人员嫌穷拒载身亡
China's top 10 car sellers in Q1美国人把包子和刘鹤吃得死死的。当孙子一样呵斥刘鹤
Texas gunman shot 5 men outside courthouse中国石油正在恢复天然气产能以及向四川的成品油供应 zz
话题: wang话题: he话题: two话题: after话题: gradually