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Military版 - 川普(Trump) 抨击布什拿亚洲移民开涮 Trump slams Bush for tying Asians to 'anchor babies'
Jeb bush: 非法莫莫可以随便生,亚洲人不行Jeb Bush: 'Donald Trump is a jerk'
不管怎么样,Trump至少是凭良心说话的Jeb Bush 没钱买自己名字的域名? (转载)
杰布·布什:滥用美国出生公民权的主要是亚洲人zz号外! Jeb Bush宣布退选
GOP Debate -- Trump非常赞,展示大家风范这个从哪儿看出种族歧视了??????
昨晚布什和床铺吵的这段真够低俗Jeb Bush will be the best GOP candidate if he runs!!!!
话题: bush话题: trump话题: anchor话题: babies话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1797
Donald Trump mocked Jeb Bush on Twitter on Tuesday morning after the former
Florida governor dug himself into a deeper hole explaining his "anchor
babies" comment.
"In a clumsy move to get out of his 'anchor babies' dilemma, where he signed
that he would not use the term and now uses it, he blamed ASIANS," Trump
"Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them
as a way to be more politically correct to hispanics. A mess!" Trump then
wrote, a few minutes later.
Trump, who spent much of Monday night blasting away at Fox News anchor Megyn
Kelly, appeared by Tuesday morning to have shifted his focus back to Bush.
He knocked Bush in a third morning tweet, saying "Jeb Bush just talked about
my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL,
and there's a BIG difference!"
On Monday, Bush found himself in a new mess when, while trying to clean-up
controversy over his use of the term "anchor babies," he said the offensive
term was "frankly, more related to Asian people."
Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii called on the Republican presidential
candidate to "immediately retract his statements and apologize to the Asian
community for his insensitive behavior."
Bush's comments "regarding the children of Asian immigrants are derogatory
and offensive," Schatz said in a statement.
It all started when the former Florida governor visited McAllen, Texas,
located near the U.S.-Mexico border on Monday and defended his use of the
term "anchor baby" to describe the children born on U.S. soil to parents who
came into the country illegally. The phrase is considered offensive by many
On Monday, Bush argued that he's been "immersed in the immigrant experience"
personally -- his wife is from Mexico -- and said it's "ludicrous" for
Democrats to say he was using the word in a derogatory fashion.
RELATED: Why Chinese moms want American babies
Further attempting to clarify his comments, the Republican presidential
contender said he was actually talking about immigrants other than those who
cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
"What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed
where there's organized efforts and, frankly, it's more related to Asian
people coming into our country, having children in that organized efforts
taking advantage of a noble concept which is birthright citizenship," he
said. "I support the 14th amendment."
Campaign spokeswoman Kristy Campbell later clarified that he was referring
to widely reported federal investigations into "birth tourism."
In March, for example, The New York Times reported that federal agents
raided three businesses in Southern California that arranged for pregnant
Chinese women to come to the United States on a tourist visa, give birth,
then obtain birth certificates and U.S. passports for their newborns.
CNN also reported on the thriving birth tourism business in 2013.
发帖数: 6568
Trump is a dick, but Jeb is a flappy one.
发帖数: 38600
But al least the Asians fully pay for their delivery and return to their
country. Those who cross our border to have anchor babies do to the expenses
of the American taxpayers from birth to death.
发帖数: 1797
布什老婆是 Mexican American, 他自己都说自己享受墨西哥裔生活。亚裔应该集体抗


【在 b********n 的大作中提到】
: But al least the Asians fully pay for their delivery and return to their
: country. Those who cross our border to have anchor babies do to the expenses
: of the American taxpayers from birth to death.

发帖数: 22772
Trump is a dick, but hopefully he a dick on our side.
1 (共1页)
Jeb Bush will be the best GOP candidate if he runs!!!!唐納德-川普的最新民意调查数字
Jeb Bush 竞选2016看来是水到渠成GOP Debate -- Trump非常赞,展示大家风范
小小布什 未来总统三世 登场了结束时,Trump和bush竟然还握手谈笑。。。
中国人民的老朋友Jeb Bush要竞选下届总统了昨晚布什和床铺吵的这段真够低俗
Jeb bush: 非法莫莫可以随便生,亚洲人不行Jeb Bush: 'Donald Trump is a jerk'
不管怎么样,Trump至少是凭良心说话的Jeb Bush 没钱买自己名字的域名? (转载)
杰布·布什:滥用美国出生公民权的主要是亚洲人zz号外! Jeb Bush宣布退选
话题: bush话题: trump话题: anchor话题: babies话题: his