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Military版 - 牛B啊,中国同志登上华尔街日报了!
华尔街日报:中国成全球移民热点 (转载)转帖:张案捐款名单和总额 5/6/2016 公报 (转载)
郑州查获两万斤毒蘑菇 工业盐腌泡用料骇人印度官员呼吁为英联邦运动会工程按时完工祈祷
how to pronounce 何祚庥? He Ma zha?原来阿三被阴蒂国黑了
两篇一模一样的文章(2012, 2015) (转载)小三,自杀,被控杀婴。。(zz) (转载)
话题: gay话题: shao话题: says话题: he话题: chinese
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【 以下文字转载自 Rainbow 讨论区 】
发信人: imfengjie (fengjie), 信区: Rainbow
标 题: 牛B啊,中国同志登上华尔街日报了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 12 23:15:39 2015, 美东)
Chinese expats Shuai Shao, left, waves a Chinese flag and Woei Chang, right,
waves a Taiwanese one at a gay rights parade in New York City. Xuan Zhang
The U.S. also wins votes from some gay expats. Shuai Shao came to the States
from China in 2009 to get his master’s degree and has lived here since. An
d while he considered the U.S. to be a “dreamland” for gay rights, one thi
ng he saw shocked him: At a gay pride parade in California, members of a Chi
nese church held up a sign that said that Chinese don’t approve of same-sex
marriage. “That really shocked me,” he says. “They were using one of my
identities to fight against another of my identities.”
“Where are my people?” Mr. Shao asked himself. He realized that gay and le
sbian Chinese people needed a platform to communicate with each other, so he
founded the China Rainbow Network), which today has around 5,000 followers,
he says. Much of the membership communicates through WeChat, a China-based
instant-messaging service. The 20 WeChat groups include topics like immigrat
ion issues, dating, and the best gyms.
Mr. Shao is also the subject of an upcoming documentary by director Xuan Zha
ng. “Over the Rainbow,” which will be released next year, is about gay Chi
nese men and women whose lives changed when they came to the U.S. People lik
e Mr. Shao are “really inspiring” to her, says Ms. Zhang. “I wanted to us
e his story, and that of others, to encourage people to stand up and speak f
or themselves.”
Mr. Shao says for gay people, life is much better in the U.S., even if not e
veryone is fully supportive. “The biggest thing is we have (legal) protecti
on,” he says. There’s no such thing in China, he adds.
Overall, many gay expats admit that the best approach is cultural sensitivit
y. Canadian Sheila Moult notes that although she has lived in Thailand, Swit
zerland, Italy and England, she never makes assumptions about who is gay and
who is straight. “When you change cultures, all the signals for all of us
get really confused,” she says.
If you can’t tell whether a person is gay or straight, the situation can be
more dangerous, she says. “So that kind of sensitivity or caution – and i
t’s not paranoia because to some extent, there’s a real threat – happens
wherever gay or lesbian people are,” she says.
发帖数: 24000
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小三,自杀,被控杀婴。。(zz) (转载)how to pronounce 何祚庥? He Ma zha?
女童遭碾应该blame两篇一模一样的文章(2012, 2015) (转载)
华尔街日报:中国成全球移民热点 (转载)转帖:张案捐款名单和总额 5/6/2016 公报 (转载)
郑州查获两万斤毒蘑菇 工业盐腌泡用料骇人印度官员呼吁为英联邦运动会工程按时完工祈祷
话题: gay话题: shao话题: says话题: he话题: chinese