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Military版 - 将军们可以帮我分析一下瑜珈怎么得罪左派了吗
发生在LA一模一样的案件在这里,区别是她活着回来了向中国政府建言:请恢复或保留我们的永久居民身份 zz
在美国,他截肢后可以领social security disable福利回家吧!美国华人 (转载)
open mind这词是不是被外f们给毁掉了?看到华为的故事,我也糊涂了。来问问大家的理解。如果老魏在美国。
American History加拿大各主要媒体对多伦多集会的报道
话题: scharf话题: student话题: yoga话题: cultural话题: students
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16479
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: smartagent (美国已死,有事烧纸), 信区: USANews
标 题: Shitty PC is out of control
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 23 16:26:19 2015, 美东)
A yoga instructor who teaches at the University of Ottawa says she is
fighting to keep her program alive after the school’s student body
suspended it over concerns that “cultural issues” relating to the class
could offend students.
Jennifer Scharf, who has been offering free weekly sessions at the
university’s Center for Students with Disabilities since 2008, told the
Ottawa Sun that she was informed in September that the program would not
come back for the fall semester.
In an email exchange between Scharf and a representative of the university’
s Student Federation -- which was viewed by the newspaper -- a student wrote
that “while yoga is a really great idea and accessible and great for
students... there are cultural issues of implication involved in the
"Yoga has been under a lot of controversy lately due to how it is being
practiced," the email continues, and which cultures those practices "are
being taken from."
The Student Federation, which operates the center, went on to say that many
of those cultures “have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and
diasporas due to colonialism and Western supremacy... we need to be mindful
of this and how we express ourselves while practicing yoga."
Student Federation Acting President Romeo Ahimakin told the Ottawa Sun that
the class has been put on hold until a way can be figured out "to make it
better, more accessible and more inclusive to certain groups of people that
feel left out in yoga-like spaces.
“We are trying to have those sessions done in a way in which students are
aware of where the spiritual and cultural aspects come from, so that these
sessions are done in a respectful manner,” he added.
But Scharf, who instructed about 60 students each week in the program, said,
"people are just looking for a reason to be offended by anything they can
Scharf says she offered the student body leaders a compromise by suggesting
she change the name of the course to “mindful stretching,” but after some
debate, they couldn’t reach an agreement.
"I guess it was this cultural appropriation issue because yoga originally
comes from India," she told CBC News. "We're not going through the finer
points of Scripture. We're talking about basic physical awareness and how to
stretch so that you feel good.”
Scharf added that she is “fighting so hard” to keep the class.
发帖数: 22804

【在 s*******1 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: smartagent (美国已死,有事烧纸), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: Shitty PC is out of control
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 23 16:26:19 2015, 美东)
: A yoga instructor who teaches at the University of Ottawa says she is
: fighting to keep her program alive after the school’s student body
: suspended it over concerns that “cultural issues” relating to the class
: could offend students.
: Jennifer Scharf, who has been offering free weekly sessions at the
: university’s Center for Students with Disabilities since 2008, told the

发帖数: 18403
1 (共1页)
加拿大各主要媒体对多伦多集会的报道open mind这词是不是被外f们给毁掉了?
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background about darfur以色列高官:日本被投放原子弹是侵略行为的报应
泰国国王可能要挂了American History
发生在LA一模一样的案件在这里,区别是她活着回来了向中国政府建言:请恢复或保留我们的永久居民身份 zz
在美国,他截肢后可以领social security disable福利回家吧!美国华人 (转载)
话题: scharf话题: student话题: yoga话题: cultural话题: students