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Military版 - v5:30家科技公司签署大统令的diversity pledge (转载)
v5:30家科技公司签署大统令的diversity pledge (转载)大规模DDoS攻击导致美国东海岸网站集体宕机
v5:30家科技公司签署大统令的diversity pledge (转载)同性恋变性人为大学增加了不少就业机会
工作AA终于来了, 以后老中进这30个公司就不容易了 (转载)要正确理解美国政治用语
tech inclusion act政府关门没工资,联邦雇员各显神通,帮人搬家赚$30已感恩戴德
30个AA(种族歧视)公司列表 (转载)AirBnb是第一个裁的吧?
30个AA(种族歧视)公司列表 (转载)Lyft Uber可能是首先要破产的IT公司
30个AA(种族歧视)公司列表 (转载)听一个国内的VC分析,他说airbnb近几年肯定完蛋 (转载)
话题: pledge话题: companies话题: tech话题: house话题: white
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: v5:30家科技公司签署大统令的diversity pledge
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 22 18:05:44 2016, 美东)
More than 30 tech companies made a commitment to the White House on
Wednesday to track and set workforce diversity goals.
The pledge by companies to make their workforce more representatives of the
public was signed by a number of high-profile companies including Airbnb,
Box, GitHub, GoDaddy, Intel, Lyft, Medium, Pinterest, Spotify, Zynga and
The companies pledged to set specific diversity and hiring goals, and also
to publish the data openly. They further vowed to "invest in partnerships"
to increase the pipeline for tech talent.
"With the eyes of the world on Silicon Valley, today the Obama
Administration is announcing new commitments to advance inclusive
entrepreneurship and innovation here at home," the White House said in a
While "Tech Inclusive Pledge" sets a general goal to make companies "fully
representative" of the U.S. public, it allows companies to set their own
The pledge appears less rigorous and specific that commitments that the
Congressional Black Caucus has tried to pressure companies into signing.
The tech community broadly has a poor track record at diversity.
According to statistics offered by the group running the pledge, 9 percent
of tech workers are black or Hispanic. That number is only 1 percent among
venture capitalists. The vast majority of patents are also filed by men.
The White House has used its bully pulpit to press the industry in the past.
Last year, it got 10 companies to agree to consider diverse candidates when
it is looking for new senior executives.
The pledge was wrapped into a broader slate of tech-focused initiatives the
administration rolled out on Wednesday ahead of President Obama's talk at
the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Silicon Valley on Friday.
1 (共1页)
听一个国内的VC分析,他说airbnb近几年肯定完蛋 (转载)这个推动中国多样化的报告指的是人种还是经济?
Intel 喜迎 Affirmative action (转载)30个AA(种族歧视)公司列表 (转载)
Airbnb发了一封邮件要求所有人的commitment (转载)30个AA(种族歧视)公司列表 (转载)
怎么这么多十万强插?30个AA(种族歧视)公司列表 (转载)
v5:30家科技公司签署大统令的diversity pledge (转载)大规模DDoS攻击导致美国东海岸网站集体宕机
v5:30家科技公司签署大统令的diversity pledge (转载)同性恋变性人为大学增加了不少就业机会
工作AA终于来了, 以后老中进这30个公司就不容易了 (转载)要正确理解美国政治用语
tech inclusion act政府关门没工资,联邦雇员各显神通,帮人搬家赚$30已感恩戴德
话题: pledge话题: companies话题: tech话题: house话题: white