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Military版 - I'm voting for Hilary (转载)
陈光诚在美国国会电话听证,美国人民沸腾了MSN 投票: 还差200张, 要政客Bob Bechel辱华下台
Recap for Prompt Global Strike绿党与自由党
Israel Grows Uneasy Over Reliance on Migrant Labor特大喜讯:码工将统治Goldman Sachs ZT reuters
刚收到一个日本客户的来信[关于地震] (转贴)杀人如杀己 The blood never washes away.
npr的中国专题linkWSJ: U.S. Readies Plan to Increase Patrols in South China Sea
为什么不是按全国总人数票数来算,I voted Trump because I was depserate. I will vote Yang for hope.
Chinese American Please Vote for Republican candidates (转载)08 is smart and hilarious
话题: hilary话题: voting话题: affect话题: feel话题: white
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1528
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: nostring (尼), 信区: USANews
标 题: I'm voting for Hilary
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 28 18:21:16 2016, 美东)
1. I don't care about illegal immigration; they won't affect my life.
if they dont' affect your quality of life, don't pretend you have
a problem just because white trash said so.
2. I like diversity. I feel safe when there are other colored, illegals,
low-paid people around me. I feel uneasy being around all white seemingly
polite people.
1 (共1页)
08 is smart and hilariousnpr的中国专题link
How did 毛新宇 become so ugly and fat?说不定曾经有画家在照相机出现后感叹过人们越来越懒or傻
what did lys do that his post crash google chrome browser?为什么不是按全国总人数票数来算,
来看看民主德国是如何对待自己的和平奖获得者的Chinese American Please Vote for Republican candidates (转载)
陈光诚在美国国会电话听证,美国人民沸腾了MSN 投票: 还差200张, 要政客Bob Bechel辱华下台
Recap for Prompt Global Strike绿党与自由党
Israel Grows Uneasy Over Reliance on Migrant Labor特大喜讯:码工将统治Goldman Sachs ZT reuters
刚收到一个日本客户的来信[关于地震] (转贴)杀人如杀己 The blood never washes away.
话题: hilary话题: voting话题: affect话题: feel话题: white