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Military版 - 美国有共产党但是公开申明反对暴力革命,老将欠学习啊
中国在南海的战略失误 以及由此而来的后果太可怕了:1/15美国到河内,武汉机场转机2小时就感染上
越南大将武元甲去世 享年102岁解放军的耻辱:1979年的投名状战争
Hundreds of Vietnamese hold anti-China protest日军的自行车闪击战
越南人用自焚来抗议中国霸权了。石原慎太郎称日应卖武器给中国 以展示技术威慑
话题: vietnamese话题: peaceful话题: violence话题: democratic话题: majority
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14281
Does the CPUSA advocate the violent overthrow of the American government?
Don't all Communists advocate violence?
ANo, we do not. We support the fullest expression of the democratic will of
the majority, advocating extending democratic control over the economic
decisions which affect our lives. We believe that it is possible to create
and build a fundamentally new economic system using the provisions of the
existing U.S. Constitution, using peaceful means, and winning a majority. We
are for peace, for peaceful solutions to both international and intra-
national problems, and for a peaceful transition to socialism, wherever
possible. This has become ever more essential in the nuclear age.
Our Party Constitution states:
“Article VII: SECTION 2. Subject to the provisions of this Article, any
member shall be expelled from the Party who is a strikebreaker, a
provocateur, engaged in espionage, an informer, or who advocates force and
violence or terrorism, or who participates in the activities of any group
which acts to undermine or overthrow any democratic institutions through
which the majority of the American people can express their right to
determine their destiny.”
On the other hand, looking at the history of many revolutions, often the
ruling class uses violence to try to overcome the will of the majority. In
such cases, we do support the right of armed self-defense against attacks by
the ruling class or its agents.
Many revolutions have been relatively peaceful, including the Russian
Revolution of 1917 and the Vietnamese Revolution of 1945. The bloodshed
comes when those formerly in power initiate a civil war, or foreign armies
invade, trying to reestablish capitalist, feudal, or colonial power.
This was true in Russia, where there was not only a civil war, there was an
invasion by 14 countries including the U.S. trying to topple the
revolutionary government.
This was true in Vietnam, when the former colonial power (France) invaded
Indochina in a vain attempt to re-establish their control of the people,
resources, economics, and politics of the region following WWII. The
responsibility for most of the violence rests on a deposed ruling class, in
this case the French government (supported by the United States). After the
Vietnamese defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu, there was a negotiated
Geneva settlement, ending the military conflict, partitioning the country,
and setting democratic elections for 1956. The United States was responsible
for breaking that agreement, an international treaty with the supposed
force of law. Eisenhower, U.S. President at the time, later explained that
if the U.S. had allowed elections to be held, Ho Chi Minh would have won 80%
of the vote. So the U.S. prevented democracy, supported an imposed and
corrupt South Vietnamese government, and eventually invaded.
1 (共1页)
希拉里太臭了。 没得选择Guardian说越南人没有经过中国zt
中国在南海的战略失误 以及由此而来的后果太可怕了:1/15美国到河内,武汉机场转机2小时就感染上
越南大将武元甲去世 享年102岁解放军的耻辱:1979年的投名状战争
Hundreds of Vietnamese hold anti-China protest日军的自行车闪击战
话题: vietnamese话题: peaceful话题: violence话题: democratic话题: majority