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Military版 - 中国派兵去叙利亚打击东突
欧美在中东问题上是不是精神分裂上瘾Syria's Assad hails Russia's takeover of CrimeaZT
叙利亚今天杀了75个示威者,砰,砰呯呯Blowback! U.S. trained ISIS at secret Jordan base
叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德与联合国代表团会谈战争狂人John McCain鼓吹战争的历史 (转载)
Syria war--- a USA-British secret war这么多受害者都在哪里
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发帖数: 854
The Islamic East Turkestan Movement is estimated to have 2,500 soldiers
operating in Syria under Syria’s al-Qaida affiliate, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.
China will send members of its elite special forces to Syria to assist in
counter-terror operations in the Damascus countryside to fight the Islamic
East Turkestan Movement, a Chinese terrorist group largely comprised of
Uyghur separatists.
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The announcement was made by the Hmeimim Russian Military Base on the base’
s official Facebook page.
Two divisions of the Special Operations Forces, the “Tigers of Siberia”
and the “Night Tigers,” will assist Syrian army forces in their military
operations to combat the Chinese jihadist group that has committed hundreds
of terrorist attacks within China.
Estimates suggest that there could be around 2,500 of the foreign fighters
in Syria aiding and assisting other jihadist elements within the war-torn
Levantine country.
While China has traditionally stayed out of the Syrian conflict directly,
the Asian country has intervened to combat the spread of the Islamic East
Turkestan terrorist network that has opportunistically found its way to not
only Syria, but Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The group has deep ties to the international al-Qaida network and fights
under their regional affiliates.
In October 2012, Chinese major general Jin Yinan stated that the Chinese-
based jihadist group had established a presence in Syria to help its
fighters gain experience and to gain an international following for its
cause in China.
Fighting in a Damascus suburb, East Ghouta, a bastion for forces hostile to
the Syrian government, has seen less violence as Russian-brokered ceasefire
has been implemented.
Syrian Government Delegation Arrives in Geneva for New Round of UN Talks
With the deal, aid convoys were allowed to enter in the Damascus suburb.
This ceasefire was implemented ahead of the latest of the Geneva peace talks
which seek to reach a political solution for the brutal conflict that has
lasted nearly 7 years.
Reconciliation efforts in Damascus countryside have seen moderate success,
especially in areas like Wadi Barada, where thousands of civilian residents
and Syrian militants have had their legal status reinstated.
However, foreign militants, and others associated with the al-Qaida
affiliate Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, have rejected all
attempts at reconciliation opting instead for military confrontation.
发帖数: 7018
战狼续集 。。。
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话题: syria话题: syrian话题: chinese话题: damascus话题: east