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Military版 - 礼崩乐坏,西方是不是没有为人师表这种礼教
A 73-year-old woman was sexually assaulted in New York's Central Park码工职业病。 digital是手指
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陪审团裁定牧师性侵犯未成年人罪名成立 (转载)我要是大法官 1招便可破解福特教授的指控
买卖提奇闻:转发一则新闻竟然构成GA!!! (转载)给强哥,Kobe Bryant sexual assault case
95-year-old woman sexually assaulted in ChicagoExclusive: Evelyn Yang reveals she was sexually assaulted
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加拿大难民性骚扰,驱逐难民前应该先驱逐谁? (转载)LA men stabbed one and s assaulted one IN Nordstrom
话题: feeney话题: school话题: harvard话题: boy话题: student
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 285
A former counselor and swim coach at Malvern Prep School was arrested
Wednesday on charges of sexually assaulting a student at the private, all-
boys high school.
Emily Feeney, 40, of Wayne, is accused of attempting to seduce a 16-year-old
student swimmer by various means while working as the school's director of
college counseling, including promising to help him secure admission to
Harvard University, the Chester County district attorney said Wednesday.
Feeney was charged with institutional sexual assault, corruption of minors,
and related charges.
Starting in the summer of 2014, Feeney allegedly sent the boy "highly
sexualized" text messages and emails, including photos of herself in states
of undress. She allegedly also kissed the boy. He repeatedly told her to
stop, the district attorney said.
Feeney, who formerly worked at Princeton University and was hired by Malvern
Prep in 2013, has been fired by the school, the district attorney said.
"I'm not interested in you end of story I'm 16 I'm not into you," the
student wrote in one message to Feeney, according to the criminal complaint.
When Feeney put the boy forward as a candidate for the Harvard swim team and
received a favorable email back from Harvard personnel, she allegedly wrote
to the student, "You . . . owe me big time. And no high fives."
Feeney appeared to have sent the boy a series of emails on her school email
account in January begging him to talk to her and threatening to call him
into her office, according to the criminal complaint.
发帖数: 25
1 (共1页)
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A 73-year-old woman was sexually assaulted in New York's Central Park码工职业病。 digital是手指
北大大叔的视频是寓意深远的 (转载)美国医生牛逼,想干啥都行
陪审团裁定牧师性侵犯未成年人罪名成立 (转载)我要是大法官 1招便可破解福特教授的指控
话题: feeney话题: school话题: harvard话题: boy话题: student