Despite their human rights records, the United Nations has elected the
Islamic Republic of Iran, Cuba, Sudan and several other repressive regimes
to influential committees charged with promoting human rights.
The Economic and Social Council, a U.N. body based in New York, elected Iran
to a four-year term on its Commission on the Status of Women, the world’s
top intergovernmental organization dedicated to promoting women’s rights.
伊朗的宗教警察在大街上可以拦截着装不合规矩的妇女 这样的国家能入选Commission
on the Status of Women 来告诉别人怎样对待女性
中国官员能做国际警察组织的头 在郭文贵爆料后对他发通缉令 http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/04/21/interpol-is-helping-enforce-chinas-political-purges/