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Military版 - 这英文水平如何上哈佛
每人$10,助力Blum诉Harvard (转载)钓鱼岛岛主 盛宣怀
老床声明接受选举结果了! (转载)日本汉诗
AARA分析汇总川普司法部发表声明支持亚裔起诉哈佛 ZT搭配部落 百家号01
雪山裸体求置顶,十四日周日中午波士顿反AA大游行 (转载)“殖民三百年”只能收获奴性的皿煮
Harvard’s gatekeeper reveals SAT cutoff scores based on race ZT我其实也想过入籍,结果去面试fail了
一篇长的关于大学录取的文章, 值得一看每次读到这些悲惨的国内新闻,我就想是不是入籍算了
话题: harvard话题: american话题: asian话题: our话题: them
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43070
"My mom and dad always dreamed that one day I would get to speak at Harvard.
I don't think this is quite how they imagined it.
I think they would have preferred I come up to Harvard Square speaking about
medicine, or maybe law. Preferably with a big degree next to my name.
But they didn't care about my education because they wanted status, or
bragging rights about their model son. They cared about my education
because they loved me, and wanted me to be the best person I could be. That
is why when I told them that I wanted to be a writer, and showed them my
talent, they supported me all the way, and told me I could do it.
So I spent the majority of 2018 researching and publishing articles and
videos about the Asian-American experience on national publications like The
Federalist and The Daily Signal. Opportunity after opportunity came and I
took them. And now I am here in front of an amazing audience - thank you.
Thank you to everyone who lends their support to this movement.
But, ladies and gentlemen, I want to focus on this word I mentioned here
that has defined so much of my life: opportunity.
Like many immigrant families, my mom and dad came to these American shores
in search of opportunity. And I think we can all agree that nowhere is
opportunity greater than from a great education.
I think this is why we care so much what's happening here at Harvard.
Because the higher education world takes its cues from Harvard. If Harvard
says something is acceptable, people listen. Even if that something is
When I started writing about the Asian-American lawsuit against Harvard for
illegal and discriminatory racial balancing practices, I did not realize how
pervasive these practices have become. In my articles on The Federalist
and The Daily Signal, I just kept unearthing more places where institutions
see "too many Asians."
It's not just here in Harvard. It's in New York City, where Mayor Bill de
Blasio is trying to crack down on Asian-American admissions to his
specialized schools. It's in Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland,
where the school board authorized a program that cut the number of Asian-
Americans admitted to its gifted program in half.
So many of us look at these stories and say: "how sad." So many of us hear
about Harvard rating our personalities as the worst of all races, and hang
our heads and say "nothing we can do about it." That would be the
comfortable thing to do.
But, my friends, we have a choice. We can accept our fate - or we can
exercise our solemn right as Americans to congregate, to assemble, and to
speak out.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're not here to file a lawsuit. Our legacy to our
children and to ourselves does not rest on a court decision - and I believe
that Mr. Ed Blum, who graciously invited me here, would agree.
No, our legacy rests on what we do here, from this spot at Harvard Square.
It means mobilizing to our own communities, informing them of why we stand
up to Harvard - because we believe that every man and woman in America has a
constitutional right to equal treatment under the law.
It means reaching out to people of other races, and convincing them why
having an admissions process based on merit is better for them than one
predicated on false and exclusive notions of so-called "diversity."
It means starting local organizations holding our own colleges and school
boards accountable to provide a fair and unbiased system.
While I wrote for The Daily Signal, I met a group of Asian-American
activists who organized themselves into a grassroots organization called the
Association for Education Fairness.
Many of them are immigrants by blood, but all of them are Americans by heart
. Many of them are parents who put their entire lives into their children's
success, because they love them. And these are the parents who are told
point blank by Harvard that their children's success is worth less than the
children of others.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't about getting into college. This is about
something much bigger. That's why the nation is watching us today. Because
they understand that the future of civil rights practiced in America could
be at stake. We have a chance to set an example, a guiding light for the
rest of the nation to follow.
I believe that we've reached a turning point in Asian-American activism. No
longer will we fall prey to those who want to silence us. Let us extend our
voices across the nation and show the world that Harvard is just the
This is our chance to lead. I suggest we take it. "
发帖数: 1


【在 s*****r 的大作中提到】
: 通篇大白话,词汇量可能就是八年级白学生的水平,看过几篇白人高中生写的,用词难
: 太多
: "My mom and dad always dreamed that one day I would get to speak at Harvard.
: I don't think this is quite how they imagined it.
: I think they would have preferred I come up to Harvard Square speaking about
: medicine, or maybe law. Preferably with a big degree next to my name.
: But they didn't care about my education because they wanted status, or
: bragging rights about their model son. They cared about my education
: because they loved me, and wanted me to be the best person I could be. That
: is why when I told them that I wanted to be a writer, and showed them my

发帖数: 4741
英文再写也就那么回事 当然白话文也差不多 都是很肤浅的文字 不知雅训为何物
1 (共1页)
每次读到这些悲惨的国内新闻,我就想是不是入籍算了AARA分析汇总川普司法部发表声明支持亚裔起诉哈佛 ZT
转,为啥中国政治制度更优越雪山裸体求置顶,十四日周日中午波士顿反AA大游行 (转载)
”As OH goes, so goes the nation“错啦!Harvard’s gatekeeper reveals SAT cutoff scores based on race ZT
美国能在200多年的时间里搞成这样应该是很厉害了一篇长的关于大学录取的文章, 值得一看
每人$10,助力Blum诉Harvard (转载)钓鱼岛岛主 盛宣怀
老床声明接受选举结果了! (转载)日本汉诗
话题: harvard话题: american话题: asian话题: our话题: them