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Military版 - 芬太尼这事,美国老百姓比川普头脑清楚
中国已经彻底打败美国转发: 帮助李福海医生!
CBS老板厉害,令员工们on call to give him oral sex“美国医疗体系正在杀人”
话题: purdue话题: said话题: panara话题: oxycontin
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 337
‏You might want to look into cracking down first on our own
pharmaceutical industry. That’s possibly where a great many opioid
addictions start with overprescribed prescription medications that are
opiate-based. Encouraging China to execute more people is probably not the
Donald J. Trump
.....considered to be the worst and most dangerous, addictive and deadly
substance of them all. Last year over 77,000 people died from Fentanyl. If
China cracks down on this “horror drug,” using the Death Penalty for
distributors and pushers, the results will be incredible!
The inside story of how one opioid company spread millions of pain pills
around Colorado, according to a newly unsealed court document
urdue Pharma laid off its entire sales team this week. Now only on "CBS This
Morning," a former Purdue sales representative reveals the drugmaker
downplayed the dangers of opioids, even after pleading guilty to a felony
charge of "misbranding." Purdue's 2007 settlement with the Justice
Department included more than $630 million in fines.
But 24 states and more than 400 cities and counties are suing Purdue and its
competitors, accusing them of fueling an opioid drug crisis that's killed
more than 200,000 people.
Purdue makes OxyContin, perhaps the best known opioid painkiller in America.
In 2007, it admitted to falsely selling the drug as less addictive than
rivals. But a former Purdue salesperson tells us the deceptive sales didn't
end there.
"It was always in the back of my mind that maybe the company had not told us
the whole truth when they hired us, when we interviewed, when we went
through training," Carol Panara told CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil.
She trained for a sales job with Purdue Pharma in 2008.
She showed us how the company's bonus system put her in a position to make
more money – by convincing doctors to prescribe higher doses of OxyContin
for a wider range of pain.
"So bottom line, sell as much as you can," Dokoupil said.
"Sell as much as you can. The idea being that we're trying to… expand our
reach beyond just pain doctors," Dokoupil said.
A year earlier, Purdue had admitted it falsely "promoted OxyContin as less
addictive" by – among other means – claiming the drug's slow-release
formula "did not cause a 'buzz' or euphoria... and could be used to 'weed
out' addicts." The company said the "misstatements" ended in 2001.
"They made it sound like it was a little bit of a witch hunt on the
government's part," Panara said.
But amid skyrocketing addiction rates and overdoses related to OxyContin,
Panara claimed the company taught a sales tactic she now considers
questionable, saying some patients might only appear to be addicted when in
fact they're just in pain. In training, she was taught a term for this: "
"So the cure for 'pseudoaddiction,' you were trained, is more opioids?"
Dokoupil asked.
"A higher dose, yes," Panara said.
"Did this concept of pseudoaddiction come with studies backing it up?"
"We had no studies. We actually -- we did not have any studies. That's the
thing that was kind of disturbing, was that we didn't have studies to
present to the doctors," Panara responded.
"You know how that sounds?" Dokoupil asked.
"I know. I was naïve," Panara said.
A 2015 study published in Current Addiction Reports found "no empirical
evidence" to support "pseudoaddiction" as a diagnosis. In a statement to CBS
News (see full below), Purdue said it's "confident that its past marketing
and sales of its prescription opioid medications have been consistent with
the information contained in the FDA-approved label." But the word "
pseudoaddiction" doesn't appear on OxyContin's label, and a spokesperson for
the FDA said the labeling is not intended as a discussion of
"A big lie's really easy to explain. You know, you just come up with a
ridiculous term, like pseudoaddiction," Oklahoma Attorney General Mike
Hunter said. He is one of two dozen AGs suing Purdue and other opioid
manufacturers. Many of the lawsuits mention pseduoaddiction.
"And that maybe is the most disgraceful conduct that… we've seen in the
whole pattern of disgraceful conduct," Hunter said.
"So as far as you can tell, there is no scientific basis for pseudoaddiction
?" Dokoupil asked.
"I reject any notion that there's science behind pseudoaddiction," Hunter
Hunter alleges that Purdue and its competitors have "caused a devastating
public health crisis," costing his state billions of dollars a year.
"Do you think this is an epidemic that begins with Purdue Pharma and
OxyContin?" Dokoupil asked.
"Yes," Hunter said.
Purdue has reportedly been in discussions with multiple states for a "global
settlement" of lawsuits. But Hunter said he's not interested in joining
those talks.
"I have no confidence in that process. I have confidence in our lawyers. I
have confidence in our laws. I have confidence in a jury of Oklahomans,"
Hunter said.
Panara, who quit in 2013, said she hopes the drugmaker is held accountable.
"I think they misrepresented to the public. I think they misrepresented to
their salespeople. And yeah, I think it was just a big charade," Panara said.
"To what end?"
"To making money. To making money," Panara said.
Asked whether Panara regrets the five years she spent with Purdue Pharma,
she said, "I'm gonna sum it up and say this: I think that was one of the, if
not the worst career decisions of my life."
In February, the company said it would stop training salespeople to sell
OxyContin. This week, it announced it would stop making sales calls for the
rest of its drugs. Purdue said it's diversifying beyond pain medications,
working to develop new drugs to treat cancer and central nervous system
Purdue Pharma told CBS News in a statement:
"Purdue is confident that its past marketing and sales of its prescription
opioid medications have been consistent with the information contained in
the FDA-approved label as the agency oversees the risks and benefits of
prescription medications. Additionally, FDA has, and continues to,
rigorously assess the science and medical practice around appropriate
treatment of chronic pain, while simultaneously working hard to ensure that
our society suffers less from the scourges of prescription opioid abuse and
Purdue is committed to working collaboratively with all those impacted by
this public health crisis to help stem the tide of opioid related deaths and
A spokesperson for the FDA told CBS News the OxyContin labeling is not
intended as a discussion of pseudoaddiction. The FDA provided us with the
following statement:
"The FDA is aware of the term pseudoaddiction, but the referenced language
in section 9.2 of OxyContin's labeling is intended to assist prescribers by
recommending that they evaluate all patients presenting with drug-seeking
behavior (seeking more opioids), to determine whether the behavior is part
of an underlying addiction or if the behavior is related to inadequate pain
Further, OxyContin contains oxycodone, which has always been listed as a
Schedule II drug controlled substance under the Controlled Substance Act.
Schedule II drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a high
potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological
or physical dependence.
It's important to note that while pseudoaddiction is a concept that has been
described in published medical literature, it does not preclude the
possibility that a patient may become addicted."
发帖数: 16092

【在 b****u 的大作中提到】
: Mike
: ‏You might want to look into cracking down first on our own
: pharmaceutical industry. That’s possibly where a great many opioid
: addictions start with overprescribed prescription medications that are
: opiate-based. Encouraging China to execute more people is probably not the
: answer.
: Donald J. Trump
: .....considered to be the worst and most dangerous, addictive and deadly
: substance of them all. Last year over 77,000 people died from Fentanyl. If
: China cracks down on this “horror drug,” using the Death Penalty for

发帖数: 12756
责任在医生(烂开药方),在FDA (审核这种药的安全性,副作用等等)
尼玛你们合法批准的药用死人, 结果怪提供原料药的? 艹!

【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: 美国制药厂对其他鸭片类药物滥用有责任,但是芬太尼主要是从中国进来的,芬太尼效
: 果太强烈,美国医生不会随便开这种药

发帖数: 1926

【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: 美国制药厂对其他鸭片类药物滥用有责任,但是芬太尼主要是从中国进来的,芬太尼效
: 果太强烈,美国医生不会随便开这种药

发帖数: 16092

【在 V**3 的大作中提到】
: 芬太尼作为合法药物,美国制药厂购买产自中国的APi一点问题都没有
: 这里他妈的中国美国制药业都没有任何责任
: 责任在医生(烂开药方),在FDA (审核这种药的安全性,副作用等等)
: 尼玛你们合法批准的药用死人, 结果怪提供原料药的? 艹!

发帖数: 337
我老家就有医生滥开杜冷丁,最后直接枪毙的。 美国干什么了?

【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: 床铺针对的不是合法进口的芬太尼,是通过邮局非法邮寄到美国的芬太尼,主要是毒贩
: 卖毒品前掺如其他毒品以次充好造成的overdose

发帖数: 10787
1 (共1页)
pk饶毅进入第二轮的张旭的背景 zz强生全球51次召回事件48次将中国排除遭质疑
又一个华人学者被抓:名医阮秀祿CBS老板厉害,令员工们on call to give him oral sex
中国已经彻底打败美国转发: 帮助李福海医生!
话题: purdue话题: said话题: panara话题: oxycontin