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Military版 - 中国威胁报复美国引渡华为首席财务官
China may target U.S. executives after arrest of Huawei CFO, this expert warns西媒:送中条例规定任何人被怀疑犯罪都可被引渡到大陆
加拿大人被抓是好事这个牧师性侵犯了许多未成年少女,终于被捕 (转载)
Pompeo: 美国誓死营救被中国非法拘禁的加拿大公民撕掉底裤彻底裸奔。隐蒂要冲击厄瓜多尔使馆,什么国际法规。。
加拿大出手了:中国必须马上释放被拘加拿大人ZTSW的署名文章:If I Had to Poison My Roommate,
土鳖还是实打实抓几个违反土鳖法律的美国人吧NSA窃听的泄密者现在香港 (转载)
老将喜讯!我鳖全面禁止进口大家拿的肉Russia considers asylum for Edward SnowdenZT
话题: china话题: us话题: empire话题: huawei话题: canadian
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
China Threatens Retaliation As US Confirms Plan To Extradite Huawei CFO
"We are at the turning point of the restructuring of the global economy...
the current globalization is the result of competition and cooperation based
on comparative advantage. It’s not the pursuit of any single country for
absolute primacy."
发帖数: 1
发帖数: 38600
Expect the American spy network in China and other countries to be
dismantled real quick, with some stiff sentences being applied.

【在 d*c 的大作中提到】
: 别光说
: 来真的啊。

发帖数: 38600
If you're a westerner living in China, you should consider getting the hell
out, right now.
发帖数: 38600
This is why I love America. We own the world. We own the middle east. Any
one dare touch our land. We own the moon, the sea and the galaxy. We need to
build a military base on the moon before its too late. I hope china learns
a tough lesson. She should get at least a life sentence for defying American
laws. Wow. If America was not here Chinese are violating every rule in the
books. Thank god for Trump. I hope he demolishes china back to the stone
发帖数: 1

【在 b********n 的大作中提到】
: Expect the American spy network in China and other countries to be
: dismantled real quick, with some stiff sentences being applied.

发帖数: 38600
Canadians screwed up, killing trust. Goodbye investment, bye bye. How is the
Canadian drug dealer doing there, already shot by the Chinese?
发帖数: 38600

【在 a***l 的大作中提到】
: 那在美帝的天朝人就惨了,不是间谍也变成间谍抓起来
发帖数: 38600
This is a political witch hunt, and we are the ones that have been caught in
the cross fire.
If the so called 'Weastern powers', led and controlled by the Anglo-American
axis, and supported by their 'intelligence' services were squeaky clean,
then I would say fine, have at her. But they are not squeaky clean, far, far
from it.
This is a strong arm negotiating tactic, a commercial dispute, and nothing
more. Sure some of the Chinese may be as crooked as a 93 year old with a
spine deformity, but so are the western elites, perhaps even more so, and as
much as I hate to admit it, now that China has chosen to bare it's fangs
and show us it's true intent, I have to say, that in this instance, they are
Yesterday, and Alberta domiciled telecom (read right wing conservatives, in
spades), Telus, came out in support of Huawei equipment, and then I find out
that this all began when the Chinese refused to allow the NSA to put back
doors into their equipment. As usual, it is not what is shown on the surface
that matters, it is what is lurking under the covers.
China leads the rest of the world in 5G by a wide margin, that is a fact.
And when I looked at the specs and prices for their phones yesterday, what I
found was vastly superior features and capabilities (as compared to Apple),
at 40% lower cost. So, are we in this game to reward the winners, or are we
in it to subsize the losers?
发帖数: 38600
as a Canadian I know all that. Canada was in China long, long before Nixon
ever got the idea of recognizing 'one China'.
However, as you know, whether you are talking the Roman Empire, the Spanish
Empire, the French Empire, the British Empire or the American Empire, none
of them have behaved any differently. They have murdered millions and
millions around the world over centuries, and an argument can be made that
your own government and vested interests are in the process of murdering YOU
/your own people, not by outright shooting you in the back of your head, but
financially, wich is a slow, agonizing, death.
If a society/country/government collapses, as China's did in the early 1700'
s, when British and American 'ships of the line' showed up in Hong Kong and
Shanghai, and then those invaders deliberately nuture psychopathic
personalities because they are ruthless enough to 'get the job done' on
behalf of their 'masters', then when the dust finally settles, what exactly
is a sovereign nation supposed to do with 50 million mutant psychopaths?
Retire them and thank them for their service to foreign powers? You wouldn't
. You would never even dream of doing that, which is why you nuked Japan, as
a testament to what happens to a so called empire that tried to destroy you.
So which is worse?
发帖数: 38600
It's not really a Canadian problem other than looking out for Canadian
economic interests which can be rather quickly assessed via current
bilateral trade and aggressive US tactics to maintain the status quo. That
puts Canadian officials between a rock and a hard place. Being tied to the
US in far too many ways and allowing creeping erosion of our sovereignty
greatly restricts what our officials think they can do. Our adversarial
political system adds to the problem particularly with Conservatives in
opposition as they oppose whatever the opposite team does even if they
advocated for it in the past and they howl like banshees.
Naturally the voting public is susceptible to this as they are not
particularly informed, very sensitive to possible negative financial
occurrences and easily frightened.
For example, there is no value for Canadians in being anti Russia, Iran and
China and being all in for Ukraine's Poroshenko and his corrupt mates but it
's what the US wants and from an economic stand point is the lesser of the
bad choices available in the view of our dear leaders.
1 (共1页)
Russia considers asylum for Edward SnowdenZTPompeo: 美国誓死营救被中国非法拘禁的加拿大公民
China may target U.S. executives after arrest of Huawei CFO, this expert warns西媒:送中条例规定任何人被怀疑犯罪都可被引渡到大陆
加拿大人被抓是好事这个牧师性侵犯了许多未成年少女,终于被捕 (转载)
话题: china话题: us话题: empire话题: huawei话题: canadian