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Military版 - 民主党州长为人民发声
纽约613例确诊 比下午再增近百例一看美华都不在乎,还有床粉支持,大统领又发了一遍
New York City's mayor went to the gym today, hours before all city gyms shut downcuomo跟trump和解,cnn也赞许trump leadership
纽约州新增9298例 市增5686例 阳性率50%川普: 考虑在纽约周边强制执行隔离措施
breaking: Cuomo中招了cuomo其实比trump傻逼多了
话题: new话题: tax话题: states话题: said话题: cuomo
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发帖数: 93
要求reverse税改,去掉州税在联邦税抵扣1万刀的cap -- by WSJ
WASHINGTON—Eight states led by Democratic governors launched a campaign
Friday to pressure the Trump administration to reconsider a measure in the
2017 tax overhaul that high-tax states say has led to a sharp revenue
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, joined by the governors of Connecticut, Illinois
, New Jersey and Oregon, said states would lobby Congress and the
administration for the repeal of the $10,000 cap on the federal deduction
for state and local taxes. Also joining the effort are Hawaii, Rhode Island
and Washington state. The tax break had been unlimited until the 2017 tax
law. Now some taxpayers in those states can write off only a portion of what
they had in the past.
“It was a terrible political injustice that was done,” Mr. Cuomo said on
the sidelines of the National Governors Association meeting in Washington.
“It will hurt millions of people.”
While a majority of residents in each state saw their federal tax liability
go down, some wealthy residents of high-tax states such as New York, New
Jersey and California could see higher bills this year because of the new
The governors said many of the states were targeted because they are
Democratic strongholds. “This is politics masquerading as tax policy,”
said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland sued the federal government
in July over the cap, asserting that the tax law unfairly targeted high-tax
states governed by Democrats.
Mr. Cuomo has said the law is prompting some wealthy New Yorkers and state
businesses—who pay a disproportionate share of state income taxes—to move
to other states. This has led to a drop in revenue of more than $2 billion
in New York, state officials said.
Mr. Cuomo met with President Trump at the White House last week to discuss
the tax dispute after the president expressed an openness to change the tax
law after hearing from fellow New Yorkers hurt by the provisions.
With Democrats in control of the House, the governors said they planned to
push Congress to revisit the cap on the tax deduction. Any measure would
face an obstacle in the Senate, where Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), head
of the Senate Finance Committee, has said he has no plans to reconsider it.
Michael Zona, a Republican spokesman for the Senate Finance Committee, said
the panel wouldn’t revisit the issue. “The SALT deduction is a federal
subsidy for states to raise taxes on their residents without political
consequence. The answer to the problem is for states to lower their taxes
instead of insisting that taxpayers from lower-tax states subsidize their
profligate spending,” Mr. Zona said.
发帖数: 93
1 (共1页)
cuomo其实比trump傻逼多了New York City's mayor went to the gym today, hours before all city gyms shut down
真好:民主制度就是让人们自由的传毒、自由的死去纽约州新增9298例 市增5686例 阳性率50%
扭腰这个傻逼州长真是在无所不用其极的扩大疫情breaking: Cuomo中招了
纽约613例确诊 比下午再增近百例一看美华都不在乎,还有床粉支持,大统领又发了一遍
话题: new话题: tax话题: states话题: said话题: cuomo