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Military版 - 老美们看来情绪正常。 关黄皮啥事?!
哈哈 境外反华势力的中文水平不行啊米歇尔,when they go low we go high
Epstein是Trump杀的美国记者的业务水平 (转载)
看来确实是疮普指示美国司法部杀了爱泼斯坦完了!trump被起诉强奸13岁小女孩! (转载)
据说90%的35-40岁的人都有这个病毒实在无法理解为什么有人支持Trump (转载)
Epstein-Barr virus导致广东人得鼻咽癌12月开庭的强奸幼女案Trump如果被定罪怎办?-有目击证人。
yahoo新闻网站上的评论很好玩Conspiracy against the United States...
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Stone Cold Word
Longboat Key, Florida4m ago
AG Barr investigating a missing Twinkie is a joke.
So I am reading all these comments laughing and calling out "conspiracy
theories". It's easy to "throw shade"..... getting "shade to stick" is
another story.
I know this. A high profile prisoner, who supposedly tried to kill
himself just two weeks ago, this guy could not get near a 6 inch piece of
thread. Now that's not a "conspiracy theory".
The "shade slingers" want us to believe that this ego maniac just decided he
was going to take ride the suicide rail.......nice try Trumpers. It won't
Money changed hands. There is a couple of fat bank accounts down
Georgetown, Grand Cayman way today. That's just "cold hard word" slingers.
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Thinking commented 5 minutes ago
Ny4m ago
What did he hang himself from and with?
How did he get whatever it was?
When did it happen?
did he tie a left handed knot, a right handed one? Was the item in a
believable location?
Bring in forensics from more than one source. investigate this thoroughly.
Suicide? I do not believe it till it is incontrovertibly proven beyond a
reasonable doubt. He had reason to believe there was hope, since he had
Also follow the money...
Who paid whom to get to him?
do your jobs investigators
Robbie J. commented 8 minutes ago
Robbie J.
Miami Florida7m ago
Well, whaddya know?
The accused, who could well have turned out to be a key witness, has shown
up dead. I guess the trail has now gone cold, eh? Things probably got too
hot for someone important; the hounds got too close to his heels.
Quite convenient, I say. I suppose we'll never know.
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Margaret commented 10 minutes ago
Minnesota9m ago
2 Observations.
1. Empathy for his victims that have been denied their day in court.
Please file for reparations from his estate, its not what the form of
justice you would like but its something.
2. The taxpayers will not be funding this animals keep in prison for the
rest of his miserable life.
Do what you do best NYT, deep investigating reporting and exposure the
corrupt underbelly of the privileged rich.
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BlueBird commented 10 minutes ago
Ohio9m ago
What will happen to all of the evidence gathered by
Federal Prosecutors??? Will Barr take charge of this????
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javierg commented 18 minutes ago
Miami, Florida17m ago
Let's have some compassion for Mr. Epstein. While he is accused of
deplorable acts, it is difficult to imagine what would drive a human being
to take his life. Many of us have experienced suicide in our life, I had my
father and another family member end their lives within six months of each
other and in a very graphic fashion -- guns, and I feel sentiment for Mr.
Epstein's decision to end his life. Now is the time to heal and cease any
criticism for his actions, and perhaps say a prayer for him if you are so
inclined. After all, he was a human being .
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Jeff Burgess commented 18 minutes ago
Jeff Burgess
0687717m ago
This is the end of the story. Records will be sealed and those involved
will not see any consequences.
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Larry commented 18 minutes ago
St. Paul, MN17m ago
After a thorough investigation, the report will conclude that a low level
administrator was responsible for the decision to take him off suicide watch
. The administrator will be removed from his position, and disappear from
public view, having the left the U.S. for an unknown location.
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Susie commented 18 minutes ago
Slighly below the Mason Dixon line17m ago
seems to me, NY has let Epstein, Trump, and a host of others off the hook
for a long, long time.
seems like justice might be giving NY a second chance. Use it
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Virginia commented 18 minutes ago
Cape Cod, MA17m ago
Why doesn't Barr avoid the cost of an investigation and simply make up his
own conclusions, perhaps consulting Trump first to get his lead, just as he
did regarding the Mueller findings.
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Henry Edward Hardy commented 18 minutes ago
Henry Edward Hardy
Henry Edward Hardy
Somerville, Mass.17m ago
Given the propensity of accused pederasts to suicide, an apparent previous
attempt, and the notoriety of the subject and possibility of uncovering
widespread corruption of the worst kind at the highest levels of finance,
culture, government and science were he to sing, it's very perplexing how
Epstein was reportedly not under suicide watch. Quite fantastic.
Would one be overly cynical for speculating that other principles in the
alleged activities will either disappear or be found dead of suicide or
misadventure as well and that nobody will ever be prosecuted for what have
been charged already, pretty atrocious crimes, and potentially the tip of a
monstrous fatberg of corruption and perfidy?
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Ann commented 18 minutes ago
Canada17m ago
I'm sorry for his family, but don't think the world will be worse off for
the loss of a serial sexual predator. i'm not generally a believer in
conspiracy theories. I'll leave that to the people who watch Fox. But I
suspect there are a number of prominent and wealthy people who will shed no
tears, indeed breathe a sigh of relief, that Mr. Epstein is no longer around
to share any identifying information about them. And I have no doubt Mr.
Barr will do whatever it takes to protect them by making sure any records
pertaining to or kept by Mr. Epstein are sealed or "lost". Here's hoping I'
m wrong about that but considering the lack of ethics demonstrated by the
current administration, it would not surprise me.
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Patrick commented 18 minutes ago
Seattle, Washington17m ago
Epstein is dead, and a person like that is probably getting a feel for what
eternal fire is like. Conspiracy theories are expected to arise considering
his wealth and the people connected to him. If his death was not a suicide
, I can’t fathom the kind of circus that news will create about who done it.
WestSider commented 18 minutes ago
Manhattan17m ago
What are the odds that Mr. Epstein was a foreign agent tasked with
entrapping elected officials and blackmail for votes? Was he working for "
Russia"? After all, Congress votes in favor of "Russia" on whatever they ask
for, nearly 100% of the time.
Moso commented 18 minutes ago
Seattle17m ago
The superrich are different. They are entitled. They are often above the
law, as was the case for Jeffrey Epstein, the first time around. But it was
clear that he escaped the worst of the punishment not because of his wealth
but because of his connections. He had a genius for developing
relationships with very wealthy and powerful people. But, somewhere along
the line, as he pursued his sexual fantasies, he discovered that he could
hook these Big Fish by letting them participate in his forbidden world.
Like most here, I resist conspiracy theories, but I would be a fool to think
that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide without the intervention of very
powerful forces. It is time we come to terms with the amorality of these
individuals, whether sterling Democrats or Republicans. Those of us who
work in the political world know that personal morality does not always
correlate with progressive political views.
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eve commented 18 minutes ago
san francisco17m ago
Sorry but it makes you wonder if money changed hands.
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Rashaverak commented 18 minutes ago
Falmouth ME17m ago
I feel sad for the women abused by him who will not have their day in court.
It’s good to see that Atty Gen Barr actually taking an interest in
something - while Russia continues to attack our political process, Barr
seems more interested in getting to the bottom of a well-deserved suicide
than in protecting our country.
He does seem to show an inordinate amount of interest in wealthy sex addicts
, be they financiers or our president.
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Rashaverak commented 18 minutes ago
Falmouth ME17m ago
I feel sad for the women abused by him who will not have their day in court.
It’s good to see that Atty Gen Barr actually taking an interest in
something - while Russia continues to attack our political process, Barr
seems more interested in getting to the bottom of a well-deserved suicide
than in protecting our country.
He does seem to show an inordinate amount of interest in wealthy sex addicts
, be they financiers or our president.
WestSider commented 18 minutes ago
Manhattan17m ago
What are the odds that Mr. Epstein was a foreign agent tasked with
entrapping elected officials and blackmail for votes? Was he working for "
Russia"? After all, Congress votes in favor of "Russia" on whatever they ask
for, nearly 100% of the time.
Stephen Bowyer commented 18 minutes ago
Stephen Bowyer
Haliburton, Ontario, Can.17m ago
Wealth, Privilege. Power. yes, he had these. But I don't see any mention of
the over-riding human male parameter - strong and demanding Lust. What the
first three adjectives will give you is the ability to satisfy the fourth.
He was intelligent; smart, if you will, and I doubt that he would describe
himself as depraved. Able to discuss advanced mathematics, and clever in his
deceit, I suspect he smiled to himself as the noose tightened. The age of
the animal from which the human is descended is not long behind us.
Hanan commented 18 minutes ago
New York City17m ago
There should be a thorough investigation of this reported death. This sexual
predator was spending hours with his lawyers daily to avoid being in his
cell. Yesterday all of the sealed documents from the earlier case that he
survived with the assistance of the Florida DA's office (Acosta who recently
stepped down from DOL) were released. Interesting how efforts to help
Epstein avoid jail then were not underway now. Who believes that? It was
learned from the testimony of a plaintiff that she was sent to provide
massages (code for sex) for former elected officials and very wealthy people
. By name. Epstein didn't last 24 hours after the information was reported
by the media. Does the Medical Examiner have the body? If it is still Dr.
Norris, he needs to make sure that the body is Epstein and dead. No
conspiracy theory. Just checks and balances. It is unfortunate that there is
a lack of trust in City agencies yet someone bungled the suicide watch,
right? How long was Epstein allowed to get away with these crimes and not
pay a price? More than 20 years from the 1996 video of him at a party at Mar
-a-lago with the POTUS.
I don't think it should be called an "apparent suicide." Why take him off
the "suicide watch?" Perhaps to assist him committing suicide? Many wanted
Epstein gone. Many breathing a sigh of relief. The civil cases should
proceed. No empathy here. At all. Could there be charges for some of those
named in the documents? Were they being blackmailed by Epstein?
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Peggysmomi commented 18 minutes ago
NYC17m ago
Hitchcock couldn’t have written a better script only this time the victims
are real life young women.
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DS commented 18 minutes ago
Cincinnati17m ago
This is unreal. Man abuses females, finally gets prosecuted, and then the
male criminal justice system allows him to escape retribution? Allows him to
dodge reparation? OKs cowardly behavior by killing himself without facing
This is beyond reprehensible.
What about the many victims?
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AMLH commented 18 minutes ago
North Carolina17m ago
Given what we have seen from William Barr so far in his turn as Attorney
General, I have no expectation that the facts of Epstein's death will come
to light. Barr has shown himself to be a brazen and shameless liar in the
service of power.
It appears certain that others are implicated in Epstein's sordid endeavors,
and Barr's own father played a curious role in Epstein's history of access
to young girls.
I didn't think that things could get any worse in America under Trump, and
then William Barr came along.
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MF commented 18 minutes ago
Nevada17m ago
Back in the 1920’s and 1930’s there was a gangster called Abe Relis. Relis
was one of the top lieutenants for Murder Incorporated which did hits for
the mob. Eventually the police caught up to Relis who he was arrested for
murder. To save his skin he agreed to testify against the mob which resulted
in several gangsters going to jail or executed by New York State. One of
the mobsters Relis was going to testify against was Albert Anastasia. Relis
was housed in a hotel in Coney Island under 24 hour police protection and
surveillance. There came the news that Relis committed suicide by jumping
out of a hotel window. He became known as the canary who sang but couldn’t
fly. Various explanations were advanced by the authorities from escaping by
tying bed sheets together to escape and suicide. It was always thought the
police threw him out of the window.
The demise of Epstein sounds strangely familiar. I wonder how many Uber rich
and powerful individuals are popping the Champaign bottles.
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Lalo commented 18 minutes ago
New York City17m ago
I will not state the obvious...that Epstein was a dead man the minute he was
arrested because he know too many dark things about too many people.
Then the Justice Department gets involved by changing where Epstein was
going to be held until trial. He then has an unsuccessful 'suicide attempt'
followed by a 24/7 'suicide watch' which gets called off a short while.
and then now Mr Epstein is found dead in his cell.
This sick episode needs to be investigated quickly before evidence
disappears. Not for the sake of Mr Epstein but for Justice! Justice sort
for by the victims and justice applied to Epstein's collaborators and
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AV Terry commented 18 minutes ago
AV Terry
Brooklyn17m ago
Can someone explain to me why, when he was found unconscious with
fingermarks around his neck, that was called suicide? How does someone kill
themselves by trying to choke themselves, that can't possibly work. I'm no
conspiracy theorist but it seems to me the first incident was attempted
murder and this second finished the job. he'll never talk, maxwell will
never be extradited (the royal family will protect her) and the others
probably will take too much time and money for victims to go after.
Please NYTimes, keep on this story.
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rb commented 18 minutes ago
ca17m ago
Until today, one of my most disheartening experiences was reading the Miami
Herald’s investigation of what surely is one of the most conspiratorial
miscarriages of Justice in American history.
Like Acosta’s decision to go soft on Epstein’s indefensible crimes, one
can only conclude that “the hand” of great power influenced his decision.
It’s clear, given the secrets that Epstein held, that he was a dire threat
to many people, including top Democrats and Republicans, who decided to
again insert the hand to subvert justice.
After being attacked or trying to kill himself once a month ago it strains
the bound of credulity that Epstein was not under a suicide watch and had
the means to kill himself.
But better to suffer the incredulity and cynicism of the public than face
the career ending threat that Epstein posed to so many.
What a sad, sad day for truth, Justice and the rule of law.
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RHC commented 18 minutes ago
Roswell, GA17m ago
Wealthy, white, well connected and privileged. Would the Attorney General be
launching an investigation if this were anyone else - like a minority or an
young African American male?
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theresa commented 18 minutes ago
New York17m ago
How nice that Barr is going to be looking into the case. Because we all know
that he's not the kind of guy would whitewash an investigation into the
rich and powerful. The fix is in.
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WF Strong commented 18 minutes ago
WF Strong
Texas17m ago
Looks like authorities are more interested in investigating his suicide than
they were his abuse, rape, and trafficking of young girls. Now he has
their full attention. Too late.
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Kathleen commented 18 minutes ago
El Centro Ca17m ago
I think it smells like a coverup. Someone paid to not do the suicide check?
Money talks. Right in front of our faces.
Suddenly Barr is up in a tizzy. Would he be if it was me or you?
Yes, he could have chosen to kill himself, considering the evidence
descending on him, the noteriety, the loss of everything and life in
But something smells off here.
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Hugh Briss commented 18 minutes ago
Hugh Briss
Hugh Briss
Climax, VA17m ago
Epstein's death in federal custody raises many questions that Attorney
General William Barr cannot be trusted to answer honestly.
A truly independent investigation is required.
(Curious fact linking Epstein and Barr: When Epstein was a 20 year old
college drop-out, he was hired to teach math at New York's exclusive Dalton
School by headmaster Donald Barr, the father of AG William Barr.)
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UWSXYNP commented 18 minutes ago
new york17m ago
He was likely murdered. As this investigation broadens we will learn how
many other men were involved in this sex trafficking ring. This creep is
one in a million of men who act this way.
Wasn't he an associate of Trump?
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J. M. Sorrell commented 18 minutes ago
J. M. Sorrell
Northampton, MA17m ago
Apparently, he could not fathom the idea of being a victim to potential
prison predators. Predators deserve a worse fate than such an easy way out.
Of course, our society is so off kilter that we have his twin occupying the
White House. And many more entitled predators who get away with it. I wish
I could fast forward to the post-white patriarchy....
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faivel1 commented 18 minutes ago
NY17m ago
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"
Yes... it stinks to high heaven, trying to cover up again and again won't
Hopefully FBI is at work as we speak...
To be continue...
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M. A. Russell commented 18 minutes ago
M. A. Russell
Stamford, CT17m ago
His lawyer blamed this predator's suicide on his victims. What a seriously
shameful statement.
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Susie commented 18 minutes ago
Slighly below the Mason Dixon line17m ago
...any guards taking an unexpected vacation beginning today? or disappear?
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BrownGirl commented 28 minutes ago
Edina MN27m ago
Interesting that Attorney General William Barr's father, Donald Barr, hired
Epstein to work at the Dalton School back in the day...
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Carlyle T. commented 28 minutes ago
Carlyle T.
New York City27m ago
Epstein's lawyers stated "No one should die in jail" is that what a life
sentence calls for ,to die in prison.
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Lural commented 30 minutes ago
Atlanta29m ago
The next step is obvious: go after Ghislaine Maxwell. She was Epstein's pimp
and co-abuser, also sexually assaulting these poor girls. Get her behind
bars, there is plenty of evidence to bring charges against her. Keep her on
suicide watch, then expose everyone else who exploited these girls. The
case can proceed almost as it would have without Epstein's death, because
this woman, his so called "girl friend," is his equal in perversion and
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Sharon commented 37 minutes ago
NYC36m ago
Dead men tell no tales.
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BetsyJ commented 37 minutes ago
California36m ago
First Whitey Bulger, now Jeffrey Epstein. What's going on with our prison
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znlgznlg commented 38 minutes ago
New York37m ago
If this can happen with Epstein, let's check on El Chapo. Is he still in
his cell?
Is anyone still in his cell?
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Frank V commented 38 minutes ago
Frank V
Baltimore37m ago
Hmm....let the conspiracy mongering begin. Did he have a little black book?
Did he know too much?
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Thomas Cullen commented 39 minutes ago
Thomas Cullen
Miller Place38m ago
many high powered people did not want to take the chance of Epstein talking.
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Eben commented 39 minutes ago
Spinoza38m ago
Who needs a conspiracy theory when you've got these facts?
- Epstein becomes a billionaire based on unexplained relationships with
ultra-wealthy clients
- Leslie Wexner gives financial keys to his life to Epstein, who magically
acquires many Wexner properties including an island resort and private NYC
- Epstein also acquires a mansion in Florida, nearby Donald Trump's Mar-a-
Lago property.
- When charged with child abuse and sex trafficking, Epstein gets off with
an arrangement that is ludicrously mild, hardly putting a crimp into his
The details are sealed with help of a federal prosecutor under the pressure,
the prosecutor says, of the high-priced legal team and well-connected
supporters. That prosecutor is later appointed Secretary of Labor by Trump.
-"Me,too" uncontrollably floods the culture, sparking journalistic re-
exposure of the case.
- Epstein, now under scrutiny, is indicted for related crimes committed in
NYC and arrested.
- Within a few days of confinement, Epstein is found unconscious in his
cell with neck bruises
- Epstein's case materials get unsealed yesterday under court order
yesterday. They apparently implicate many prominent business and political
- Epstein is found dead in his cell today.
- The Times tells us that "officials say" that Epstein's death qws "a
suicide," even though the prisoner with a known history of an earlier
suicide/murder attempt should have been carefully monitored.
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theresa commented 44 minutes ago
New York43m ago
Six days after the highest profile prisoner in the country attempts suicide,
he is take off suicide watch. Please. Someone signed off on this and we
have to know who.
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j.r. commented 45 minutes ago
lorain44m ago
Independent prosecutor should be named to handle this investigation. Bill
Barr is not capable of conducting such a detailed search especially due to
his duties of protecting trump.
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Steve commented 45 minutes ago
SW Mich44m ago
I don't think Bill Barr should have any oversight of any investigation
related to this. Donald Trump had a connection to Epstein, and the loyal
Bill Barr has already proven of the length he will go to protect Trump. See
his summary of the Mueller report.
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Latham commented 45 minutes ago
LA44m ago
Let’s hope the private bankers who in another article allegedly gave him
access to hot issues will also be fully investigated.
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Thomas Kilbourn commented 45 minutes ago
Thomas Kilbourn
0689644m ago
Silenced! The rest is silence. The truth will out. But how long?
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Richard Fleishman commented 45 minutes ago
Richard Fleishman
Los Angeles44m ago
Hardly surprising. According to reports, a whole host of wealthy,
influential folks would have been exposed if he talked.
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Gaff commented 45 minutes ago
New York44m ago
Let's not forget Alex Acosta, Trump's former Labor Secretary, and
incompetent federal prosecutor (and seemingly incompetent and unempathetic
human being). He could have put this fiend away for a very long time but
was too "intimidated" by Epstein's defense team. He needs a very deep dive
into his entire life. He may just be an incompetent but he needs to be made
very uncomfortable.
Actually many people need to be made very uncomfortable.
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Gene commented 45 minutes ago
Athens, GA44m ago
Barr has already shown that he holds his position because of his fealty to
DJT. He has no credibility.
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Father of One commented 45 minutes ago
Father of One
Oakland44m ago
What's the likelihood that Barr ordered Epstein to be taken off suicide
watch, despite jail administrators' better judgement?
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Bocheball commented 45 minutes ago
New York City44m ago
Now that he's gone, the key to unlocking those whom he provided girls for
lay with Virginia Giuffre.
Where is she? What does she know? Will she sing?
She should be indicted too. If she 'disappears' then we'll know Epstein's
death was no suicide.
The plot thickens.
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monzo11 commented 45 minutes ago
Monte Rio, CA44m ago
The Epstein suicide seems weirdly similar to that of Herman Goering, who, it
is said, had given his watch to an American officer in exchange for a
cyanide pill. Michael Corleone put it best: "If anything in this life is
certain, if history's taught us anything, it's that you can kill anyone."
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Larry Shea commented 45 minutes ago
Larry Shea
Maine44m ago
When an individual who has apparently already attempted to commit suicide is
removed from suicide watch after only a few days of observation and then
placed in a solitary confinement cell, is the person or the team that made
that made incautious and unwise decision guilty of negligent homicide?
Jeffrey Epstein apparently tried to commit suicide on Tuesday July 23, 2019.
He was unsuccessful. His next attempt at suicide was in the morning of
August 10, 2019. This time he was successful. Less than three weeks had
elapsed between these two attempts! Mr. Epstein spent almost two weeks
living alone while reportedly eating his meals on of the floor of his cell.
Jeffrey Epstein's suicide is an absolute disgrace. IT WAS TOTALLY
PREVENTABLE! This despicable man was still a human being. The unconscionable
conditions at the Metropolitan Corrections Center evidently turned him
into a desperate person. Only a terribly deranged and depressed person would
eat their meals on the floor of their prison cell. Where on Earth is our
humanity? So sad for his brother and for all those who loved this twisted
man, yet so much sadder for all of his traumatized victims.
In my opinion this 'negligent homicide' brings absolutely NO CLOSURE. It
only raises more questions about the power and influence of the deviant
elite and their perverse lifestyles. Are his alleged deviant elite
accomplices too big to jail?
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PS commented 45 minutes ago
Massachusetts44m ago
Suicide watch = being butt naked in a cold cell floor where guards watch you
. Few take that option and many suffer unnecessarily because who wants to
be in that situation, especially if you're down? Prisons don't counsel or
aide or any of that, so let's stop pretending those options exist.
IF you believe it was suicide. I don't. And I am not a conspiracy nut (
that I know of). Ok, a modification. I would believe it was a suicide that
was somehow coerced -- because Epstein knew too many wealthy/powerful to be
out of their grasp. Money is a huge commodity in prison and you can get
lots of people to do lots of things. If you think the wealthy are without
corruption or corrupt contacts, guess again. And there are the prisoners
themselves. Child molestation is the worst thing to go in for, aside from
being a police officer or rat. There is no way they left him alone.
Someone probably gave him the option of suicide -- or worse.
To think that the people Epstein might have exposed are breathing a little
easier today. Sickening.
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Jonas commented 45 minutes ago
BsAs44m ago
Sometimes, and rather oftentimes lately, the US appears to be a primitive
country with an almost medieval prison system.
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Concerned Voter commented 45 minutes ago
Concerned Voter
San Francisco44m ago
This is the new America. Political enemies and threats are eliminated in
sinister ways. No wonder Trump loves Putin and Kim jong-un so much.
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Radha commented 45 minutes ago
BC Canada44m ago
Glad this man is no more. Sorry the victims will not have their day of
justice in the courts.
AG Barr’s immediate request for investigation seems fishy to me. It, of
course, is required but with the Con in the White House and his mafioso
mentality at possibly being named by Epstein, it makes me wonder if this
wasn’t a hit job.
I’m not one to believe in conspiracy theories but with as corrupt as this
White House is, I would not be surprised if it was a hit job.
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bobdc6 commented 45 minutes ago
FL44m ago
With Barr on the case, we can be assured that the truth will be revealed.
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Matt Black commented 45 minutes ago
Matt Black
California44m ago
Habeus corpus —produce the body!
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David commented 45 minutes ago
TX44m ago
The long arm of Justice seems to have caught up with this "gentleman." Allow
me to quote the Greek poet Aeschylus,
"Alas, mankind, his fate!
When all goes well, a shadow can trip him up;
But when things go badly, a wet sponge can wipe the whole picture out.
And that is the saddest thing of all."
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KK commented 45 minutes ago
Tempe45m ago
This is a bellwether moment for the NYT, W POST, and all other credible MSM
outlets. Will these institutions seek justice for all by continuing to
expose the truth or will they be exposed as propagandists?
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Charlie commented 45 minutes ago
Orinda, CA45m ago
Don't count on the FBI here. They have been utterly corrupted.
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AAA commented 45 minutes ago
NJ45m ago
Epstein may have committed suicide. But given Barr’s strenuous efforts to
protect POTUS, and POTUS’ known connection to Trump, Barr should recuse
himself from this investigation.
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MB commented 45 minutes ago
San Francisco45m ago
The conspiracy theorists here suffer from a mental deficiency: inadequate
gullibility to be good citizens.
steveconn commented 45 minutes ago
new mexico45m ago
He should have run for president; endless amounts of sycophants to shove
your crimes under the carpet, with not even the vaguest necessity to come to
terms with a conscience, whatever scrap still remained.
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ML Frydenborg commented 45 minutes ago
ML Frydenborg
1736345m ago
Justice and “Bill Barr” do not fit in the same sentence. Anyone expecting
a thorough and honest investigation is out of touch with reality. We will
never know which skeleton assisted in the “suicide” of Epstein.
Reply7 RecommendShareFlag
Ray Sipe commented 45 minutes ago
Ray Sipe
Ray Sipe
Florida45m ago
Barr will investigate? Trump and all the rich guys go free. Nothing will
be found.
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
Michael Kelly commented 45 minutes ago
Michael Kelly
Bellevue, Nebraska45m ago
One more example that when the Trump Justice Department locks one up that
person isn't safe whether it be a billionaire middle aged sex offender or an
innocent immigrant child.
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Mike Schmidt commented 45 minutes ago
Mike Schmidt
Michigan45m ago
So, Epstein most likely attempted suicide a few weeks ago, but wasn’t
currently under suicide watch...ummm...ok....
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
steveconn commented 45 minutes ago
new mexico45m ago
He should have run for president; endless amounts of sycophants to shove
your crimes under the carpet, with not even the vaguest necessity to come to
terms with a conscience, whatever scrap still remained.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
ML Frydenborg commented 45 minutes ago
ML Frydenborg
1736345m ago
Justice and “Bill Barr” do not fit in the same sentence. Anyone expecting
a thorough and honest investigation is out of touch with reality. We will
never know which skeleton assisted in the “suicide” of Epstein.
Reply7 RecommendShareFlag
Ray Sipe commented 45 minutes ago
Ray Sipe
Ray Sipe
Florida45m ago
Barr will investigate? Trump and all the rich guys go free. Nothing will
be found.
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
Michael Kelly commented 45 minutes ago
Michael Kelly
Bellevue, Nebraska45m ago
One more example that when the Trump Justice Department locks one up that
person isn't safe whether it be a billionaire middle aged sex offender or an
innocent immigrant child.
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Mike Schmidt commented 45 minutes ago
Mike Schmidt
Michigan45m ago
So, Epstein most likely attempted suicide a few weeks ago, but wasn’t
currently under suicide watch...ummm...ok....
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
robert conger commented 45 minutes ago
robert conger
mi45m ago
This is typical of a corrupt society.No one should be surprised
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Objectively Subjective commented 45 minutes ago
Objectively Subjective
Utopia's Shadow45m ago
Epstein got a sweetheart deal last time. Why would he suddenly commit
suicide while he had a chance of another sweetheart deal?
Acosta stated that Epstein had links to intelligence. His relationship to
Maxwell’s daughter was another link to intelligence.
And all the microphones and cameras in his mansion in Palm Beach found by
Palm Beach police were not the work of a pedophile- they were the work of a
blackmailer. A blackmailer in the pay of a national government, collecting
kompromat for pay?
Seems credible to me.
Far more credible than Epstein committing suicide in one of the most well
guarded jails in the world. Let me guess... there is no videotape of what
Epstein wasn’t just a pedophile. He was a loose end. Now neatly wrapped up,
so well that the Times calls it a suicide even before an investigation is
Reply12 RecommendShareFlag
M commented 45 minutes ago
CA45m ago
Let's have another long investigation that proves nothing while we and the
media claim it's Trump's fault!
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Javaforce commented 45 minutes ago
California45m ago
I wouldn't be surprised if Barr is butting in because he wants to redact or
hide any information about Donald Trump and his old friend Epstein.
Trump has made it clear that he knew Epstein liked young girls and who knows
what else our vulgar President knows about Epstein.
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Tamer Labib commented 45 minutes ago
Tamer Labib
Zurich (Switzerland)45m ago
“We have to live with the scars of his actions for the rest of our lives,
while he will never face the consequences of the crimes he committed — the
pain and trauma he caused so many people,”
Only if you believe that that’s it and nothing afterwards. If you believe
what Jesus said, then I am telling you the guy is begging to come back
already!! Justice will be done, don’t worry.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Discerning commented 46 minutes ago
Planet Earth45m ago
I do not subscribe to conspiracy theories, but this fails the smell test.
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
PaulTD commented 46 minutes ago
Houston45m ago
I’ll be skeptical of whatever the DOJ concludes on Epstein’s death.
William Barr has not proven to be an impartial AG.
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
GO commented 46 minutes ago
New York45m ago
I only hope his estate will go to all of the many many victims whose lives
he destroyed, instead of the attorneys who agreed to defend such a monster,
and especially not Alan Dershowitz who may have been complicit in the crimes.
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Matt Mendenhall commented 46 minutes ago
Matt Mendenhall
Glendale AZ45m ago
Oh, gosh, now that Barr has said he's looking into it, we can all relax. He
's such an upstanding guy. Makes you proud to be an American in 2019, doesn
't it. What a russian-wanna-be we've become.
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
paul commented 46 minutes ago
VA45m ago
How convenient, what a cover-up!
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Lois commented 46 minutes ago
MA45m ago
Would Attorney General Barr be "appalled" enough to involve himself in this
case if Epstein had merely been a vile sexual predator whose victims will
never see him brought to justice, instead of a vile sexual predator whose
many influential connections included the president of the United States? Or
an unknown prisoner who committed suicide while in federal custody, instead
of a high-profile prisoner whose case made headlines on an almost daily
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
gshart commented 46 minutes ago
Los Angeles45m ago
Why in this country is it so hard, so often, to see real justice served? The
victims of Epstein's crimes deserve to have him and other guilty parties
stand trial and receive their punishments. I think it is beyond the pale
that those responsible for keeping Epstein from committing suicide failed. I
hope they will pay a price for their incompetence, if that is all mike was.
Tom commented 46 minutes ago
France45m ago
Does anybody believe for an instant that this wasn't bought and paid for by
Epstein's friends' fixers ? I'm sure Trump himself is quite relieved. The
fish rots from the head.
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Joe NYC commented 46 minutes ago
NYC45m ago
Nobody could get to El Chapo but they got Epstein? Moneyed and powerful
people wanted him dead and there it is. We are not better than so called "
banana" republics.
Reply11 RecommendShareFlag
Alan Summerville commented 46 minutes ago
Alan Summerville
Ne. 19838w Hope , Pa45m ago
I don't think it was suicide. Some people are very afraid.
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Erik commented 46 minutes ago
Westchester45m ago
For all you anti-Trump posters, Bill Clinton was up to his neck with
dealings with Epstein. Trump hardly at all. And the story is Trump threw him
out of his Florida club because Epstein was coming on to a minor.
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Judy commented 46 minutes ago
LA45m ago
Deductive reasoning is not conspiracy. This is so obvious that it actually
is more like a clichee. I mean are we really to believe that just as
Epstein was about to testify against and expose some very *very* powerful
people, you know, the kind we call job creators, an elected officials and
honorable members of society etc - that he killed himself? It's like
straight from the Sopranos or something. Anyone who thinks a narcissist who
'se been ahead of the law for decades and has deep connections that were
going to help him evade as much accountability as possible (see Manafort,
Flynn...) offed himself in prison is just in denial. Something is afoul
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Claude Rivard commented 46 minutes ago
Claude Rivard
Canada45m ago
In Russia and North Korea, political opponents are jailed and/or killed. In
America the same thing is happening to a well connected pederast
millionaire, how convenient for everybody...
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
voyageurx commented 46 minutes ago
Pittsburgh, PA45m ago
My first reaction when reading the headline: How very convenient.
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Nora commented 47 minutes ago
New England46m ago
The sealed documents released late yesterday, and more to come.He should
have been put on trial, and spent his life in jail.All of his victims are
living in their own jail suffering such trauma and exploitation. I do hope
all involved are revealed. Still feeling sick to my stomach, that this was
covered up for so long.Thank you Julie K. Brown for seeking the truth, and
all of the journalists that have continued to follow this.Please continue to
speak truth to power!
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Irene G commented 50 minutes ago
Irene G
New York49m ago
Epstein had a lot of dirt on very important people. The story reminds me of
the the murder/suicide of PaULO César Farias while in custody during the
investigation of impeached president Fernando Collor de Mello in Brazil in
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Pamela commented 55 minutes ago
New City NY54m ago
There is no such thing as an “underaged girl” or woman, for that matter. I
am sick to death of reading this misnomer. A girl is a child. Why don’t
you call it what it is: child rape.
Reply19 RecommendShareFlag
kenneth commented 18 minutes ago
nyc17m ago
@Pamela Well, okay, I agree. This story, however, was about a suicide, so
most of us were paying closer attention to that.
ellienyc commented 18 minutes ago
New York City17m ago
@Pamela Because under most legal systems certain ages have been set at which
children are presumed (or not) to have the capacity to do certain things.
Chris Morris commented 55 minutes ago
Chris Morris
Chris Morris
Idaho54m ago
I apologize in advance of my prior post re. NYPD;
NYMCC is run by the Feds, not the NYPD.
I was wrong.
Put all the same words on the Feds.
Thank you.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Jan N commented 56 minutes ago
Jan N
Wisconsin55m ago
I want someone to mansplain to me just HOW Epstein could have hung himself
in a cell that consists of four walls, a closed door, a bed, and a toilet?
It's not like there are hooks in the ceiling! It would be easier to try and
drown yourself in the toilet!
Reply15 RecommendShareFlag
joe commented 1 hour ago
chatham1h ago
de Blasio needs to have a some type of investigation into this death.
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Bill in VT commented 1 hour ago
Bill in VT
VT1h ago
The silence from Dershowitz is deafening.
Reply27 RecommendShareFlag
canuck commented 1 hour ago
Montreal1h ago
What happens now to Epstein's fortune? He wasn't convicted so does his
family get to keep it all? Ken Lay's family (Enron) got to keep it all. Make
sure NYTimes, that you follow the body, see it in its casket three days
from now. Oh wait! It'll be cremated by tomorrow morning.
Reply11 RecommendShareFlag
Timit commented 1 hour ago
WE1h ago
"Beam me up", have you seen his Egyptian building on Little St John island?
A big cube with no windows. Obviously he would die before he talked about
the perversions of the rich. Just as his Butler died, in prison, shortly
after offering his master's black book to the authorities.
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Greg commented 1 hour ago
Los Angeles1h ago
So, none of the captains of industry had any knowledge "whatsoever" of his
activities - and none of them had "any contact" with any of his "female
friends". Reminds me of the Manhattan Madam - her little black book
disappeared before names could be verified. His being taken off suicide
watch smells badly, and the speculation of conspiracy is only natural.
Follow the money, NYT.
Reply27 RecommendShareFlag
TOBY commented 18 minutes ago
DENVER17m ago
Given what is done to pedophiles and pederasts in prison this shouldn't
surprise anyone.
A lot of powerful old White men are feeling a lot safer today than yesterday.
And with Bill Barr heading the investigation, we already know what the
results will be.
That Mr. Epstein acted alone.
susan mccall commented 1 hour ago
susan mccall
old lyme ct.1h ago
His estate should be divided up amongst all the women who he raped and
enslaved in his miserable,perverted life.BUT they have to give up names.
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
julia commented 18 minutes ago
midwest17m ago
Not to put too fine a point on it but they we're not enslaved. they were
extremely highly paid. the point is the girls were underage so legally and
some would argue cerebrally not able to give consent.
Tuz commented 1 hour ago
Michigan1h ago
Not excusing Epstein, but our society has long juvenilized sexuality, and
his buddy Les Wexner had a lot to do with that, the models in his catalog
look like anorexic teenagers. Our entire porn-addicted society has a lot of
soul-searching to do.
Reply14 RecommendShareFlag
Earthling commented 18 minutes ago
Earth17m ago
Bet the Ohio State Univesity leadership hasn't slept very well lately;
creepy Wexner's name is on quite a few entities there...
John commented 1 hour ago
Syracuse N.Y.1h ago
Was this guy on, or not on suicide watch?
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
Jonathan commented 1 hour ago
Northwest1h ago
The day after court records were unsealed that named prominent Democrats
Epstein commits suicide (while he is on suicide watch). While he is on
suicide watch he is allowed to have something he can hang himself with. So
—we are supposed to believe this.
Reply12 RecommendShareFlag
gf commented 1 hour ago
Ireland1h ago
Release Epstein’s black books. Time’s up!
Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
MHW commented 1 hour ago
Chicago, IL1h ago
It's not as though someone shot him in Times Square. It's not as though he
could have had serious dirt on anyone in power. I'm sure we can trust a man
of impeccable principles like AG Barr to get to the bottom of this "suicide."
Reply38 RecommendShareFlag
Chriva commented 1 hour ago
Atlanta1h ago
Oh let me guess... The security cam was broken too!
Reply32 RecommendShareFlag
Benito commented 1 hour ago
Deep fried in Texas1h ago
Just like a pot boiler political or spy novel by a best selling author this
story has money, sex, shadowy characters, intrigue,corrupt governmental
underlings, Euro-trash royalty,unexplained silences and death to the man who
knew all the answers and possessed all the keys.
It's too bad that all this is going to be white washed by the current
administration. But I'm sure Bill and Hilary and others are breathing a
sigh of relief as well.
I'd like to address some comments from a writer from Denver who was a NYT
Pick. Austin wrote that he was in jail for five years and gave insight as to
protocol in dealing with possible suicidal prisoners
Austin, first of all ,welcome back and I'm glad you're reading the NY Times
and giving your unique perspective to these events. My question to you is
conjures up something similar to what Hannibal Lechter wore in Silence of
the Lambs. Is that close ? Again, thank you taking your punishment and hope
you are being productive again. From the tone of your comments it seems
you are.
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
Susie commented 18 minutes ago
Slighly below the Mason Dixon line17m ago
agree with your spy novel comparison...right out of Ludlum
Fran commented 18 minutes ago
Midwest17m ago
"a pot boiler"?
Someone said four things were needed to make a good novel, or a good pot
boiler: religion, aristocracy, sex and mystery. A typical example, and
short too, would be: "Oh! God! said the duchess, I am pregnant and I don't
know by whom!".
This one lacks religion. Let's wait and see.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Joe From Boston commented 1 hour ago
Joe From Boston
Joe From Boston
Massachusetts1h ago
"A fourth member of Mr. Epstein’s legal team, Marc Fernich, blamed a host
of actors — from prosecutors to victims’ lawyers to the media — for
bearing “some responsibility for this calamity.” "
Yeah, right, the prosecutors, the victims' lawyers and the media all put a
gun to Epstein's head and made him assault all of those underage girls,
which we know he would NEVER have done had he not been hounded into doing so.
And I am the King of Siam. I have a bridge I can sell Marc Fernich, cheap.
Reply17 RecommendShareFlag
Richard Schumacher commented 1 hour ago
Richard Schumacher
Richard Schumacher
The Benighted States of America1h ago
Epstein had NDA settlements with many of his victims. Does his death
nullify them? Are they now free to speak out (except for fear of their
lives, of course)?
Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
fallen commented 1 hour ago
Texas1h ago
Conspiracy aside. This needs an investigation. Correction administrative
personnel likely dropped the ball. Or another possible scenarios is an
individual or group in the jail decided Mr Epstein needed to die. Neither is
acceptable in a Just society. The girls and women he victimized needed to
see him in court
Reply15 RecommendShareFlag
Ambrose commented 1 hour ago
Nelson, Canada1h ago
As much as I deplore Epstein, he should never have been taken off suicide
watch. Prisons have a responsibility to protect their inmates' lives.
Reply16 RecommendShareFlag
bes commented 18 minutes ago
VA17m ago
I don't think it is at all clear why Epstein could have had the opportunity
to kill himself. There seem to be many possibilities, and all of them are
terrible, maybe as terrible as Epstein himself.
George commented 1 hour ago
Neptune nj1h ago
Everyone according to the Constitution is innocent until proven guilty. But
we all know Cops put their own spin on things to conjol confessions
nevertheless all people are entitled to the due process of law for what it
is worth.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
4world commented 1 hour ago
Los Angeles1h ago
Death penalty is a greater punishment in law -- so what if he killed himself
(as opposed to the state awarding him life imprisonment)? (Investigations
of complicity of others in his crimes can still continue.)
The problem is that death penalty needs to be abolished so the greatest
punishment for criminals ought to be to face humiliation from the public,
facing the victim and families, and repentance of one's wrongdoing for
months/years/life depending on the extent of the crime.
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Tony commented 45 minutes ago
Truro, MA.44m ago
@4world, I respectably disagree with conflating suicide with the death
penalty. I also do not believe this was a "suicide". The young women(in the
present) and the young girls,(again the present times) were completely
robbed of confronting this monster in a courtroom setting. A much bigger
story lies within the people who were part of his life, and his death. I
predicate that some very big names are gonna be weeded out, tho his demise
will thwart efforts to uncover the whole truth.
Reply2 RecommendShareFlag
CD commented 1 hour ago
NYC1h ago
Perhaps he finally accepted the fact that he would never get a pardon from
Trump. Too many people in line ahead of him with even worse secrets.
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Mike o commented 1 hour ago
Mike o
Washington state1h ago
Which is worse, a prisoner who clearly should have been on suicide watch but
was not, or a prisoner who died as a result of a "conspiracy"? When his
death benefits some very powerful folks who allegedly have much relief if he
dies, does it matter? Criminal negligence vs frank criminality.
Reply7 RecommendShareFlag
Casual Observer commented 1 hour ago
Casual Observer
Los Angeles1h ago
Lots of rich and influential people must be breathing a sigh of relief.
The reason is because if this case went to trial, everyone with who he was
partying and doing business were likely to have been present while Epstein
was likely violating laws and involved with girls who were under age. It
will look bad even they were clueless.
The dead tell no tales.
Reply16 RecommendShareFlag
Earthling commented 18 minutes ago
Earth17m ago
@Casual Observer
But hopefully their pilots, procurers, "event planners" and caches of tapes,
photos and documents do....
Barbara commented 1 hour ago
Los Angeles1h ago
One has to ask to whom these rich and powerful people were that used girls.
Certainly they and woman who recruited them was as criminal as Epstein. I am
all for an investigation into his death - along with all the other people
who died by suicide in jail. As a footnote - how does a 16 year old work as
a masseuse in a Trump spa. Massage takes strength and training. I would ask
who were the clients? Male, female? If the former then shame on the resort.
Reply10 RecommendShareFlag
Debra L commented 1 hour ago
Debra L
Los Angeles1h ago
Commenters are so sure this is good for Trump. Actually Epstein functioned
as a surrogate and fall-guy for Trump. The two are peas in a pod. Now the
outrage can go where it belongs.
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
Gigi P commented 1 hour ago
Gigi P
Gigi P
East Coast1h ago
It simply doesn't make any sense that this guy would have not been under
close surveillance. Either he paid someone to look away or it was an
inside job committed at the behest of those fearful of what a real trial
would uncover. We live in a totally corrupted nation where money buys
whatever the purchaser wants. Epstein is yet another symptom of something
rotting from within.
Reply24 RecommendShareFlag
Anne commented 1 hour ago
NYC1h ago
Likely someone was paid to look the other way. Lots of rich powerful men
were waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
D.J.Holliman commented 1 hour ago
St.Louis1h ago
He was guilty, he knew it, he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in
prison! Now we’re probably going to spend the next 3 years hearing about
why and how and when it happened. Bahr has already commented about getting
to the bottom of this. He committed suicide for the above reasons. Case
closed. He has save the justice dept. millions of dollars. Time to move on.
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
unreceivedogma commented 19 minutes ago
Newburgh18m ago
Me Holliday, you are quick to excuse. Do you have something you need to hide?
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Gordon commented 1 hour ago
Oregon1h ago
Epstein’s death should not be the end of this case. One person doesn’t
manage this kind of atrocity alone. Who else was involved. From the
evidence revealed in previous articles, it sounds like a lot of Epstein’s
visitors took part in the trafficking and abuse.
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
maxGhirardelli commented 1 hour ago
532251h ago
The circumstances is ripe material for a theory that posits this was no
suicide but a hit on a guy who apparently serviced a large number of very
wealthy, well-connected men with underage girls. Can we actually expect a
transparent Justice Department investigation headed by Trump and Barr, who
have a well documented history of twisting the truth in the later case, and
a constant stream of lies in the former case?
Reply11 RecommendShareFlag
Katie3b commented 1 hour ago
Toronto1h ago
Interesting to learn that Epstein introduced Melania to Trump. Now what
would a "model" like her be doing in Epstein's orbit all those years ago
when she was in the country on and "Einstein Visa"? As Alice would say,
this gets curiouser and curiouser.
Reply34 RecommendShareFlag
New Senior commented 18 minutes ago
New Senior
New Senior
NYC17m ago
In a Jabberwocky kind of way...
julia commented 18 minutes ago
midwest17m ago
where did you get this news? I'm not arguing with it, just would like to
know the source and it's reliability.
Gordon commented 1 hour ago
Oregon1h ago
Epstein’s death should not be the end of this case. One person doesn’t
manage this kind of atrocity alone. Who else was involved. From the
evidence revealed in previous articles, it sounds like a lot of Epstein’s
visitors took part in the trafficking and abuse.
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
PrairieFlax commented 1 hour ago
Grand Island, NE1h ago
Reminds me of the Father Geoghan case - and the Whitey Bulger case. Both
killed in full few of the people who were charged with protecting them.
Reply11 RecommendShareFlag
Peter Henry commented 1 hour ago
Peter Henry
Suburban New York1h ago
I am not a fan of conspiracies. I don't believe in Area 51 aliens, the
shooter on the grassy knoll or the moon landing in the Hollywood studio.
With this one, I'm tending toward a conspiracy. Now, suddenly, all of the
tons of evidence gathered by the FBI just gets buried somewhere, never to be
seen ? The phone calls, the transcripts, the videos, the cds, the paper
trail all end up in that vast warehouse next to the crate holding Indiana
Jones' Ark of the Covenant ?
Reply19 RecommendShareFlag
Caleb commented 1 hour ago
Illinois1h ago
What I find really interesting in these comments is that the default
position is to assert the existence of a conspiracy regarding Jeffery
Epstein's death. This is the point of view taken by the overwhelming
majority (actually, nearly all) of the comments. Normally, the conspiracy
theorists are a minority bucking against the conventional wisdom. The
preponderance of belief in a conspiracy is especially striking among a
readership such as that at the Times.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Bill Lombard commented 1 hour ago
Bill Lombard
Brooklyn1h ago
If what happened in Dallas on a November 22 1963 was successful anything
they want to do is possible
Reply8 RecommendShareFlag
Independent voter commented 1 hour ago
Independent voter
USA1h ago
Bill Richardson and George Mitchell were prominent Democrats, like I’ve
consistently say the one party system pretending to be two.
Epstein list was just starting to come out . He was murdered , probably with
a little help.
why bother to vote , the number one problem in this country is corruption.
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Eccl3 commented 1 hour ago
Orinda, CA1h ago
There is an unparalleled stench from this death, from which so many people
stand to benefit. It is beyond comprehension that there was no monitored
live feed monitoring and recording every minute in Epstein's cell--unless of
course, the fix was in.
Reply10 RecommendShareFlag
Jay commented 1 hour ago
Florida1h ago
After Mr. Epstein was found "possibly" beaten and unconscious in his jail
cell there should have been immediate acknowledgment of his peril. This was
a needless, senseless loss of life. Mr. Epstein was accused, not found
guilty and should have had the full protection of the law. This was gross
negligence by everyone who was responsible for his incarceration and his
custody and safety. Mr. Epstein was accused of criminal sexual abuse crimes
and did not even get a chance to defend himself at trial. I do not believe,
even for a moment that his was suicide. This was murder. I also believe that
the judge and the prosecutors were seeking revenge for having meted out a
lenient sentence for his prior convictions. Therefore while Epstein could
easily have been placed under house arrest until his trial, and easily
monitored, everyone involved in this new prosecution sought to make Epstein'
s life as miserable as possible. As for Mr. Wexner now claiming that he was
duped, frankly I find that totally unbelievable. Wexner was never duped.
Obviously he saw opportunity and profit and willfully associated with
Epstein. The same goes for everyone else associated with Epstein in the past
. Suddenly, when Epstein was arrested everyone found a conscience and also
said they were totally unaware of his behavior. I don't buy it. They all
wanted connections and money. We all know that Mr. Clinton was a known
womanizer and so is Donald Trump. This whole affair reeks.
Reply15 RecommendShareFlag
Cate M commented 1 hour ago
Cate M
Chicago1h ago
Why do I feel like I’m watching an episode of House of Cards?
Reply17 RecommendShareFlag
Political Observer commented 45 minutes ago
Political Observer
America44m ago
@Cate M, the last three years have been one long episode of the show ... who
could have imagined it?
NGB commented 18 minutes ago
North Jersey17m ago
@Cate M , I just finished watching the final season (the show actually gave
me nightmares). Today I told someone that, had I watched the show a few
years ago, I would have thought of it as mere over-the-top entertainment
produced by somewhat paranoid scriptwriters. But these days, the plot just
seems much too possible...hence the nightmares.
raduray commented 1 hour ago
Worcester1h ago
1. Will the Florida plea deal which also granted immunity to co-
conspirators not be voided?
2. Are the victims who settled still bound by the confidentiality
agreements now that Epstein’s dead?
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Robert commented 1 hour ago
Philadelphia1h ago
That two presidents of the US, one former and one sitting, had ties to the
late Mr. Epstein boggles the mind. That they did not know of Mr Epstein's
illegal behaviors is difficult to believe. Our current president has spoken
on the topic.
How much these men knew, and when they knew it, should be the subject of the
To say nothing of Prince Andrew.
What has this country become?
Reply18 RecommendShareFlag
Shack commented 1 hour ago
Oswego1h ago
Bill Barr's DOJ is going to investigate, under the careful watch of Donald
Trump. Talk about instilling confidence! To ensure proper oversight, it
might be wise to ask the Saudi Prince and Vladimir Putin to ensure justice
is done.
Reply15 RecommendShareFlag
Harvey Brownstein commented 1 hour ago
Harvey Brownstein
Bronx, NY1h ago
Two powerful figures with possible dirt on high ranking Washington
politicians and men of wealth, both die of a suicide while in federal
custody. A number of years ago the Washington Madame mysteriously for no
reason, just prior to giving the goods on her Washington clients commits
suicide? Now Epstein a week after he supposedly tried to commit suicide is
found hung in his cell. Why no suicide watch? Talk all you want about the
conspiracy theories but two dead by suicide who have goods on the rich and
powerful just doesn't pass the smell test.
Reply4 RecommendShareFlag
Camey commented 1 hour ago
Chicago1h ago
In Benjamin Weisser's story about the victims, published yesterday, he
profiles Virginia Giuffre, who was a 16 year old "masseuse" working at Mar a
Lago when she was recruited by Maxwell to be one of Epstein's sex slaves.
This, to me, casts an ominous light on Trump's involvement in this case,
including the fact that a 16 year old cannot legally practice massage
therapy in the state of Florida--you have to be at least 18.
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
countykerry commented 1 hour ago
california1h ago
Who visited Epstein in the last several weeks ?
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
RachelK commented 1 hour ago
San Diego CA1h ago
Suicide? No. He knew too many important people.
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
Daniel Tripoli commented 1 hour ago
Daniel Tripoli
Ballston Lake, NY1h ago
Why was this guy not under a Suicide Watch? Two weeks ago he tried to hang
himself. NY Corrections gave Epstein the easy way out. The victims will
never have closer on this guy.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Lone Wolf commented 47 minutes ago
Lone Wolf
Brooklyn, NY46m ago
When has ANY victim ever had closure where the alleged perpetrator was rich
and powerful ?
Exploitation of minors via sex trafficking or other methods continues to be
ignored. People will be outraged for a minute when the next scandal is
exposed. Life goes on. Deals will be made. It’s business as usual.
It’s time to pray and go to a meeting.
marbleman commented 1 hour ago
Houston, Texas1h ago
my theory...the chance that mr epstein might flip and provide evidence that
rich and powerful people took part in these crimes was just too great..he
was taken out. now it's just the words of the women who were the victims...
so further indictments of the rich and powerful will probably not move
forward. i would like more information on how he supposedly hung himself.
was there a hook in the ceiling where he could attach something? was he even
tall enough to rig something on the ceiling? Why was he taken off suicide
watch? Answer: so no one could observe what was going to happen.
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alank commented 1 hour ago
Macungie1h ago
It seems way out of proportion that the AG himself is 'appalled' at Epstein'
s death, or that the justice department and FBI are to be involved - very
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
Yaj commented 1 hour ago
NYC1h ago
This article sure reports a good number of the accusations (based on solid
evidence) against Epstein, but notably it avoids the fact that there's solid
evidence that he was providing these girls to other powerful men.
Submitted Aug 10th 4:16 PM eastern
Reply7 RecommendShareFlag
Maxy commented 1 hour ago
Teslaville1h ago
Why would he hang himself. He had all the leverage he needed on prominent
people to get a light sentence, again. This was way too convenient for too
many big shots.
Reply10 RecommendShareFlag
me commented 1 hour ago
AZ unfortunately1h ago
Wag the Dog. I hope a more thorough and corroborated autopsy checks for
injection sites and/or meds and signs of a staged hanging. Too many high
rollers, including Trump, whose reputations (or what is left of their
reputations) could be smeared during Epstein's prosecution to think Epstein
hung himself. After his hospitalization a short time ago, with marks on his
neck, you'd think he'd have been on a close suicide watch unless a lot of "
important" people wished him dead. This smells bad.
Reply21 RecommendShareFlag
Michael Cohen commented 1 hour ago
Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen
Boston ma1h ago
Reading the description of suicide watch it doesn't seem unlikely that a
inmate put there might become more suicidal after he was released from watch
. One can easily imagine that there were more urgent cases kept in Suicide
Watch than Epsteins and the Prison did not have the space. Its likely we
never will know exactly what happened.
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kenneth commented 45 minutes ago
nyc45m ago
@Michael Cohen "One can easily imagine that ..." just about anything.
One can even imagine he didn't have any rope until someone was able to
provide it.
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Jgrauw commented 1 hour ago
Los Angeles1h ago
The fact that Mr. Epstein is dead shouldn't stop people that have something
to say or have actual evidence about past abuses by Epstein or other
individuals to come forward with it, the victims deserve full disclosure.
Just be extra careful about who should you trust...
Reply7 RecommendShareFlag
PATRICK commented 1 hour ago
In a Thoughtful state1h ago
That Barr has indicated he, the Inspector General, and the F.B.I. will be
investigating are big alarm bells that demand other independent
investigations to commence exhaustively because commencing three
investigations by the Justice Department components and it's oversight
authority reeks of covering something up. Spare me the paranoia criticisms,
my comment speaks volumes to consider.
Reply18 RecommendShareFlag
Peg commented 1 hour ago
Oregon1h ago
Barr is “appalled” that Epstein wasn’t still on suicide watch?? THAT
appalls him? Not children in cages at the border?
Reply27 RecommendShareFlag
Peggysmomi commented 45 minutes ago
NYC45m ago
Children in cages is terrible but so is sexual abuse of young women. Please
let’s stick to this issue and not try to make Barr the issue.
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J. Cornelio commented 1 hour ago
J. Cornelio
Washington, Conn.1h ago
That there were three other stories before Epstein's death which should have
been, but were not, reported on in any depth leads me to believe we will
not get the truth about his death.
Those stories were:
1.) Did Acosta take the original FL prosecution of Epstein away from the
State prosecutors who were otherwise prepared to go all out or, as Acosta
claims (and as denied, very generically, by State prosecutors) were the
State prosecutors ready to fold and, but for Acosta's intervention, Epstein
would have gotten off scot free.
2.) Who were the other 'unindicted co-conspirators' to whom Acosta granted
immunity as part of the deal he cut with Epstein --- maids and secretaries
or people with power.
3.) Why haven't we gotten a straight answer about what happened with the
prior "suicide" attempt.
As another commentator has noted, this will be a real test for journalists
as they decide just how much truth they are prepared to reveal. After all,
we humans are not very good at accepting truths which are deeply unsettling
nor are we very tolerant of those who reveal such truths.
Reply20 RecommendShareFlag
kenneth commented 46 minutes ago
nyc45m ago
@J. Cornelio "...believe we will not get the truth about his death." No?
Bob G. commented 1 hour ago
Bob G.
San Francisco1h ago
This is like a TV show where the suspect who can implicate even bigger fish
suddenly "commits suicide" in prison. Why was he not watched 24/7? He'd
already tried to kill himself a few weeks ago. Were there security cameras
that recorded everyone who came and went to his cell, or were those
conveniently "down" due to a "technical problem" (as in, they were turned
off). This is literally outrageous.
Reply20 RecommendShareFlag
Chris commented 1 hour ago
Boulder1h ago
In the sordid state of this country, where the rich and powerful are being
exposed for rank malevolence and institutional protection on a daily basis -
perhaps the only good thing to come from trump's election - it boggles the
mind that whoever set this up thought it was a good idea. And let's be
honest here - this was most definitely not just some simple mistake or
oversight. This event happened shortly after incredibly disturbing and
damning information was made public. That guards are speaking anonymously
also points to the likelihood that they know this was not on the up and up.
It will be very easy to determine who authorized epstein's removal from the
suicide watch list. It will be very easy to review historical prison records
to see if this incident was an outlier, or not.
Keep digging.
Reply14 RecommendShareFlag
kenneth commented 45 minutes ago
nyc44m ago
@Chris " very easy to determine" Surely you jest. Those records have
already been lost. Either that or somebody will "lost" them tonight.
American Citizen commented 1 hour ago
American Citizen
Tucson AZ1h ago
So, he attempted suicide while in jail a few days ago and no one thought
about putting him on suicide watch thereafter? Who's going to cover up for
whom and how far up the chain of command should this inquiry go?
Reply28 RecommendShareFlag
Jonathan commented 1 hour ago
Northwest1h ago
@American Citizen
He was on a suicide watch. So given that why was he allowed to have
something he could hang himself with? I do not believe this was suicide or
if it was people that he would believe were allowed to tell how many attacks
against him per day they were going to pay for if he stayed alive.
Reply2 RecommendShareFlag
kenneth commented 45 minutes ago
nyc45m ago
@American Citizen When I was a kid back in the 60s, there was a convict in
our local Virginia jail who committed suicide by hanging. Very athletic
fellow. Even with his hands cuffed behind his back, he was able to find a
rope in his cell, tie a noose, and climb all the way up to the ceiling to
affix it to the ceiling before sticking his head in the noose and tightening
it around his neck. Very athletic fellow...and oh, black, did I mention
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Tim commented 1 hour ago
The fashionable Berkshires1h ago
It seems odd to me that one of the first names to come up in regards to
Epstien's mysterious suicide is AG William Barr.
I guess he will be able to reassure the doubting public that there was no
Reply37 RecommendShareFlag
MLH commented 18 minutes ago
Rural America17m ago
The federal prison system falls under the Department of Justice which is
headed by AG Barr. Of course he'd want to know immediately what happened to
a high profile prisoner under his jurisdiction.
Lindsay K commented 1 hour ago
Lindsay K
Westchester County, NY1h ago
Unlike Epstein’s defense team, I am not “enormously sorry” to learn of
this news, and it’s utterly gross for one of his attorneys to blame the
victims’ lawyers and the media for this lunatic’s demise. However, I am
very surprised to learn Epstein was no longer on suicide watch. Who approved
that, and why? Given his high profile status and previous suicide attempt,
that lack of watch doesn’t even sound remotely logical.
What I am sorry about though is that hundreds of Epstein’s victims will not
see any justice now, and the names and actions of many of the people who
associated with him and fed off of his perversion will be lost forever and
will never see justice either, at least not in this world. But as the Johnny
Cash song goes: sooner or later God’s gonna cut you down. I hope there’s
divine justice coming for many of these people at some point, if you believe
in that sort of thing.
I hope the victims can all find a measure of peace in their lives. The
monster who hurt them is gone. I hope that they have nothing to fear any
longer, particularly from any of his creepy associates. May they live in
Reply16 RecommendShareFlag
Bashh commented 45 minutes ago
Philadelphia, Pa.45m ago
@Lindsay K. If Epstein was murdered in jail I think they have a lot to fear
if they try and get any justice. It was a warning.
Euphemia Thompson commented 45 minutes ago
Euphemia Thompson
Euphemia Thompson
North Castle, NY45m ago
@Lindsay K
He wasn't on suicide watch because he wasn't suicidal. The first attempt
was the decoy to the event that was planned (today) to follow.
We never knew what happened the first time, and will never know the truth
about this one either. ever.
Reply2 RecommendShareFlag
082620 commented 1 hour ago
the Melting North1h ago
The prison staff were either extremely incompetent or extremely corrupt.
Reply52 RecommendShareFlag
Marc commented 1 hour ago
New York1h ago
or both, as this took place in New York!
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
kenneth commented 45 minutes ago
nyc45m ago
@Marc Right, Marc, NY is the only place in the country where corruption
and/or incompetence can happen. Everywhere else is so pure.
farhorizons commented 1 hour ago
philadelphia1h ago
Yesterday a new cache of damning documents implicating the who-knows-who of
the upper crust was unsealed. Yet no one thought that this might render
Epstein more at risk of committing suicide or for another fatal event, and
returned him to suicide watch? What kind of psychiatrists and prison
administrators do we have working at the MDC?
Reply21 RecommendShareFlag
Ed commented 1 hour ago
Vermont1h ago
Looks like a case of accidental politician assisted suicide...
Reply48 RecommendShareFlag
Irene G commented 46 minutes ago
Irene G
New York45m ago
Kassosman commented 1 hour ago
SanFrancisco1h ago
The high-priced lawyers defending him just lost one huge payday. Oh, what a
Reply15 RecommendShareFlag
Pirate58 commented 1 hour ago
Indiana1h ago
He tried to kill himself once, yet they removed him from suicide watch. This
effectively shuts down the investigation and keeps the evidence from public
view. Well isn't that convenient for trump.
Leave it to the defense attorneys to blame it on everyone except the sex
Reply22 RecommendShareFlag
JoannaPoppink commented 1 hour ago
West Los Angeles, CA1h ago
Too many wealthy, powerful and complicit people can breathe more freely with
Epstein's death. With so many to benefit from his death and thorough
investigation by a person or team that cannot be bought or intimidated is
necessary. But with so much wealth, power and corruption in this system, is
an honest investigation possible?????
Reply17 RecommendShareFlag
Berg Vik commented 56 minutes ago
Berg Vik
Norway56m ago
@JoannaPoppink Because Americans worship the almighty $
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Bashh commented 18 minutes ago
Philadelphia, Pa.17m ago
@JoannaPoppink. Maybe we can get Mueller to it again. And then Barr can
black everything out that is discovered. And Mueller can avoid calling Trump
to testify under oath because after all you can’t prosecute him. And
anyhow we can’t indite anybody because they didn’t really understand that
they were committing a crime, or didn’t intend to commit crime or their
actions did not raise to the level of a crime. And we can’t impeach
because the Senate will never convict.
You mean one one of those investigations?
Diane Clement commented 1 hour ago
Diane Clement
San Luis Obispo1h ago
Hmmm. Perhaps a DIY project aided by some deliberate inattention when the
alternative is a contractor with gruesome tools.
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Dave T. commented 1 hour ago
Dave T.
The California Desert1h ago
Oh, who could have foreseen this? :rolleyes:
I've told others since his arrest that he would not live to see trial.
Reply18 RecommendShareFlag
beberg1 commented 1 hour ago
Edmonds1h ago
A woman who was allegedly raped at age 13 at an Epstein residence by Donald
J. Trump received death threats preventing her from pursuing her civil suit
against him.
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KA commented 10 minutes ago
Canada9m ago
Katie Johnson. May she and all the other girls receive justice.
JG commented 1 hour ago
Denver1h ago
I would not take Jeffrey Epstein's cause of death as described . So many
powerful people who were gravitating around his orbit , including the
president, would have wanted to silence him once and for all while he was
confined in a cell. He was too arrogant to commit suicide. The most corrupt
elite must have had a definite interest of getting rid of him. It sounds
very Shakespearean and it probably is
Reply21 RecommendShareFlag
Joe M. commented 1 hour ago
Joe M.
CA1h ago
Let the conspiracy mongering begin!
Here's a guy whose upcoming trial is likely to embarrass, if not implicate,
some of the richest and most powerful people in the country in some very
odious criminal activity.
He's already attempted a jailhouse suicide once. He's supposedly on a
suicide watch. And yet we wake up on morning to read that he hung himself in
his cell.
Suspicious, much?
Reply15 RecommendShareFlag
JimH commented 46 minutes ago
N.C.45m ago
I see it it as him being an honorable man in terms of not ratting on anyone.
A sick and demented predator no doubt, but not selfish enough to ruin a
bunch of other lives. I am looking at this through his eyes using his logic.
MsLiz commented 1 hour ago
SFO1h ago
Where are the other people involved like Ghislaine Maxwell? He left a long
record and everything should be investigated, especially if it’s within
statutes of limitations. Interesting this was allowed to happen after a
document dump. This shows either utter incompetence and negligence on the
part of the corrections department or corruption and criminality.
Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
Gateman commented 1 hour ago
190461h ago
I'm maturing as I grow older. There was a time when I wouldn't believe they
could have someone killed in custody by either the government or by
someone else. Now, after two years of our government under Trump and his ilk
, I have lost confidence that we have an honest in government. Democracy is
a myth to be believed by religious fools.
Reply16 RecommendShareFlag
°julia eden commented 1 hour ago
°julia eden
garden state1h ago
for the longest time, democracy's advocates
were willing to believe that it would come to be,
some day - sooner, rather than later.
decades, even centuries of predator capitalism later
i see how helplessly we watch as democracy's most
fervent foes are making a mockery of it: demockracy.
Linda commented 1 hour ago
Anchorage1h ago
I fear that Epstein's secrets died with him. How many influential people
with ties to Epstein will never face justice. How many victims will no
longer get justice. Will we ever know the truth?
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Pam Dixon commented 1 hour ago
Pam Dixon
Bethesda, MD1h ago
Why would they take him off suicide watch if he just attempted suicide only
3 weeks ago?
Something doesn’t seem right about this.
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michjas commented 1 hour ago
Phoenix1h ago
Sexual aberrations like Epstein's are a product of mental illness. Epstein
belonged in a mental hospital -- I have said that from the start. Neither
the authorities nor the media tried to understand the situation. All cried
for revenge.
We have gone way overboard in treating sexual aberration as heinous crime.
Epstein was a sex addict. He was out of control. But the media, in
particular, has been on a crusade to assure that mentally ill offenders like
him be imprisoned rather than institutionalized.
This suicide should be a lesson. Sexual predators who demonstrate addictive
behavior belong in mental hospitals. Throwing them in jail with common
criminals is inappropriate and,for Epstein, it was the death penalty.
Reply2 RecommendShareFlag
unreceivedogma commented 1 hour ago
Newburgh1h ago
So, Jeff was moved to a federal penitentiary, where Barr exercised control.
Jeff Epstein dies under Barr’s control.
Now, Barr says “We need to investigate”.
I have that correct, yes?
Reply30 RecommendShareFlag
°julia eden commented 45 minutes ago
°julia eden
garden state45m ago
"law and order."
they used to call it.
didn't they?
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Dixie Land commented 1 hour ago
Dixie Land
Deep South1h ago
The conspiracy theories :ok everybody, put your tin foil hats back in
storage. Epstein was an evil man who knew he faced permenant incarceration.
You can’t leave prisoners naked. He had to wear clothes and I guess if you
are highly motivated to commit suicide in a jail cell it can be done with
the clothes you are issued. Horrible, maybe negligent on the part of prison
employees, but we don’t know now. I do know no one is burning any candles
for him.
I think more may come out then if there was a trial. You can’t try a dead
man. But you can and I am sure journalists are working steadily to get the
boxes and boxes of documents that will be public record and may the chips
fall where they may...it should prove interesting.
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
Alfonso C. Betancort commented 45 minutes ago
Alfonso C. Betancort
Alfonso C. Betancort
Boston45m ago
Any rational being would have waited to see how at least how the trial (rare
as the most likely outcome was that he pleaded guilty, so the evidence
against others and him, get sealed – AKA buried – and no one plead guilty
is the sentence is to life in prison without parole) started or most usually
ended. Hey! You have all the time in the world to kill yourself or let
others kill you over a candy bar while serving the sentence.
Anonymous commented 1 hour ago
The New World1h ago
Wexler needs to be investigated and questioned. Epstein was, at the very
least, his private procurer and pimp. In addition, pedophiles tend to
communicate with each other, so let’s watch what Barr does or does not do
with the evidence collected by the Fed that is part of a larger conspiracy,
ie human trafficking.
It cannot end here for these young girls and women. If it does, there is
probable cause to investigate foul play in Epstein’s death. Just repulsive
, this whole sordid story.
Reply14 RecommendShareFlag
Steven McCain commented 1 hour ago
Steven McCain
New York1h ago
This smells of High Haven. Epstein knew where the bodies were buried of the
Rich and Powerful. Why have suicide watch if you are not watched enough to
prevent you from doing yourself harm? Dead Men Tell no Tales. I bet some of
Epstein rich pals are going to sleep better tonight.
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Bill commented 1 hour ago
Los Angeles, CA1h ago
The conspiracy theories strike me as rather silly. Is there really some
fellow guilty party out there who thought that doing him in while he was
under the microscope would reduce the heat on enablers and co-conspirators?
This seems more like the case of a guy who did the crime but lacked the
manhood to do the time. A rich, slimy weakling.
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Marjorie Summons commented 1 hour ago
Marjorie Summons
Greenpoint1h ago
What terrible sentiments for this poor soul. Claude Jutra, a famous
Canadian filmmaker, took his own life before his child molestation became
public. I think we should all have empathy for these people because there
isn't much they could do except kill themselves. Its tragic all around.
Recent grad commented 1 hour ago
Recent grad
East Coast1h ago
Quite curious the Barr has jumped in to "handle" the investigation. Is he
leading the investigation on any other prison suicides? Doubt it.
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Anna commented 1 hour ago
New York1h ago
This is one of the biggest scandals of this century. Epstein's death is an
injustice to his victims, our American justice system, and will bring rise
to a plethora of conspiracy theories surrounding his death. I can only hope
that the Inspector General Horowitz stands by his morals, does his job and
gets to the bottom of this. The investigation against Epstein needs to
continue and the mounds of evidence uncovered at his property in NYC cannot
'disappear'. Epstein's victims deserve a voice and Epstein's pedophile ring
needs to be exposed and properly tried in court.
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
Steve C commented 1 hour ago
Steve C
Hunt Valley MD1h ago
Extremely suspicious, considering the details powerful individuals would
want to keep Epstein from spilling. Problem solved. Now they can continue
running the world untroubled by a cauldron of truth unspilled.
Reply8 RecommendShareFlag
merel-an commented 1 hour ago
Netherlands1h ago
'Eyes Wide Shut', Stanley Kubrick fictionalised a true story. Unbelievable
as it may seem.
Something else bothers me. This is about minors, right? Where were the
parents? Did they know about their childrens' whereabouts? If so, what were
they thinking they were doing?
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faivel1 commented 1 hour ago
NY1h ago
His final act to avoid justice, at least in a physical form...
But, if you believe that life doesn't end simply in death, he is going to
face what he deserves in a different realm and I should hope it's much worse.
What is clear is that no one knows if it was a suicide, too many prominent
people were in his orbit of "friends", too many who connected in some way
to this sudden death, who would love to see him dead.
Let's just say we don't need another cover up, however horrid, sordid and
rotten it is, it needs to be revealed.
Remember we have a DOJd ruled by Barr and that presents another problem.
Reply5 RecommendShareFlag
°julia eden commented 18 minutes ago
°julia eden
garden state17m ago
barr's name alone
keeps my mind set on
"obstruction of justice"
despite its double "r" ...
Marcy commented 1 hour ago
West Bloomfield, MI1h ago
I thought that Jack Ruby was dead. Did they find someone else to silence
After all, with an obvious sex offender, alleged (and guilty, if his Florida
plea bargain is correct) to have solicited sex with under age girls and
many other awful things, with Trump's reelection campaign coming up, with
implications that a lot of high profile people were involved in his misdeeds
, with a history of a close relationship with Trump and with having tried to
hang himself already once ... do you think he should have been on a suicide
watch? How about a homicide watch? How about a log of who went into and
out of his cell? How about ... ?
Of course, with Trump's Injustice Department, this will be covered up. Who
knows whether someone there might actually know more about this than they
would like anyone to know about?
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Abby commented 1 hour ago
Tucson1h ago
Are we certain he wasn't practicing erotic asphyxia? Shame to blame
Corrections for his ravenous appetite for orgasms provided under duress.
I want to know if Jeffery was one of those who committed juvenile crimes
during the time we expunged all evidence of those crimes no matter how
serious the offense. Like my rapists. Juveniles who offended between 1967
and 1972 left no trace of their rapes, arson or murders.
ALL evidence of such adjudications were destroyed by fire, even the
delinquent's educational records. Trump is too old to have got this sweet
deal, and Kavanaugh is too young. But Jeffery was just right.
I notice Dalton declines to make available online several of their yearbooks
during those days of sending wealthier delinquents to "new schools" to
anonymously serve their time instead of in detention centers. Abundance of
caution to protect identities of those serving time in their school?
Any chance no college was willing to supervise Epstein's detention, but
Dalton was willing to "hold" him until he was done with his "confinement?"
No law said he had to be a student. He just needed someone to sign off for
him until he was 21...
Reply3 RecommendShareFlag
Euphemia Thompson commented 45 minutes ago
Euphemia Thompson
Euphemia Thompson
North Castle, NY45m ago
Epstein was not a student at Dalton. He was a teacher there, hired by Barr'
s father, Donald, who was at the time, the Head Master.
No confinement till 21 necessary. He was hired at 21 to teach and have an
influence on young students.
Reply1 RecommendShareFlag
Cody McCall commented 1 hour ago
Cody McCall
tacoma1h ago
Suicide? Or did somebody do a Whitey Bulger on him. He traveled in the
company of the moneyed elite. Maybe he knew too much about too many.
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Yuri Vizitei commented 1 hour ago
Yuri Vizitei
Missouri1h ago
The worst part of it all is that the HRC conspiracy theories will be fed by
We live in the times when ignorance rules and social media helps spread it.
So expect another pizza conspiracy raging for many months to come.
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KA commented 1 hour ago
Canada1h ago
We should refrain from vilifying every whistleblower. Someone in that prison
saw what happened. Give them the encouragement to speak.
It is way past time for justice for all the victims of this man and the host
of other men who have preyed on young women and girls.
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Kevin Perera commented 1 hour ago
Kevin Perera
Kevin Perera
Berkeley, ca1h ago
Strange that so many people seem to be upset by his suicide, like justice
was cheated or something. He got the ultimate penalty - a death sentence -
even if it was self inflicted.
An evil predator is gone from our midst, and we don't have to pay for an
expensive trial and years of incarceration. A win-win situation, I think.
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KA commented 1 hour ago
Canada1h ago
@Kevin Perera
Victims would have preferred he lived to face justice.
Gabrielle Rose commented 1 hour ago
Gabrielle Rose
Philadelphia, PA1h ago
Maybe the prison was encouraged to facilitate his suicide. I was kind of
surprised Wm Barr commented on it this quickly. I know it’s a federal
prison, but I’d think there were a few more administrative levels we’d
hear from. If it were another prisoner not tied to trump, would Barr be
involved and declare an inquiry would be conducted, all before noon?
I hope this means any information about him can be released quickly.
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nzierler commented 1 hour ago
New Hartford NY1h ago
Jeffrey Epstein has escaped punishment but if justice is to be done, his
estate should be liquidated by punitive damages paid to the women he savaged
. Every last dime should go to them. It won't erase their horrible memories
but it could provide some palliative help to know they will be spending his
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malibu frank commented 1 hour ago
malibu frank
Calif.1h ago
At the very least, Barr will have to recuse himself from the inevitable
investigation, since he is the guy at the top of the DOJ who allowed this
debacle to happen. I can't wait to hear Trump's reaction to that.
Reply7 RecommendShareFlag
beberg1 commented 45 minutes ago
Edmonds45m ago
@malibu frank Or Barr's father's having hired Epstein, who had no
credentials, to teach math at Dalton School. Reportedly, Epstein's
employment was terminated and, ultimately, Barr's father departed, too.
TS commented 1 hour ago
San Francisco, CA1h ago
Barr, appalled? What a joke. He's already shown himself as corrupt, partisan
, and not worthy of trust. He'll protect those for whom an Epstein trial
would have meant potential exposure; for possible money-laundering and
fixing involving the same layer of elites. The victims will get nothing;
the perps win, again, because of who and what they are.
A recent book, with persons hired by the ultra- and hereditary-wealthy being
interviewed about their privileged glimpse into that world, reported that
they live above laws, borders, and accepted norms of human conduct. Barr's
fealty is to power, not law -- and the 'justice' department he commands will
just follow his trail.
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Blunt commented 18 minutes ago
New York City17m ago
His father hired him to teach Math at Dalton. He had absolutely no
credentials. Dropped out of NYU.
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Timshel commented 1 hour ago
New York1h ago
The odds are very good that the truth of this story will not come out for
many years. This is because there is a high probability that at least some
of Epstein's very wealthy connections availed themselves of his sex
trafficking services. Even if their names are not known, it will at least
still show how little regard they have for the rights and feelings of people
who are not very wealthy, including 12 year old girls.
This goes with the territory. Usually, once you accumulate enough wealth (
usually through profiting off the work of other men and women) you begin to
think that you have makes you better than other people. Our so-called "
elites" have often already been hidden sociopaths and psychopaths. This
would destroy the myth that wealthy people earned their wealth and deserve
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
BoycottBlather commented 1 hour ago
CA1h ago
Sometimes even conspiracy theorists can be right.
Reply20 RecommendShareFlag
mwugson commented 1 hour ago
CT1h ago
If Epstein did not die by his own hand than the perpetrator did so in an "
acting" position
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JL commented 1 hour ago
California1h ago
Has anybody seen the body? My guess is he is somewhere on a beach recovering
from cosmetic surgery on his face to render him unrecognizable. He is
connected to the President, for God’s sake. He could have a new identity in
an instant. People like this do not suffer consequences, especially when
they are so closely connected to rich, powerful people who need for them (
and their horrific deeds) to “disappear”.
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
Elle commented 18 minutes ago
Kitchen17m ago
@JL. Maybe. But it's much neater to off him. After another month in jail, he
would've blabbed.
CalifBroke commented 1 hour ago
California1h ago
'If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it
is that you can kill anyone.' - Godfather Part 2. Money and power always
triumphs. Just another pesky distraction in the lives of the rich and
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GL commented 1 hour ago
Upstate NY1h ago
Suicide, or murder? Many important, and dangerous people, were too connected
to this aristocrat.
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claude commented 1 hour ago
Canada1h ago
Trumps did not want to pardon him before the elections
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Joe commented 1 hour ago
New York1h ago
Oh, please. There has never been a "suicide" in the history of the world
that served to protect so many incredibly wealthy and powerful people. The
idea that an actual investigation will occur is laughable. There are a lot
of important men, presidents past and current, financial titans foreign and
domestic, Hollywood royalty, who either joined with him in the abuse or knew
about it and looked the other way. None of them will now be held
Reply26 RecommendShareFlag
JG commented 45 minutes ago
Denver45m ago
@Joe Those who call this story a conspiracy should study histoty a little
Oreamnos commented 1 hour ago
NC1h ago
Neither predators nor lone shooters have empathy for victims. Easily
identified throughout their life, elementary school and later. School is a
community where loners and problems are known, such awareness is possible
throughout life.
Compassionate interventions (maybe some feel rejected and just need social
support, depends...) could prevent a lot of tragedy to victims.
Crazy conspiracy: schools and your city don't care, just want to grind out
workers. Not true, but result is the same as caring and doing nothing.
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Javaforce commented 1 hour ago
California1h ago
This article describes how Barr's father had hired Epstein as a teacher
despite Epstein not being qualified for the job.
Bill Barr should recuse himself immediately from this case because of Barr's
father's hiring of Epstein. Instead Barr is taking an active interest in
Epstein's case which is very suspicious. I don't think Barr can or will be
impartial if his father or Trump are implicated by the evidence.
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Louis commented 1 hour ago
RegoPark1h ago
Even in death, Epstein gets special treatment. How many other prisoners
that were found dead in their cells and that had lesser financial means
received a special inquiry?
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Earthling commented 1 hour ago
Earth1h ago
I for one want to see:
a) current photographs of the cell or room Epstein was housed in, including
views of floor, ceiling, walls, furnishings --- to verify that there was
anything from which to hang oneself.
b) inventory and photos of all items that were within the cell including
clothing, bedding, etc.
c) logs or whatever is kept of guard/Epstein interactions
d) the name, rank and serial number of whomever is responsible for removing
him from suicide-watch status
This unfortunately is going to go down in "who shot JFK?" territory sans all
of the above.
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Babel commented 1 hour ago
new Jersey1h ago
Just because Epstein could directly implicate many rich and powerful men and
end or damage their careers does not mean there is anything suspicious
about this suicide. So glad to hear that Trump's man Barr will be directly
involved with the investigation. I am sure he will get to the bottom of it
just like he did with the Mueller report. Many powerful wheels turning here
to make sure some peoples interests are covered.
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Edward commented 1 hour ago
Honolulu1h ago
The next thing we’ll find out is there’s a gap in the video just when he
committed suicide. Implausible? But in the absence of independent evidence
nothing can be proven so the prison officials can come up with any lame
excuse they want and any contrary theory or question can be rebutted with “
Prove it!” All the doubts and suspicions then end up in the dust bin along
with all the other “conspiracist” theories of history. And that’s how
this story will end.
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Badem commented 1 hour ago
USA1h ago
A guy who is incarcerated under maximum security. He already attempted
suicide once. he is not under suicide watch, and manages to commit suicide
under such circumstances. By the way he may be about to name names of other
powerful man who is involved in his crimes. What a coincidence?
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Euphemia Thompson commented 1 hour ago
Euphemia Thompson
Euphemia Thompson
North Castle, NY1h ago
No, that first "attempt" if it were even true, was the set up to this one.
Whomever orchestrated this was very clever. Pair him with a cellmate with a
known temper and a history of murder. We never really know what happened
that first time. Epstein didn't "tawk." (hey, he's from Brooklyn).
Then have him on suicide watch for a couple of weeks, and take him off
because he's deemed "ok."
Suddenly, he offs himself?
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NH gal commented 1 hour ago
NH gal
ct1h ago
I am distressed that security in our federal prisons is not seemingly up to
the task of protecting those in custody. That Epstein and Whitey Bulger
should both be killed while in federal custody is unacceptable. I'm not sure
if this means that it is more dangerous for non-notorious incarcerees or
not. But in any case it is horrible and makes the fed system look like it is
not up to its job.
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Barooby commented 1 hour ago
Florida1h ago
There will be a paper trail which shows us the who, where, and when of the
decision to take Mr. Epstein off Suicide Prevention.
Until then all we know is that he is dead though I understand that some
doubt even that.
Unfortunately our government's sometimes mendacity just during my lifetime
makes it impossible to rule anything out.
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Mahendra commented 1 hour ago
Florida1h ago
Looks suspicious death given his past attempt for suicide. How come no
precautions were not implemented. There must be an investigation of murder
rather than jumping to conclusion. There must be video camera monitors.
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Philip commented 1 hour ago
South Orange1h ago
Now wait for it folks. Trump will create some new controversy and this
outrageous turn of events will just fade away. Everyone involved is
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Jay commented 1 hour ago
Florida1h ago
Mr. Epstein should not have died in prison. How could this have happened
to one of the highest profile prisoners in America?
Cleary there is gross negligence.
I do not believe that Mr. Epstein committed suicide. He was supposed to be
on a suicide watch. Who was watching? Where are the videos? Who saw Mr.
Epstein last and at what time? What time did they find him? When did he die
Mr. Epstein was accused of a crime but not found guilty. He did not deserve
to die in prison. There is no reason that Mr. Epstein could not have been
placed under supervised house arrest and not imprisoned.
It appears as though Mr. Epstein was a victim of revenge by prosecutors who
sought to reverse earlier leniency and for that reason he was imprisoned.
This was an unnecessary death. There needs to be a serious investigation of
the people who were responsible for his care and custody.
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Cat commented 1 hour ago
Charleston SC1h ago
Massive guilt, that’s why he ended his life. He could not escape justice
this time around. This must be very difficult for all of his victims. Yes,
the investigation should continue and ask those difficult questions about
why his A-list of contacts continued to associate with a convicted sex
offender. “I didn’t know” is not a credible defense.
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John Gilday commented 1 hour ago
John Gilday
John Gilday
Nevada1h ago
Just goes to show that all of us Americans, Democrats, Republican s,
conservatives, progressives whatever can comment about how unfair the other
side is. We can march and protest, occupy wall street, join the Proud Boys
or Antifa and basically make fools of ourselves in the eyes of those in
power. But if we become a real threat to power we will be eliminated.
So the games go on and on.
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ADN commented 1 hour ago
New York City1h ago
Here is something that is not a conspiracy theory. A federal prisoner who
had, or so we were told, tried to die by suicide was not on a suicide watch.
Yet we are supposed to accept the official story. Nobody I know does.
Everybody I know was waiting for the news that he had died, somehow, in his
cell. Everybody I know had the same thought: he was the man who knew too
much. But now we will be lectured as conspiracy nuts, as paranoids, as
delusional. This is the American story. The truth must never be told or
society would collapse under its weight. Alas, it’s collapsing anyway. We
know who the winners are.
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Judy commented 1 hour ago
Pennsylvania1h ago
AG Barr speaks of Epstein’s suicide the same way Trump speaks of racially-
inspired gun violence: in the passive voice. “Something must be done!” Mr.
Epstein was in the custody of the Federal criminal justice system, of which
William Barr, as the AG, is in charge. From the very beginning of this case
, it appeared that Epstein received preferential treatment from former US
Attorney Acosta because he was rich and famous and had friends in very high
places. He also knew a lot about the sexual activities of those friends in
high places. Mr. Barr has already muddied the water around the findings of
Robert Mueller’s investigation; we must insure the investigation of Epstein
’s death is done properly away from any improper influence Mr. Barr could
have on it.
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David commented 1 hour ago
Outside Boston1h ago
normally i roll my eyes and snort in derision at conspiracy theories. this
time, i'm listening. incredible that this could have been allowed to happen.
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Donna Hutchinson commented 1 hour ago
Donna Hutchinson
Wickford RI1h ago
Conspiracy theories or not. There are victims here. They deserve to see
justice so that other predators and their accomplices are aware of the
consequence of their vile, despicable and selfish crimes.
I cannot imagine how a mother or father could possibly comfort their
daughter and convince her to ever trust another humane-being. They’ve been
robbed of their innocence and trust.
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Jim Bonacum commented 1 hour ago
Jim Bonacum
Springfield Il1h ago
Thank goodness the justice department is investigating this. By the way,
Donald Barr, the father of the current attorney general William Barr hired
Epstein to teach at the Dalton School back in 1973. He was 20 years old and
did not have a college degree or any teaching experience of any kind. Oh
well I suppose it is just one of those fascinating coincidences like Barr
writing that memo about how the special counsel's investigation into Trump
was "fatally misconceived" and then getting appointed attorney general.
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independent thinker commented 1 hour ago
independent thinker
ny1h ago
I've read most of the news stories and never saw a mention of searches at
Epstein's other properties... FL, NM, Island, +.
Hopefully the investigation continues. This was not a 'one man' show.
Seems much work still needed. Those who are guilty need to be held
accountable, those that should have acted should be named, victims should be
compensated for trauma.
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crowdancer commented 1 hour ago
South of Six Mile Road1h ago
Was it Mark Twain who said,
"While I wish for the death of no man, I confess there are some obituaries
that I read with consuming interest..."
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tom harrison commented 1 hour ago
tom harrison
seattle1h ago
I am surprised he lived this long.
How about a list of every employee that was working the night this happened?
For that matter, how about a list of the names of every New York City
police officer who turned a blind eye when Epstein was supposed to report
for registered sex-offending? How about a list of every single client that
Epstein had?
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Mark S commented 1 hour ago
Mark S
Zürich1h ago
Safety of prisoners cannot be guaranteed. What standard is that?
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Blunt commented 38 minutes ago
New York City37m ago
Wake up and smell the coffee my friend. You live in a banana republic.
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Alley commented 1 hour ago
NYC1h ago
Another example of how incompetently our federal prisons are managed.
Medical care is woefully inadequate and negligent, understaffing is rampant
and correction officers mistreat and abuse inmates. It is a disgrace that
someone accused of such serious crimes who had already attempted suicide
wasn't treated in accordance with BOP rules so that he could eventually be
brought before the bar of justice. And, as your accompanying article
demonstrates, this is merely one high profile case. This incompetence is
resulting in a general increase in prison suicides.
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Alph Williams commented 1 hour ago
Alph Williams
Alph Williams
Australia1h ago
How thoughtful and considerate of Jeffery to take such a valiant action to
avoid embarrassing his high flying friends. To think there was any wrong
doing, collusion or murder would suggest corruption at the highest level.
Would the more enlightened and informed be so cynical to thinks so?
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Mary commented 1 hour ago
Seattle1h ago
I hope the women he abused file suit and win compensation from his estate.
They deserve it. It would help to bring his crimes and related associates
to light. I also hope a criminal case is opened for the people who enabled
him and also exploited the girls and young women.
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len commented 1 hour ago
san diego1h ago
And Attorney General Barr is incensed and is launching an immediate
investigation. That gives me a great deal of confidence we will be getting
to the bottom of this matter!!
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Bill bartelt commented 1 hour ago
Bill bartelt
Chicago1h ago
This man had direct, case-related ties to the President of the United States
, Donald J Trump. He also had ties to William Barr, the Attorney General of
the United States. Yet after an obvious failed suicide attempt, he was
found dead just days later of another apparent suicide.
Why do I find myself shaking my head and thinking that this will be a fat
chapter in the history of the Donald Trump Presidency?
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Charlotte K commented 1 hour ago
Charlotte K
Mass.1h ago
I wonder if our esteemed Attorney General will recuse himself from any
Justice Dept. investigation, given his father hired Epstein as a teacher at
the elite private school where he was headmaster, in spite of the fact
Epstein had no college degree.
This death stinks to high heaven. An awful lot at stake for a number of the
rich and powerful, and a desire to once again shut down a lot of women.
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A. Stanton commented 1 hour ago
A. Stanton
A. Stanton
Dallas, TX1h ago
There but for the grace of the Electoral College goes Donald J. Trump.
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Mike commented 1 hour ago
New England1h ago
Even at 53 years old I am at times mystified by the human condition. How
did this man justify to himself the systematic victimization of scores of
young women? Did he ever stop to think of how they might be affected by his
actions? Why did he kill himself? Was he mentally ill? Was he simply
impulsive? What a sad ending to what I can only assume was an empty life,
devoid of any real meaning or worth.
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Doug commented 1 hour ago
NM1h ago
Oh, so now the AG wants a special inquiry into what happened. What about all
those other prison hangings (and beatings, etc.) that happen to 'ordinary'
convicts? About an inquiry into corrections reform?
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Gwen Vilen commented 1 hour ago
Gwen Vilen
Minnesota1h ago
‘Conspiracy Theories ‘ is a label that the conservative press uses to
advance it’s own agenda in support of the powers that be. In dictatorship
s around the world people who threaten the rich and powerful are killed
outright. But everybody knows what the real deal is, and they know the
perpetrators will always get away with it.
In America you have to be a bit more covert about political assassinations.
You have to convince the majority of citizens that the assassination is
literally what the government says it is. It takes a bit more planning and
lots of propaganda, but usually it works. Americans, apathetic, willfully
ignorant of politics and current events, and understandably tired of being
lied to, simply do not want to believe, or don’t care that this is
happening here. And why should they? Everyone knows the perpetrators will
get away with it. So why not believe the obvious lie - or simply ignore the
whole thing.
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Kona030 commented 1 hour ago
HNL1h ago
Ever watch Forensic Files on HLN?....There have been many a case (and none
were as high profile as this one) where a body found appeared to be a
suicide only to end up being a homicide (often done by a poison not
typically seen unless coroner does more specialized testing)....
If this indeed was a homicide, probably done by people with the same skill
set as Jimmy Hoffa's killer(s)....
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Kathy commented 1 hour ago
Oxford1h ago
A man who seduces teenage women long past his own youth and sets up an
entire world to service his sick need is a coward. A coward who used his
connections to powerful people to escape justice felt invincible. This time
those same powerful people "hardly knew him." The thought of spending the
rest of his days in that tiny cell, no amenities and no teenage girls not to
mention weeks in a courtroom listening to everyone tell him how disgusting
he is, who can be surprised he took the cowardly way out.
The question to be answered is how many of those powerful people paid him to
service their own failures as men? Is that where his wealth came from, high
end pimp to the rich and famous who liked young girls? Will the
investigation continue as so far he was the only one charged? Did he take
one for the team?
Don't let the conspiracies about how he died drown out the need to learn
the depth of his and others' depravity.
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kenneth commented 1 hour ago
nyc1h ago
@Kathy A coward because he's not young anymore? because he "sets up an
entire world etc"? because he "felt invincile."
A very bad person, yes. But a coward? Well maybe, but also maybe we should
have more than your word to establish that.
hoosier lifer commented 1 hour ago
hoosier lifer
hoosier lifer
johnson co IN1h ago
So how many year's would Obama be in jail now if he'd had been involved, at
all, with some one like this Epstein?
Death in police custody is unacceptable under our system of justice. We need
to be able to trust at least somewhat our judicial system. Our laws may be
all that separates us from chaos. This USA Democratic system is designed to
be scrutinized and must have some accountability and possibly integrity?
kenneth commented 1 hour ago
nyc1h ago
@hoosier lifer I'm not sure how Obama got into this, but ... well, let's
go after Harding and Grant and Jackson and Jefferson while we're at it?
And then there was . . . . .
MDB commented 32 minutes ago
Indiana31m ago
@Hoosier lifer — Huh? How is Obama in any way relevant to this?
GLO commented 1 hour ago
NYC1h ago
Interesting that this event is being controlled by trump attorney Bill Barr
. Very fishy circumstances Quite likely Barr will find no evidence of any
wrong doing.
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kenneth commented 1 hour ago
nyc1h ago
@GLO The evidence part was wrapped up in a matter of minutes. But they're
still working on the press release.
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Martha Shelley commented 1 hour ago
Martha Shelley
Portland, OR1h ago
This is a warning to anyone who might come forth and testify: you can meet
the same fate as Epstein.
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Hal Skinner commented 1 hour ago
Hal Skinner
Orlando, Fl.1h ago
Something smells about Jeffrey Epstein alleged suicide. As someone who has
worked in Corrections for 30 years it's unfathomable to be that he wasn't on
a suicide watch.
He had made a previous attempt while during his present incarceration to
kill himself. Additionally, such a "high profile" inmate who had never been
incarcerated before would have been segregated from other inmates and on a
24 hour suicide watch, as standard procedure.
Surely, the present warden should be fired. Now all the information he
possessed on high profile lawyers, politicians, Royals, millionaires and
billionaires died with him.
Should we have confidence in Attorney General William Barr to investigate
this death? After all it was Barr's father, that hired Epstein to teach at
the swanky Manhattan Prep School. Barr should recuse himself from this
investigation. After all the he is in charge of the Federal Penal System.
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Sally L. commented 1 hour ago
Sally L.
Sally L.
NorthEast1h ago
I believe it is a simple case of Epstein not being able to handle what is
coming down the road. Maybe he was murdered, but most likely he took his own
life. I hope his victims can find some peace.
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Jack Dorne commented 1 hour ago
Jack Dorne
Charlotte, North Carolina1h ago
The death of Jeffrey Epstein comes as no surprise to the cynical, including
Given the execrable performance of most Trump appointees, who is surprised
this happened on Bill Barr’s watch? Whether it was suicide, murder or a
coordinated escape, Epstein’s death shows incompetence of breathtaking
magnitude. The warden and people responsible should resign, but I doubt
anyone of consequence will.
I would never draw another peaceful breath if I were Ghislaine Maxwell,
Sarah Kellen (now the wife of NASCAR driver Brian Vickers,) Nadia Marcinkova
, Adriana Ross or Leslie Goff.
Reply9 RecommendShareFlag
kenneth commented 25 minutes ago
nyc24m ago
@Jack Dorne "I would never draw another peaceful breath if I were
Ghislaine Maxwell, Sarah Kellen (now the wife of NASCAR driver Brian Vickers
,) Nadia Marcinkova, Adriana Ross or Leslie Goff."
I'll go along with the first couple of paragraphs, but I have no idea who
these other people ar.
Joe Miksis commented 1 hour ago
Joe Miksis
San Francisco1h ago
C'mon. The negligence by this Department of Justice is palpable. The DOJ
is run by AG William Barr, Trump's current consigliere.
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JC commented 1 hour ago
The Dog1h ago
Hey, Mr Barr. Others have died recently in Federal custody. they were non-
criminal children, partially due to your policy, but I guess they don't
count because they're not wealthy white men.
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J W Merchant commented 1 hour ago
J W Merchant
Riverside, CA1h ago
It is interesting to watch the government officials in an absolute frenzy
over the death of Epstein. He was a child molester. He was a rich man who
manipulated others and committed unspeakable crimes. Yet the Attorney
General Bill Barr and other officials are outraged by Epstein’s suicide in
jail. Maybe there was a problem with security — but the fury and desire for
blame is just a diversion from the real world. We have just had two mass
shootings. Where was the passion of Bill Barr to look at issues like gun
control? It’s much easier for him, our top lawman, to foment a raging
protest for a man who violated women and kept law at a distance.
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cbum commented 1 hour ago
Baltimore1h ago
Given that all entities tasked with investigating this are under Barr, what
can you realistically expect except "nothing to see here, move right along"
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LEE commented 1 hour ago
With Attorney Barr professing an interest in this, may we assume that upon
completion of this investigation it will be found that the previous findings
were false and the whole thing will be redacted 'there's nothing here, no
sex, just a suicide, sorry about that' much like the Mueller report? If not
, it will be so whitewashed that we're to think, 'Oh, guess I didn't
understand.' Like most times Trump speaks, I go away wondering, 'did I hear
that right?'
The rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper. Watch what happens with the new
gun legislation..
Reply6 RecommendShareFlag
Steve commented 1 hour ago
U.S.A.1h ago
I wonder why it took so long.
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John M commented 1 hour ago
John M
Minneapolis, Minnesota1h ago
I think Trump is connected to this in some way.
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H. Clark commented 1 hour ago
H. Clark
Long Island, NY1h ago
As with all things Trump related, the ‘death’ of Epstein is curious and
begs for in-depth investigation. It’s completely conceivable that he was ‘
eliminated’ to keep from implicating men in positions of power (think Trump
, Clinton, Dershowitz, Barr, Mitchell, Richardson, et al), or that he was
simply spirited out of prison, given a new identity, shipped off to Topeka
and told to keep a low profile — and keep his hands off underage females.
Disseminate news of a quick funeral, subsequent cremation, and the story
seemingly ends there. Nothing would surprise me when it comes to the Trump
crime family and its nefarious cohort. Absolutely nothing.
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Thomas Hughes commented 1 hour ago
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Hughes
Bradenton, FL1h ago
If the allegations against Mr. Epstein prove to be true, his bones should be
buried in a prison yard.
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AGM commented 1 hour ago
NYC1h ago
August 10, 2019 is the day the United States of America officially became a
Banana Republic. It is all downhill for here.
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Bill Lombard commented 46 minutes ago
Bill Lombard
Brooklyn45m ago
November 22, 1963 , Dallas , if they can do that , they can do anything
Todd commented 1 hour ago
Watertown1h ago
Unfortunately, this predator will take to his grave the names and deeds of
his cohort of powerful, influential demons and their enablers.
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Blunt commented 18 minutes ago
New York City18m ago
You are probably the only person who doesn’t know the names!
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John Smith commented 1 hour ago
John Smith
Reno, Nevada1h ago
No one is going to believe he killed himself, no matter what Barr says,
clearly both Democrats and Republicans wanted him to die, they all were
blackmailed by him.
There is no independent US agency that will be believed. If we get a copy
of the tapes and pictures he has and they are made public than we will know
who benefits
Reply7 RecommendShareFlag
Ghost Dansing commented 2 hours ago
Ghost Dansing
Ghost Dansing
New York2h ago
It would probably be good to have an autopsy that includes a very granular
toxicology screen as well in case something was slipped to him wittingly or
unwittingly for ingestion. The problem with this is that his trial didn't
simply represent a trial of his criminal activity. It had potential to
implicate many others who aided, abetted, or simply witnessed the criminal
behavior. It also has/had potential to reveal special handling by officials
associated with prosecuting Epstein previously.
Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
Mountain Dragonfly commented 2 hours ago
Mountain Dragonfly
Mountain Dragonfly
NC2h ago
Considering how many connections there were between Epstein, those in Trump'
s circle and Trump himself, one cannot help but wonder if there was/is a
conspiracy so that those connections could not be verified in the recent
surge of House oversight. A shame that we could even contemplate this, but
that is where our current administration has taken us.
I don't wish anyone death, but if his was by choice, it was certainly an
escape from what was to come. Karma.
Reply13 RecommendShareFlag
Pertinax commented 1 hour ago
Pompeii, USA1h ago
@Mountain Dragonfly please confirm you sources as you bring up Trump but
conveniently fail to mention his Clinton connection and other Democrat
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Scott Newton commented 2 hours ago
Scott Newton
San Francisco , Ca2h ago
Some of the civil suits by woman victimized by Epstein describe an extensive
video system in his properties, and of course many powerful and connected
men who participated in the abuse.
Epstein knew many secrets and probably had the video to prove them. More
names are being dragged into the light day by day.
His death should be regarded with suspicion - whether it was suicide or
Reply15 RecommendShareFlag
John commented 2 hours ago
Rochester, NY2h ago
My first reaction: good. My second reaction: how convenient for Trump and
other rich and powerful men who were involved in this. Please continue
reporting on every aspect of this case.
Reply27 RecommendShareFlag
G.Talbot commented 1 hour ago
Lancaster, PA1h ago
So how was Trump involved??
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beberg1 commented 18 minutes ago
Edmonds17m ago
@G.Talbot Civil suits filed by woman who alleged that when she was age 13
Trump, at an Epstein residence, tied her to bed, struck her in face, raped
her, and warned her that harm would come to her family if she told anyone.
She tried four times to file cases against Trump. The most recent one was
dropped after, according to her attorney, she received death threats when
she was scheduled to give testimony at a deposition.
hotGumption commented 2 hours ago
Providence RI2h ago
Questions for the media to ask:
1. Who determined that the suicide watch should be lifted and how was that
determination made? Name, please, and who gave them the authority to decide?
Prison rules or someone else? What was the exact chain of command related
to this decision?
2.What are the qualifications for suicide watch? What is written in the
prison's manual of conduct and management? Is it customarily lifted after a
certain time period even though a pruported attempt has already been made?
How much time?
3. Was the original suicide watch "episodic" (someone occasionally checking
the prisoner every few minutes) or was it constant (someone always keeping
the prisoner in view, 24/7)?
4. Can the prison now be civillly liable for this death? Who could bring
this suit? Family? A community member?
5. What articles did he use for his supposed suicide? Articles of clothing?
Bed sheets? And to what were they attached?
6. Was there a camera focused on his cell (and on all cells?) If not, why
not? And who should have been monitoring that? If there was one, then what
does it show about activity in that cell?
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Vanderpool commented 18 minutes ago
sarasota18m ago
@hotGumption And given the danger he posed to so many powerful people...
Why did the Press not go after the prison officials when they took him off
suicide watch and ask "Why"?
They did a sloppy job. Only reporting salacious information and not keeping
their noses out for obvious warning signs that Epstien was in serious
jeopardy while being held in detention.
He might still be alive and talking had the press not let his whole time in
detention fade off the radar.
Gordon Drake commented 2 hours ago
Gordon Drake
North Carolina2h ago
For this first time ever I am buying into conspiracy theories. AG Barr was
way too quick to announce "an investigation."
Epstein quite possibly saved a lot of high profile people, think POTUS-45, a
lot of angst and exposure going forward.
We can only hope that the case moves forward in absentia and the estate and
associates of Epstein are examined with a microscope. Then the estate should
be confiscated for the greater good of all of his victims.
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Euphemia Thompson commented 1 hour ago
Euphemia Thompson
Euphemia Thompson
North C
发帖数: 1
1 (共1页)
“re-victimizing”Epstein-Barr virus导致广东人得鼻咽癌
科恩愿意告诉穆勒关于床铺与俄罗斯的“阴谋勾结” (转载)爱破斯坦被自杀了
哈哈 境外反华势力的中文水平不行啊米歇尔,when they go low we go high
Epstein是Trump杀的美国记者的业务水平 (转载)
看来确实是疮普指示美国司法部杀了爱泼斯坦完了!trump被起诉强奸13岁小女孩! (转载)
据说90%的35-40岁的人都有这个病毒实在无法理解为什么有人支持Trump (转载)
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