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Military版 - 因为银行的错误,美国夫妇被控盗窃罪 (转载)
NBC News的Brian Williams居然年薪1千万美元重庆法院制作量刑规范表解决同案不同判
mao-wheelers, deng-wheeler, you guys should united要加薪脑子也不太好,人家记车牌就把她手中的小本给抢走就是了
[借人气,求问一个法律问题] 朋友申请专利,挂我的名字可以不Interesting article from Bloomberg
手机内有报号软件 窃贼连换5号码仍被抓 (转载)中国特种兵战术上牛逼,战略上差点
话题: williams话题: tiffany话题: bank话题: affidavit话题: couple
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发帖数: 2710
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: rbs (jay), 信区: Joke
标 题: 银行的错
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 9 15:35:35 2019, 美东)
(CNN)A Pennsylvania couple is facing felony theft charges after their bank
accidentally put $120,000 in their account, and the couple spent most of it
instead of contacting the bank, police said.
Robert and Tiffany Williams of Montoursville are also facing overdraft fees
from the bank of about $107,000, according to the criminal complaint filed
in the Lycoming County magisterial district court.
In an interview with law enforcement, Tiffany Williams said the money was
spent on an SUV, a camper, two four wheelers and a car trailer, among other
things, according to an affidavit.
The bank error occurred May 31 when a customer in Georgia made a deposit of
$120,000, and the BB&T Bank teller entered a wrong account number. When the
customer contacted the bank to ask about the missing deposit, investigators
discovered the funds had gone into the Williams' joint account, the
affidavit said.
"While we can't comment on the specifics of this issue due to client privacy
practices, we always work as quickly as possible to address any issue that
affects our clients," Brian Davis, a spokesman for BB&T, told CNN in a
"We're also continuously working to enhance our client service and operating
procedures to provide the best client experience possible."
The bank tried to call the call the couple several times
When Tiffany Williams was contacted by the bank on June 21, she said "she no
longer had the funds because she had already paid off bills," the affidavit
Some of the money also went to pay bills and for car repairs, and the couple
gave $15,000 to "friends in need of money," Tiffany Williams told
investigators, according to the affidavit.
Tiffany Williams told the bank she would try to come up with a repayment
agreement for the money owed, but the bank wasn't able to contact the couple
after that June 21 phone conversation, the affidavit said.
The bank credited the correct account with the $120,000 and debited the same
amount from the incorrect one, the affidavit said.
Both Tiffany and Robert Williams told investigators they knew the money didn
't belong to them, according to the affidavit.
Reached by CNN under a phone number listed in public records for Robert
Williams, a man who didn't identify himself said he had "no comment about
that at this time," and doesn't yet know the name of the public defender in
the case.
Nate Weaver, a neighbor of the couple, told CNN affiliate WNEP that the
allegations are "kind of shocking."
"I mean, with all the procedures the banks have set up, and you know,
checking and double checking, triple checking, there's no way anybody gets
away with that stuff," Weaver told WNEP.
WNEP reports the couple has been released on $25,000 bail.
1 (共1页)
那个白人杀黑人的消息[借人气,求问一个法律问题] 朋友申请专利,挂我的名字可以不
广东怀集1名男子暴力袭警被现场击毙手机内有报号软件 窃贼连换5号码仍被抓 (转载)
NBC News的Brian Williams居然年薪1千万美元重庆法院制作量刑规范表解决同案不同判
mao-wheelers, deng-wheeler, you guys should united要加薪脑子也不太好,人家记车牌就把她手中的小本给抢走就是了
话题: williams话题: tiffany话题: bank话题: affidavit话题: couple