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Military版 - 抄底A股成功,哈哈
这是美国人对现阶段的贸易战的总结美国农民不领床铺的情:"We Don't Want Handouts"
美国靠专利,环境,核讹诈, 货币欺骗的阴谋都破产了床铺连蒙带吓弄个USMCA跟NAFTA相差无几,还把人都得罪了
崩了!! 崩了!!美姑雪崩了!!!又跌了四百点
Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 48 points among millennials毛衣战谈判看来是破局了。米国农民的大豆发芽了吗?
川总也是爱国的,不过他更爱总统大位床铺威武:历史上最长的牛市已经结束, S&P 指数遭遇最糟糕的平安夜交易日
New Poll: Trumps number plunges while Clinton took two digi (转载)此次贸易战后习总如日中天,但是要记取教训,要做的
话题: trump话题: us话题: china话题: chinese话题: ip
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3962
发帖数: 1709
Of course it is and trade wars have inertia. As for the Chinese they have
already replaced most dependency on US products so they can afford to be
magnanimous. They know they have Trump pinned down.
The unspoken part of the trade deal has already been set.
Trump had no choice. US businesses were going to cut his balls off. Trump
polls are dropping for his mishandling of the economy as reported by CNBC.
Markets are moving because for the most part, China and the US have agreed
on IP safeguards. This has been evolving in China for years. Of course the
Trumptards think it is new. China has been educating an army of PhDs in Math
, Physics, Engineering, Biotechnology, Computers etc. Not Gender studies at
Trump University. What has happened is the Chinese educational push over the
last 30 years has now produced huge results with Chinese inventors filing
and getting the lion share of global patents. China now has IP worth
safeguarding and plenty more to come.
This is why Stephen Roach Yale Economist and China economic expert says most
IP theft claims are "flimsy" and would never hold up in a court of law.
There have been no new IP theft claims filed with WTO since 2007. IP is not
the fantasy of some pretend trade secret such as lubricating a bolt to
increase torque. It must be a filed trade secret or patent which is valid in
the jurisdictions where entered.
US patent laws are not widely accepted because many patents are blocking
patents. For example an attorney in the US has a patent on "wire coming
through a garment" which blocks most wearable technology since a battery
pack may need to come through the garment Vis-a-vis a wire. It also may not
be even viable since NASA used wire electrodes through garments to monitor
Astronauts bodily functions. These kinds of frivolous blocking patents are
never allowed in Europe, or Asia. US Patents are mired down in junk patents
and need to be reformed entirely.
China also did something very smart. They said they would buy US Ag products
if USA would stop screwing with Hauwei. So now the blame falls squarely on
Trump for destroying the Farmer since China is offering to resume US Ag
purchases. Trump got outplayed. If Trump fails to back off Hauwei then China
will not play the US Ag card. Trump is running out of time.
In spite of Trump's endless trumptard blather about the Chinese economy
crumbling, China still buys ten million more cars than are sold in the US
markets. US firms are losing Asian market share and US Corporations oppose
Trump's dumb trade policies. Meanwhile the Democrats seem to know even less
about business and trade than Trump who knows nothing.
The most fascinating thing is that a "trade deal" essentially never makes up
for the Trump losses to the Farmer or US businesses. It is believed that
China will never forget this arbitrary and capricious conduct and will
continue to remove any an all dependency on US products over the next seven
years. They will buy US products only as leverage. That story was carried
yesterday by CNBC.
China now makes fast RISC chips and uses them in their supercomputers. They
will soon be selling these into Asian markets in competition to Intel. The
semiconductor tech lead by the US is about 20%. That's nothing. China had
been content to buy Intel Chips but Obama and Trump barred China purchase. A
Year later China had it own RISC chips and the world's fastest
Supercomputer at that time. Once the dependency is broken, US firms have
another global competitor. AMD presently has joint ventures with Chinese
Markets are responding to China's moves while 6D Orange chess player has
been surrounded. Looks like the Chinese are playing GO, not 6D Trump
The North Carolina election two nights ago was a death knell for Trump's
reelection. In a low volume turn out, the Republican district since 1963
split nearly in half for the Rep and Dem candidate. That means that Blackie
and Millennials stayed home and didn't vote. This then means the anti trump
republicans and the crossover conservatives alone nearly turned the District
blue. So Trump is now frantic for a China Deal and is being threatened by
the GOP.
Yesterday Trump capitulated with regard to Iran. There will be no Iran war..
sorry Trumptards... Bolton is gone and Trump is out in the media playing
the duped peacenik and blaming his chaotic policies on Bolton. So Trump is
running for cover in every direction. I expect Trump will stand down from
Venezuela soon.
发帖数: 353
发帖数: 3962
你阿Q 悲愤没有毛用,我等着国庆前数钱

: 大佬都出货跑路了

: 你抄个鸡毛的底?

【在 z*****1 的大作中提到】
: 大佬都出货跑路了
: 你抄个鸡毛的底?

1 (共1页)
重磅!硬脱钩开始了!New Poll: Trumps number plunges while Clinton took two digi (转载)
床铺2005录像里说的其实就是他强奸未遂的过程 (转载)2000亿清单
这是美国人对现阶段的贸易战的总结美国农民不领床铺的情:"We Don't Want Handouts"
美国靠专利,环境,核讹诈, 货币欺骗的阴谋都破产了床铺连蒙带吓弄个USMCA跟NAFTA相差无几,还把人都得罪了
崩了!! 崩了!!美姑雪崩了!!!又跌了四百点
Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 48 points among millennials毛衣战谈判看来是破局了。米国农民的大豆发芽了吗?
话题: trump话题: us话题: china话题: chinese话题: ip