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Military版 - CNN 用排比句乳化
白宫医生承认:中国没有报告 how contagious coronavirus wasPutin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says
Nurses fighting coronavirus in China shave their hair to i特朗普与中国的决裂具有致命后果
First train with medical supplies for Europe leaves Wuhan as China eases Covid-19 lockdown科学最终如何赶上特朗普的剧本–数百万生命危在旦夕
福布斯:只有中国和韩国模式才能搞定新冠Why Democracies Are Better at Fighting Outbreaks
糟糕!实验室没有猴子了!号外: 加州玩蛋,我弟发现第三起患者了!!!!!
记者追问时间点 中国政府隐瞒疫情的问题 (转载)死亡人数增加26,1200 critical
话题: country话题: china话题: trump话题: house话题: states
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2555
China: A country that the White House has called a "strategic competitor"; a
country engaged in active influence operations against us; a country the
State Department describes as an authoritarian state that engages in gross
human rights abuses; a country that the White House said has "consistently
taken advantage of the US economy"; a country whose leadership Secretary of
State Mike Pompeo described as a "substantial threat to our health and way
of life"; a country Trump administration officials are blaming for covering
up the truth about the coronavirus outbreak.
China: The country the United States is relying on to supply equipment to
save American lives.
In a perverse -- and avoidable -- twist of fate, the country that was
arguably responsible for the virus' spread because of its attempts to cover
up the initial outbreak is now the one best positioned to profit from its
fatal impact.
The US intelligence community has warned that China is intent on expanding
its global economic reach. Now, as the epicenter of the pandemic has shifted
to the United States with more than 300,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 as
of April 4, Trump's lack of preparation has given China an opening to expand
that reach quickly.
1 (共1页)
统计表明,川普的支持者,主要是拥护专制的人群记者追问时间点 中国政府隐瞒疫情的问题 (转载)
乳化啦 foxnews要求中国向全世界道歉美国关于冠状病毒情报的惊人崩溃
白宫医生承认:中国没有报告 how contagious coronavirus wasPutin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says
Nurses fighting coronavirus in China shave their hair to i特朗普与中国的决裂具有致命后果
First train with medical supplies for Europe leaves Wuhan as China eases Covid-19 lockdown科学最终如何赶上特朗普的剧本–数百万生命危在旦夕
福布斯:只有中国和韩国模式才能搞定新冠Why Democracies Are Better at Fighting Outbreaks
话题: country话题: china话题: trump话题: house话题: states