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Military版 - 肯尼迪家族怎么了
Rose Kennedy 说 -- 完美的幸福真的不能长久 (转载)有没有讲美国政坛竞选,斗争的电视或者电影?
K这件事的来龙去脉,大家全当听个故事。 (转载)WSJ长篇报道中国太子党
Foreign Policy 是老将?,对西方充满悲观GS和JPM在普林斯顿的recruiting event被crash了,哈哈
Chomsky: It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence用剪刀扎警察是felony assault
德国之声:肯尼亚“绝食美女般千年沉睡的小岛”很有可能被中国粗暴地弄醒Economist 杂志编辑的忏悔
话题: mckean话题: said话题: canoe话题: gideon话题: maeve
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2555
The granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy had taken her family to Maryland and
was staying at her mother’s house to escape the coronavirus, her grief-
stricken husband said.
Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean, 40, and her 8-year-old son Gideon McKean were
in a canoe in Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis when they disappeared Thursday.
The Coast Guard called off the search Friday night.
“It is clear that Maeve and Gideon have passed away,” McKean’s husband
said on Facebook Friday.
“We were self-quarantining in an empty house owned by Maeve’s mother
Kathleen on the Chesapeake Bay, hoping to give our kids more space than we
have at home in DC to run around,” David McKean said.
He said his wife and son got in the canoe to chase a ball that went into the
water as the two of them were playing a game of kickball near a small,
shallow cove behind the house.
"They got into a canoe, intending simply to retrieve the ball, and somehow
got pushed by wind or tide into the open bay," McKean said. "About 30
minutes later they were spotted by an onlooker from land, who saw them far
out from shore, and called the police. After that last sighting, they were
not seen again. The Coast Guard recovered their canoe, which was capsized
and miles away, at approximately 6:30 (Thursday) evening."
McKean was the daughter of RFK’s oldest child, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a
former Maryland lieutenant governor.
Gideon was “deeply compassionate, declining to sing children’s songs if
they contained a hint of animals or people being treated cruelly," McKean
said of his son.
He said of his wife: “She was my everything.”
McKean was the mother of two other children, Gabriella, 7, and Toby, 2.
1 (共1页)
顶一下闹场英雄。Foreign Policy 是老将?,对西方充满悲观
中国即将崩溃Chomsky: It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence
西方正在对自己的未来丧失信心 字号:小中大2013-12-10 18:35:07 更多 27 关键字 >> 西方西方经济金融危机工资福利吉迪恩·拉赫曼观察者译文 “西方”如何界定?美国和欧洲的政客们德国之声:肯尼亚“绝食美女般千年沉睡的小岛”很有可能被中国粗暴地弄醒
Rose Kennedy 说 -- 完美的幸福真的不能长久 (转载)有没有讲美国政坛竞选,斗争的电视或者电影?
K这件事的来龙去脉,大家全当听个故事。 (转载)WSJ长篇报道中国太子党
话题: mckean话题: said话题: canoe话题: gideon话题: maeve