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Military版 - 350万病例了,啥时是个头啊
央行发钱了12000亿希望是谣言: North Korea’s Secret Coronavirus Crisis is Crazy Scary
Trump considers reopening U.S. economy despite coronavirus spreadFBI也在备战备荒了
Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?华人聚集区要完蛋了, CDC 要 close 你们的学校公司
it could kill 65 million people!CNBC: California is monitoring at least 8,400 people for the coronavirus
最新paper表明2019-nCoV (武汉病毒)可能只针对东亚人Fed应该快宣布降息了
最新paper表明2019-nCoV (武汉病毒)可能只针对东亚人意大利888例确诊
话题: schools话题: san话题: california话题: diego话题: angeles
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发帖数: 4825
发帖数: 1369
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附近已经有学校决定秋季all in person开课了 ...

【在 u***r 的大作中提到】
: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
: 每百万人得病数10,581
: 平均每95个美国人就有一个新冠病人

发帖数: 4825
Los Angeles and San Diego Schools to Go Online-Only in the Fall
California’s two largest districts made the joint call amid a White House
push to get children back into classrooms.
By Shawn Hubler and Dana Goldstein
Published July 13, 2020
Updated July 14, 2020, 8:21 a.m. ET
SACRAMENTO — California’s two largest public school districts said on
Monday that instruction would be online-only in the fall, in the latest sign
that school administrators are increasingly unwilling to risk crowding
students back into classrooms until the coronavirus is fully under control.
The school districts in Los Angeles and San Diego, which together enroll
some 825,000 students, are the largest in the country to abandon plans for
even a partial physical return to classrooms when they reopen in August.
The decision came as Gov. Gavin Newsom announced some of the most sweeping
rollbacks yet of California’s plans to reopen. Indoor operations for
restaurants, bars, wineries, movie theaters and zoos were shut down
statewide on Monday, and churches, gyms, hair salons, malls and other
businesses were shuttered for four-fifths of the population.
RIO GRANDE VALLEY HEARTBREAKEdgar Sandoval knew he was well prepared to
report on the spread of the coronavirus on the Texas-Mexico border. He was
going home.
“There’s a public health imperative to keep schools from becoming a petri
dish,” said Austin Beutner, the Los Angeles school district’s
The California decisions are the latest blow to President Trump’s push to
fully reopen schools across the country this fall in order to get the
economy moving by enabling parents to return to workplaces. Districts,
parents and teachers have struggled to maintain the education of tens of
millions of K-12 students while keeping them and their teachers healthy and
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At the White House, Mr. Trump denounced the decision in Los Angeles, arguing
that schools should resume because children wanted to attend.
“Schools should be opened,” Mr. Trump said. “You’re losing a lot of
lives by keeping things closed.” It was not clear what he meant, since
public health experts say the virus spreads quickly in poorly ventilated,
closed areas, the condition of many American schools.
Across the country, school districts are taking a patchwork approach to
New York City, the nation’s largest school district, announced last week
that it would provide several days per week of in-person learning, with
students working online from home the rest of the time. Seattle has also
announced a hybrid model that is emerging as popular nationwide, among both
large and small districts. Chicago, the nation’s third-biggest system, has
not yet announced its reopening plan.
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But in cities where the virus has continued to rage, efforts at compromise
solutions have increasingly proven unworkable — a shattering realization
for families that have strained for months to cobble normalcy out of a
situation that is pitting their children’s development and education
against parental livelihoods and household health.
Latest Updates: Global Coronavirus Outbreak Updated 11m ago
England is mandating face coverings in shops and supermarkets, the
government announced.
California, Florida and Texas, home to nearly 100 million, are getting
swamped by the virus.
‘I can’t keep doing this’: Small businesses in the U.S. are shuttering as
owners face a second round of lockdowns.
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Mahogany Taylor, a 39-year-old mother of two and the president of the San
Diego Unified Council of PTAs, said the loss of in-person instruction was
particularly destructive for elementary school students — many of whom
cannot type — and for low-income students, who often lack internet access,
and who make up nearly 60 percent of San Diego Unified’s students.
At the same time, Ms. Taylor said, a districtwide survey showed that 40
percent of parents already were planning to insist on remote instruction. “
We obviously believe that school is the best place for kids,” she said, “
but we also want them to be safe.”
All across the nation, school officials are trying to balance safety against
learning losses. Initial research showed that during the first round of
school closures, American children were set back, on average, by seven
months in their reading and math learning, with children from low-income
families, and students of color, experiencing even bigger losses.
Still, district leaders in Los Angeles and San Diego said, California was
not in a position to reopen schools.
“Those countries that have managed to safely reopen schools have done so
with declining infection rates and on-demand testing available,” the
statement said. “California has neither. The skyrocketing infection rates
of the past few weeks make it clear the pandemic is not under control.”
Mr. Beutner, whose district is the nation’s second largest, said in an
interview that schools “can’t just tap our heels together” like Dorothy
in “The Wizard of Oz” and “pretend it’s appropriate to bring people back
” despite “skyrocketing” rates of new infections.
California’s death toll from the coronavirus rose to more than 7,000 over
the weekend, with 7.4 percent of test results coming back positive over the
past two weeks, even as testing has ramped up to more than 100,000 tests a
day. The state’s watch list of counties where the virus has surged, which
has flagged Los Angeles and San Diego Counties, includes 30 of its 58
For the time being, Mr. Beutner said, the Los Angeles district will maintain
the online instruction it has been providing since its 700,000 students and
75,000 employees were sent home in mid-March. He said the decision would be
revisited when local infection rates have been sufficiently lowered and
public health authorities have put into place adequate testing and contact
tracing systems.
“It’s disappointing,” he said. “But at the end of the day, we’ve got to
make sure everyone’s safe.”
ImageFamilies in cars are directed as they line up to receive computers for
San Diego Unified School District distance learning, in April in San Diego.
Families in cars are directed as they line up to receive computers for San
Diego Unified School District distance learning, in April in San Diego.
Credit...Gregory Bull/Associated Press
Many parents, students and teachers are still waiting to learn whether their
districts will open this fall.
On Monday night, the Atlanta Public Schools Board of Education is expected
to adopt a plan for full-time remote learning for at least the first nine
weeks of the school year.
Nashville originally planned to open five days a week, but rolled that back
on July 9, citing the rising number of local coronavirus cases.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools is currently asking parents to choose
between full-time remote learning and a “schoolhouse model,” which would
be in-person two to five days a week and online the rest of the time,
depending on the number of students enrolled in a building and the amount of
space available for social distancing.
Schools in New York will only reopen if the state can keep the virus under
control, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Monday.
The governor said he would allow reopenings only in regions of the state
that have daily infection rates under 5 percent over a two-week average.
Regions with infection rates over 9 percent over a one-week average will not
be allowed to open schools or will automatically have their schools
New York City, which has maintained an average infection rate of 1 to 2
percent, is on track to partially reopen in September.
All the plans, district leaders say, are subject to change at a moment’s
notice, as public health guidance shifts or as governors make statewide
Indeed, with the pandemic still raging across much of the country, it has
become clear that improving the quality of online learning will be at least
as important in the coming months as dealing with the logistics of reopening
physical schools.
Several other large California districts, including Santa Clara, Oakland and
San Bernardino, have already announced that they will stick, at least for
the foreseeable future, with full-time remote instruction, and the state’s
politically powerful teachers’ unions also have come out against a return
to in-person classes.
The Los Angeles teachers’ union called last week for campuses to remain
closed and for learning to be fully remote when the district resumes classes
on Aug. 18, saying Mr. Trump’s reopening push was part of a “dangerous,
anti-science agenda.” In an informal survey of 18,000 United Teachers Los
Angeles members that was released on Friday, 83 percent agreed that campuses
should not physically reopen.
And the state’s largest teachers’ union wrote Mr. Newsom — a Democrat
elected with their support — a sharply worded letter last week expressing
concern “that politics are being played with the lives of children and the
educators who serve them.”
“It is clear that communities and school districts have not come close to
meeting the threshold for a safe return to in-person learning, even under a
hybrid model,” the 310,000-member California Teachers Association wrote.
Some $13.5 billion went to K-12 education from the federal relief package
passed in March by Congress. But education groups and school districts
estimate that schools will need much more money to safely reopen, and with
the economic impact of the pandemic having depleted many local and state
budgets, it is unclear where it will come from. The Trump administration has
alternately threatened to cut funds to school districts that fail to fully
reopen and reward districts that do.
As recently as late last week, leaders in San Diego Unified were promoting
their plan to reopen five days a week, in person, for all students whose
families chose that option. But the district had also warned that the health
, sanitation and educational costs of reopening physical classrooms safely
were so steep — a minimum of $90 million for the coming school year — that
they would not be able to do so without a significant infusion of federal
At the same time, the district’s teachers’ union was arguing that
reopening during an alarming increase in coronavirus cases was unwise, and
would put teachers’ health at risk.
The superintendent, Cindy Marten, had been working with education leaders
across the country to lobby the Senate to pass a second stimulus package for
Ms. Marten said the district had not given up on the possibility of
reopening physically if infection rates get down to a safe and manageable
level, and even moved forward over the weekend with plans to buy $11 million
worth of masks and other protective equipment. But the state’s current
infection levels, she said, “should make it clear to everyone that the
virus is not under control.”
“School districts need to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time,”
Ms. Marten said. “We must both plan for a physical reopening while taking
measures to keep our communities safe.”
Shawn Hubler reported from Sacramento and Dana Goldstein from New York.
Eliza Shapiro contributed reporting from New York and Katie Rogers from
Shawn Hubler is a California correspondent based in Sacramento. Before
joining The Times in 2020 she spent nearly two decades covering the state
for The Los Angeles Times as a roving reporter, columnist and magazine
writer, and shared three Pulitzer Prizes won by the paper's Metro staff. @
Dana Goldstein is a national correspondent, writing about how education
policies impact families, students and teachers across the country. She is
the author of “The Teacher Wars: A History of America's Most Embattled
发帖数: 1369
发帖数: 1731

【在 u***r 的大作中提到】
: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/13/us/lausd-san-diego-school-reopening.html
: Los Angeles and San Diego Schools to Go Online-Only in the Fall
: California’s two largest districts made the joint call amid a White House
: push to get children back into classrooms.
: By Shawn Hubler and Dana Goldstein
: Published July 13, 2020
: Updated July 14, 2020, 8:21 a.m. ET
: SACRAMENTO — California’s two largest public school districts said on
: Monday that instruction would be online-only in the fall, in the latest sign
: that school administrators are increasingly unwilling to risk crowding

发帖数: 45267

【在 u***r 的大作中提到】
: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/13/us/lausd-san-diego-school-reopening.html
: Los Angeles and San Diego Schools to Go Online-Only in the Fall
: California’s two largest districts made the joint call amid a White House
: push to get children back into classrooms.
: By Shawn Hubler and Dana Goldstein
: Published July 13, 2020
: Updated July 14, 2020, 8:21 a.m. ET
: SACRAMENTO — California’s two largest public school districts said on
: Monday that instruction would be online-only in the fall, in the latest sign
: that school administrators are increasingly unwilling to risk crowding

发帖数: 45267

【在 b*****1 的大作中提到】
: 是。心理上都烦躁了,啥时候结束。
: 感觉生活完全不能恢复正常了。
: 就是国内防疫做的好,天天这样惊弓之鸟的预防也不是办法。

发帖数: 1369

【在 b*****1 的大作中提到】
: 是。心理上都烦躁了,啥时候结束。
: 感觉生活完全不能恢复正常了。
: 就是国内防疫做的好,天天这样惊弓之鸟的预防也不是办法。

发帖数: 3063
1 (共1页)
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Trump considers reopening U.S. economy despite coronavirus spreadFBI也在备战备荒了
Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?华人聚集区要完蛋了, CDC 要 close 你们的学校公司
话题: schools话题: san话题: california话题: diego话题: angeles