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Military版 - Fox News poll: 川稳了, 要double down zt
聊Trump的,还是先去Volunteer一下Political Campaigns吧弹劾在即,疮破向中国和乌克兰发出了求救信号!
爱科学也爱上帝,希拉里大段引用圣经China rejects Trump’s request to investigate Joe Biden, report says
最新摇摆州民调,川普危险了大学毕业的白人更支持克林顿 (转载)
哥昨天都没看辩论五万人统计!trump 67%, hillary 19% (转载)
美国副总统:LaGuardia Airport 像第三世界五万人统计!trump 67%, hillary 19% (转载)
美国新英格兰的一些小镇给人以极其性感的感觉Poll来了:大部分美国人支持ban (转载)
Andrew Yang is the most Googled candidate一个poll 把反川的人打成狗屎
川普要求中共调查拜登父子。川普禁令53%支持, 33% 反对
话题: trump话题: percent话题: voters话题: biden话题: among
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10330
Fox News poll shows Trump trailing Biden in Michigan, Minnesota,
BY ZACK BUDRYK - 07/23/20 07:57 PM EDT 3,786
Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump in the battleground
states of Pennsylvania and Minnesota by double digits and in Michigan by 9
percentage points, according to polling released Thursday by Fox News.
Biden leads Trump in Pennsylvania 50 percent to 39 percent, the polling
found. The same poll in April found the former vice president leading by a
narrower margin, with 50 percent to Trump’s 42 percent. Ten percent of
voters were undecided or supported a third-party candidate.
While Biden leads among those under 35 by 29 points, among suburban voters
by 26 points and among women by 17 points, Trump leads rural voters by 17
points and whites without college degrees by 10 points. The two are tied
with white voters in general with 45 percent.
In Michigan, meanwhile, Biden leads Trump 49 percent to 40 percent, a slight
improvement from April, when he led 49 percent to 41 percent. This includes
an 18-point lead among women, a 61-point lead among nonwhite voters, a 19-
point lead among independents, a 17-point lead among voters 65 and older and
a nine-point lead among suburban voters. Trump leads with whites without a
college degree by 10 points and white voters in general by five points.
The poll found 11 percent of Michigan voters were undecided or supported a
third-party candidate.
发帖数: 331
double digits down吧
1 (共1页)
trump牛逼美国副总统:LaGuardia Airport 像第三世界
疮破根本没法赢Electoral College美国新英格兰的一些小镇给人以极其性感的感觉
特朗普看起来是不行了Andrew Yang is the most Googled candidate
聊Trump的,还是先去Volunteer一下Political Campaigns吧弹劾在即,疮破向中国和乌克兰发出了求救信号!
爱科学也爱上帝,希拉里大段引用圣经China rejects Trump’s request to investigate Joe Biden, report says
最新摇摆州民调,川普危险了大学毕业的白人更支持克林顿 (转载)
哥昨天都没看辩论五万人统计!trump 67%, hillary 19% (转载)
话题: trump话题: percent话题: voters话题: biden话题: among