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Military版 - 看看烙印的智慧,华人真是Shame
Huston shooter last name DeSai.英国学者:中印战争可能在月内全面爆发
The USA belongs to the great black Americans美疾控中心前官员:12月底我们就知道疫情,但无所作为
我来告诉你why 印度人当家: The USA Loves India江core这是唱得哪一出?
usa today上的评论对中国也很仇视看看一些对平一指案件的评论
6.4. never happened印度人说吹牛是他们的文化 (转载)
将军们看看,这个小留应该怎么判才是政治正确?INDIA household income is more than Their GDP
印度高知:美印将联手多方位对中国展开军事打击21岁留学生点评毛泽东,赞! (转载)
话题: july话题: indian话题: desai话题: 27
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
Baltimore, Maryland
July 27
Times Pick
As an Indian-American physician, I'm appalled by Desai's behavior for
multiple reasons:
1. At a critical phase in our fight against Covid-19, this man did
considerable harm to public health by muddying evidence on how best to treat
this deadly disease. Expensive & logistically complex trials were halted
worldwide, leading to delays in producing evidence that could guide
physicians’ decision-making.
2. This episode has further eroded the public's trust in medical research,
which is the last thing we need in the era of conspiracy theories & anti-
science politicking. When our media keeps announcing dramatic new scientific
findings but then backtracking shortly thereafter, this psychological
whiplash effect eventually causes the public to stop listening.
3. On a personal level, I’m horrified by Desai’s behavior because the
fallout may end up unfairly hurting the reputations of countless honest,
thoughtful, & ethically minded Indian-American physicians. Most minorities
feel personally responsible for representing their group’s moral values,
capabilities, & “worthiness” of belonging in America at all times. The
burden is heavy. Now more than ever, our sense of belonging is under threat.
Episodes like this help legitimize the casual racism, snap judgments, &
negative stereotyping that physicians of color continually face.
Desai may not represent me or my values – because (surprise) I’m a
completely different person – but I’m afraid that nuance is not our
country’s strong suit.
1134 RecommendShareFlag
Rattan commented July 27
July 27
@JustAnotherMD Totally agree. I am also an Indian-America Dr in the
healthcare sector, totally appalled by this rapacious behavior. Fame and
cash at all costs ! This is Dr Desai`s behavior. It is contrary to true
Indian vedic values and does not represent ethical hard working Indian-
119 RecommendShareFlag
Kiran Maddu commented July 27
Kiran Maddu
July 27
@JustAnotherMD The Key point for me is that it taunts trust in Medical
Research. Desai won't represent any of us - he represents shaded sides of
human nature. The picture may be larger than what we are just reading here.
46 RecommendShareFlag
Lois Lettini commented July 27
Lois Lettini
Arlington, TX
July 27
I have always found Indian-American doctors/ students/ and people in general
to be extremely intelligent and ethical. (not to mention nice). And my
knee surgeon is one of them.
33 RecommendShare
发帖数: 104


【在 l********1 的大作中提到】
: ustAnotherMD
: Baltimore, Maryland
: July 27
: Times Pick
: As an Indian-American physician, I'm appalled by Desai's behavior for
: multiple reasons:
: 1. At a critical phase in our fight against Covid-19, this man did
: considerable harm to public health by muddying evidence on how best to treat
: this deadly disease. Expensive & logistically complex trials were halted
: worldwide, leading to delays in producing evidence that could guide

1 (共1页)
问一下硅谷的硅工们,烙印之间来美国之后还搞种姓制度么?6.4. never happened
please comment on facebook.com/JimmyKimmelLive小刘又开毫车出事了
How to respond to a racist comment (转载)印度高知:美印将联手多方位对中国展开军事打击
Huston shooter last name DeSai.英国学者:中印战争可能在月内全面爆发
The USA belongs to the great black Americans美疾控中心前官员:12月底我们就知道疫情,但无所作为
我来告诉你why 印度人当家: The USA Loves India江core这是唱得哪一出?
usa today上的评论对中国也很仇视看看一些对平一指案件的评论
话题: july话题: indian话题: desai话题: 27