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Military版 - 床铺说要中国付出巨大代价,评论几乎都歪楼
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests POSITIVE for Covid-19 infectionBORIS和TRUMP说明WASP全面右转
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Tests Positive For COVID-19 As Russia, Hungary Expand Lockdowns: Liv川胖怒摔英帝首相电话
英国说中国将成为'Pariah State贱民国家',将要清算中国Pollingl这次为什么出错?
山姆大叔威武,码工无处遁形,只能问候熬八 (转载)刚说完轻症可以上班,川巨巨就取消了CDC之行
小丑床铺又露怯了, 美国独立战争中占领飞机场, 哇哈哈巴西总统初步确诊!
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Trump, in a new video, says he will ‘make China pay’ for coronavirus
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level 1
2.5k points ·
11 hours ago
Rocket LikeHelpful
Watching this is like being lied to by an old baseball glove.
level 2
430 points ·
8 hours ago
What’s scary is is that there are people cheering the glove on.
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level 2
11 points ·
7 hours ago
It’s true, he did catch covid
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level 2
12 points ·
8 hours ago
Awesome analogy though I think I'd feel some sense of betrayal if that
actually happened. This just makes me feel more dead inside.
12 more replies
level 1
7.3k points ·
9 hours ago
It’s insane as a Brit to listen to this guy speak like this. This cunt
actually says the drugs he took were more like “a cure” and it’s a
blessing that he got rona because it meant he could discover this new cure
and save people lol. What the fuck! And then I genuinely lol’ed when he
started saying China will pay. He’s like watching a real life South Park
level 2
1.9k points ·
8 hours ago
There are people that really do think he is the chosen one. He's aware of it
and he knows what he's doing when he refers to him getting to Corona as a "
gift from God," rather than, say, "the consequence of my own actions."
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level 2
76 points ·
8 hours ago
I've definitely heard him called president cartman more than once
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level 2
516 points ·
8 hours ago
It’s insane as an American too.
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level 2
183 points ·
8 hours ago
Man, the past 4 years have been like living in an Adam McKay movie and that'
d be great if it wasn't reality. Actually, all of this would make for a
really good dark comedy.
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level 2
8 points ·
7 hours ago
he also said that the vaccines are in final stages and they wont get
released because politics get in the way... fucking asshole
level 2
11 points ·
7 hours ago
By Trump's logic, the US still owes the world reparations for not containing
the so called Spanish Flu.
Heck, the US may owe Canada reparations for not containing Sars-Cov-2.
level 2
4 points ·
7 hours ago
It really sounds.like he's going for the 'lord and savior' angle. He was in
the grave for 3 days and then came back from the dead to save us all.
level 2
5 points ·
7 hours ago
He’s like watching a real life South Park character.
So true. He's a crudely-drawn, garishly-colored cartoon figure that makes
crazy sounds and a large part of our country thinks he was sent by god.
Sometimes I still can't believe this is really happening.
level 2
7 points ·
5 hours ago
And our own tesco value trump-lite is making full use of the distraction of
covid, economy in the bog and the circus in the states to completely fuck us
over with brexit.
What is it at the moment fisheries are a sticking point in negotiations.
The UK's fishing and fish processing industries employ 24,000 people and
contribute 1.4 billion pounds (.6 billion, $1.8 billion) to the UK economy.
Meanwhile The hospitality industry is the 4th biggest employer in the UK,
accounting for 3.2m jobs through direct employment in 2016, and a further 2.
8m indirectly. The industry generated over £73bn of Gross Value Added
directly to the UK economy, and a further £87bn indirectly.
Guess what the solution to the collapse of the hospitality industry? Oh just
retrain and find a different job.
level 3
2 points ·
3 hours ago
"Tesco value Trump-lite", love it.
level 3
1 point ·
3 hours ago
This is kind of a bad example though right? These Fishing industry is a
result of Brexit, the hospitality industry is a result of coronavirus and
has been kept afloat by a combination of the furlough schemes, re opening
pubs and restaurants (when he probably shouldnt have) and the eat out to
help out scheme.
level 2
12 points ·
8 hours ago
He's a delusional playboy who happened to have the gift of gab when he was
younger, now a deranged senile old man who's trying to use a facade that he
can't even keep up anymore.
level 3
8 points ·
8 hours ago
Did he really have the ‘gift of the gab’ when he was younger?
level 4
11 points ·
7 hours ago
The gift of the gab, otherwise known as loads of daddy's money.
level 4
9 points ·
8 hours ago
He was charismatic enough to be invited to parties as entertainment. No one
saw him as a legitimate businessman, but the elites found him entertaining.
level 5
1 point ·
6 hours ago
To be fair, if he wasn't the president, his antics would be pretty
level 6
0 points ·
3 hours ago
Can confirm, not my president and its pretty entertaining.
level 2
6 points ·
7 hours ago
Dude he said it was HIS IDEA to take regeneron, lol. He said he heard about
it and it was his idea to take it. Like, he told the doctors about it. Lol
Yo but seriously the scariest thing about the past couple months is how much
grandstanding and shit he's/they're doing. Like the covid drive-by wave.
Even this short speech. His "VOTE." twitter tirade the other day. Signing
blank papers. It really invokes dictator vibes in me.
Like yeah of course his actions/"policies" are worse, but the imagery they'
ve been putting out is not unlike Hitler's balcony speeches, or kim jung un'
s statues and parades. If this guy somehow manages to steal the election,
america is fucked. Like literally it's the end.
level 2
3 points ·
7 hours ago
As if the clown we have is much better.
level 2
2 points ·
8 hours ago
Its Charleston Heston at the end of The Omega Man.
level 2
2 points ·
8 hours ago
It’s like getting pissed at the hooker you banged without a condom for
giving you a STD or for getting pregnant.
level 2
2 points ·
8 hours ago
The South Park version of Trump is much more tame, honestly.
level 2
2 points ·
7 hours ago
He actually said "I just remembered that" when he started blaming China.
Like, oh yeah, that was the talking point I was supposed to hit.
level 2
2 points ·
7 hours ago
Haha mate! I was pissing myself at this, I imagined him as an arrogant
Cartman 😂
level 2
2 points ·
7 hours ago
Yeah it's pretty frightening watching racist mad man, want to be dictator,
keep control because he is siphoning money from the people to the rich and
corrupt. It takes a majority rule to remove him. The majority are making too
much money to vote against him.
level 2
2 points ·
7 hours ago
The craziest for me is when I watch german news (native tongue), and they
translate some of the things he said. Like, I understand English perfectly,
but there's a certain amount of emotional distance.
If someone was walking around in the metro muttering Trump quotes, I'd
certainly think they completely lost their mind.
level 2
2 points ·
7 hours ago
Spot on. As an Australian I feel sorry for most Americans. The country has
become a shit show.
level 2
2 points ·
6 hours ago
"I'm gonna fuck them all to death!!"
level 2
2 points ·
6 hours ago
Trump is the parody of President Garrison
level 2
2 points ·
4 hours ago
I laugh at Trump and then I think about Boris lauding his world beating test
and trace system...
... or the 40,000 new nurses where 10,000 of them are contract renewals...
or the 40 new hospitals where most of them are renovations... or the oven
ready brexit deal...
I could go on but I'm sad.
level 2
2 points ·
4 hours ago
honestly... Doofus Trump you got over there isn't much better
level 2
6 points ·
7 hours ago
Also a Brit here - I think it's worth mentioning that if you don't think
Johnson and the Tories are barrelling towards this exact kind of thing, you
haven't been paying attention. We've had plenty of time to watch America and
use it as a rehearsal for when we start saying "I'm not even surprised
level 3
4 points ·
3 hours ago
We have a direct comparison here though right? Johnson had covid and instead
of claiming he was the chosen one to develop a cure, he came out of
hospital and began taking the virus much more seriously. Now is it bad that
it took a personal experience until Johnson relaised how bad the virus could
be? 100% But is Johnson's reaction almost the exact opposite of Trump's in
this instance? Yes it is.
level 3
3 points ·
3 hours ago
At least Boris is reasonably eloquent and educated. Despite being a massive
douche. At least he seems to understand his job. I disagree with Boris on
most policies, but he's a career politician, and knows how to give a speech
and gather support for his plans. Trump support is just bewildering
level 2
2 points ·
8 hours ago
Did he really say that?
level 3
5 points ·
8 hours ago
watch the video. it's fucking mindblowing
level 4
4 points ·
4 hours ago
I got to "...me, your favorite president...". This guy is David goes to the
Dentist high.
level 5
1 point ·
3 hours ago
Yeah just the first 45 seconds are really enough honestly. Really, try at
least that far.
level 4
2 points ·
8 hours ago
Fml 🤦‍♂️
level 2
2 points ·
8 hours ago
My husband is a Brit and he has been absolutely flabbergasted by everything
Trump has done. We FaceTime his folks back in Scotland daily and they are
fairly conservative, but they’re even shouting at the rooftops over this
mans response to everything. My father in law originally said Trump could do
some good and he has changed his tune significantly over the last few
months. He’s completely appalled by the behavior and absolute lack of
humanity in the Trump Admin. I’ll be interested to hear their thoughts on
making China pay... cuz, ya know... Mexico paid for that wall, right?
level 2
1 point ·
8 hours ago
Life imitates art.
level 2
1 point ·
8 hours ago
How much do we have to pay in taxes for a 'free cure' to a 'fake disease'?
level 2
1 point ·
7 hours ago
The worst part is when your parents support him no matter what
level 2
1 point ·
7 hours ago
Then he went on to say it was his suggestion all along
level 2
1 point ·
7 hours ago
My man it is just as insane to hear as an American.
level 2
1 point ·
7 hours ago
Trump didn't even understand what a trade deficit was when he originally got
into a trade war with them and talking about getting them to pay. I think
when he uses this rhetoric of making them pay, he's talking about trying to
get a bribe or some sort of consolation. Don't think he will, but it's not
like he's talking about any sort of force.
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
Narrator: They won’t
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
Chin diaper.
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
China will pay, just after he collected the money from Mexico for the wall.
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
I'll get you for this! You bastards, I'll get you!
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
He got it. Claimed he got it. Was fine in 3 days and it is less worse than
the flu at 74. Obviously someone is wrong. Lol nothing about the debate or
anything he got called out on... idk what to even say anymore. Can't wait to
get covid "unless it is worse than the flu" and enjoy two weeks minus 3
days of *kinda hard stuff"
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
Shits bizarre
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
All those replies and yet nobody responded that he already is a character.
In 2016 they had a very serialized season and Mr. Garrison has been Trump
ever since. They explained his insane behavior as attempts to lose on
purpose... realize, those episodes are made in a week so they were keeping
up with his shenanigans. I feel like they had to throw away an entire
episode when he won... cuz that episode sucked.
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
He took the damn credit for it to! Said the regeneron was his idea. What a
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
South Park creators stopped parodying Trump because they couldn't make Trump
look like a bigger idiot than Trump does. They've spoken about it a few
level 2
1 point ·
5 hours ago
Watching the south park Corona special, their trump seemed more measured?
level 2
1 point ·
5 hours ago
Yeah it's pretty nuts to see this as a kiwi. I fear for all of our futures.
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
We feel like hostages, and it’s fucking exhausting
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
Dude this speech of his was so horrifying. He was literally touting drugs
and telling people they were the cure. He did promise to send them to all
for free, but we all know how that's gonna go. So what happens when the
patients across the country begin demanding the drug and doctors don't have
it? These are doctors that face ppl addictive medicine for decades just to
get them to stop threatening doctors and patients that demanded addictive
medicines so aggressively just to escape short term pain. I think this
speech would prove to be very damaging because it's not as insane as his
inject bleach comments, and come from him personal experience (which is just
getting high from the drugs), so ppl might just take him seriously.
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
I'm slowly surrending the idea that the U.S.A. can or should be some kind of
golden standard. We're so far beyond any comedic geniuses parody at this
Though at least brexit (I'm sorry) we at least have some degenerate
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
South park trump is more normal than real life trump nowadays
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
He’s like watching a real life South Park character.
They released a south park corona special episode and it was so mediocre.
not because it was bad, but at this point, they can't top what's going on in
real life.
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
It’s insane as a Brit to listen to this guy speak like this.
You guys got some clowns too.
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
He's literally the reason I can't watch South Park anymore. It's just
painful now.
level 2
1 point ·
3 hours ago
He directly influenced the stock market, why else would you drop the company
name so many times?
level 2
1 point ·
3 hours ago
If the Sourhpark writers came up with a story as stupid as the last few
years have been, they'd be fired for being so ridiculous.
level 2
1 point ·
3 hours ago
That’s Mr.Garrison irl
level 2
1 point ·
3 hours ago
It was when he started by saying "Hey, it's me, your favourite president"
like some fucking Youtuber or someting!
level 3
Score hidden ·
1 hour ago
Smash that like button and receive your free package of regeneron!
level 2
1 point ·
3 hours ago
Exactly this. He is giving Hitler a run for his money.
level 2
1 point ·
2 hours ago
Well, sitting in a glasshouse with BoJo, Farrage and Mogg should have give
you already a strong taste of South Park ?
level 2
1 point ·
2 hours ago
I think that I read somewhere that he has investments in the company that
produce the drugs he's on.
level 2
1 point ·
2 hours ago
Conservatism is not a politicsl current. Its a cult
level 2
1 point ·
2 hours ago
I'm sure to the entire world... 2020 in the US has been one giant life sized
South Park episode
level 2
1 point ·
2 hours ago
Good news though, only about half of those casting votes will actually send
it in his direction.
level 2
1 point ·
2 hours ago
Or North Korea character "I personally discovered the cure after inventing
the hamburger"
level 2
1 point ·
1 hour ago
Lol yeah I'm with China. Fuck this clown.
level 2
1 point ·
1 hour ago
Would be a great South Park story. But IRL, him calling a drug that hasn’t
been tested or confirmed as a cure, “a cure”, is very dangerous.
level 2
1 point ·
1 hour ago
Chuckles nervously...send help.
level 2
1 point ·
1 hour ago
As a guy from France I would say that while you have some quite funny
politics up there, the US have already departed from Earth, leaving
everybody behind for a world full of rainbow ponies and freedoms, the most
tremendous ones.
level 2
Score hidden ·
1 hour ago
And don’t forget, the drugs weren’t ‘therapeutic’ they ‘just made me
feel better!’
level 2
Score hidden ·
1 hour ago
And he has 45% approval rating
level 2
Score hidden ·
1 hour ago
As an American we feel the same way when we watch him speak lol
level 2
Score hidden ·
1 hour ago
TFW you rail some coke and immediately go "WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE DO THIS, ALL
That's basically trump right now.
level 2
Score hidden ·
53 minutes ago
I think he owns stock in the company that makes Regeneron, and if he makes
it available for free like promised... IIRC it costs like $5000 a vial. Now
imagine what the company would make off a government order for 330 million
level 2
Score hidden ·
49 minutes ago
China will pay for Trump’s disastrous handling of covid like Mexico paid
for the wall.
level 2
Score hidden ·
45 minutes ago
Haha thank you for that. I lol watching politics now. Its so unbelievable,
the usa is doomed
level 2
1 point ·
8 hours ago
Specifically, Cartman’s mum.
“We must blame them before somebody thinks of blaming us!”
level 2
1 point ·
7 hours ago
How do you think we feel
level 2
1 point ·
7 hours ago
Glad you're all laughing... bit less funny on our end.
level 2
1 point ·
6 hours ago
Also, as an Australian I completely agree. I saw someone in another post say
it's like observing a whole other species watching what's going on in the U
.S at the moment.
level 2
1 point ·
5 hours ago
What can you expect from a nation that grew up on reality TV? Americans are
level 2
1 point ·
5 hours ago
Yup glad you can get something back from all the hilarious moments brexit
gave us.
level 2
1 point ·
5 hours ago
Yeah seeing him thank god for this blessing on BBC news last night was
hilarious, it's like some weird cult leader that's "seen the light".
Then I remembered a large number of Americans are probably on board with
that bollocks.
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
Yet we in the UK continue to elect the Tories, our feeble wannabe equivalent
with its own clown at the helm. Ok he throws in a few Latin words and can
string a sentence together with a bumbling affable nitwit vibe, but he's
just as malicious as the twats in the republican party.
Yes, trump is fucking bizarre and these comments make the Tories look tame,
but we need to get our own house in order before we look disgustedly across
the pond.
For context, I'm a born British citizen who naturalised in the US. I live
back in the UK now and trump and Boris are two sides of the same lying,
empty rhetoric regurgitating coin.
level 2
1 point ·
4 hours ago
And then I genuinely lol’ed when he started saying China will pay
Also a Brit. Im sorry but do you not think its a little weird that nobody
here is talking about how China caused this pandemic due to their appalling
treatment of animals and helped it grow by covering it up and arresting
doctors who were reporting on it? Are we all just pretending that none of
that happened?
The fact is as much as Trump is an utter joke of a skin suit China is still
the biggest negative force in the world right now and politicians worldwide
arent saying fuck all about them because they dont want to harm their
personal finances.
level 2
-17 points ·
7 hours ago
China effectively runs WHO and coerced the organization to downplay Covid
for several months.
Trump is right on this. Fuck China.
level 3
15 points ·
6 hours ago
First of all they don’t run the WHO. These days have more sway because they
are the highest contributor. That’s how the real world works. It used to
be America. You know why America isn’t any more? Because trump is a
protectionist conspiracy theorist and is trying to dismantle global
institutions. Yeah China should take a lot of blame for this, but it doesn’
t detract from the fact that trump is a world class cunt, and a fucking
monster, and is seemingly about to die despite these weird videos to prove
he’s not
level 1
6.3k points ·
12 hours ago
shouldn't he focus on making Mexico pay for some wall or something?
level 2
3.2k points ·
11 hours ago
He just realized that China has a bigger wall, and wants China to pay for
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level 2
71 points ·
11 hours ago
He’s working on it by making Mexico want to keep Americans out.
level 2
21 points ·
11 hours ago
The wall payment focus will have to get behind him paying the cities where
he held his supremacist rallies
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level 2
5 points ·
8 hours ago
Has he won that trade war with China yet? You know, the one that would be so
easy for him? I think a lot of American manufacturers and farmers would
like to know.
48 more replies
level 1
4.6k points ·
10 hours ago
So COVID is completely exaggerated and totally not a big deal but we're
going to go full ham on China for it.
level 2
1.0k points ·
6 hours ago
It’s a great ploy, it deflects from the issues at hand and it motivates
voters to vote for a “cause”. Why do you think war is so beneficial to
politics? And in Africa, nothing makes people more mad than colonialists and
racism so that agenda is constantly pushed or “leaked” into the media.
Why do you think Trump decided to release all the reports on Hillary Clinton
unredacted? It’s smear the Democrats name and rile up conservatives. Angry
people vote and nobody is angrier right now than people he has no control
over. He needs to shift that balance if he wants to win.
Personally I think it may just be too late in the game to be effective and
it just reeks of desperation but let’s see. October is going to be one
crazy rollercoaster ride.
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level 2
141 points ·
6 hours ago
The best part? His base lacks the critical thinking to make the distinction!
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level 2
9 points ·
4 hours ago
It is the fascist‘s way: whatever is the enemy is at the same time very
weak and very strong.


【在 g*******i 的大作中提到】
: Trump, in a new video, says he will ‘make China pay’ for coronavirus
: pandemic
: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/j72hrd/trump_in_a_new_video_says
: _he_will_make_china_pay/

1 (共1页)
一万卡在家隔离,trump中招的概率到底有多大?山姆大叔威武,码工无处遁形,只能问候熬八 (转载)
床铺对库什纳大发雷霆小丑床铺又露怯了, 美国独立战争中占领飞机场, 哇哈哈
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests POSITIVE for Covid-19 infectionBORIS和TRUMP说明WASP全面右转
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Tests Positive For COVID-19 As Russia, Hungary Expand Lockdowns: Liv川胖怒摔英帝首相电话
英国说中国将成为'Pariah State贱民国家',将要清算中国Pollingl这次为什么出错?
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