g******l 发帖数: 1 | 1 忘记放冰箱了LOL
Nearly 500 doses of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine had to be thrown away at
a clinic in Wisconsin after an employee left 50 vials out of their storage
freezer overnight, making them unusable.
The storage mishap occurred at an Advocate Aurora Health clinic in Grafton,
Wisconsin over the weekend, an Aurora spokesperson told a local NBC
affiliate, who said the vials had to be discarded due to “human error.”
“We learned that about 50 vials of Moderna vaccine were inadvertently
removed from a pharmacy refrigerator overnight,” the spokesperson said,
adding “We are clearly disappointed and regret this happened.”
Each vial contained 10 doses of the immunization. | s***r 发帖数: 270 | 2 故意的,就是为了推迟打疫苗的时间,没几个人愿意当小白鼠,毕竟临床试验时间太短
,长期副作用根本无法检测出来。。。 | g******l 发帖数: 1 | 3 熟食。反正这么就了各种防护也已经second nature了,实在没有必要冒险去打那什么
: 故意的,就是为了推迟打疫苗的时间,没几个人愿意当小白鼠,毕竟临床试验时
: ,长期副作用根本无法检测出来。。。
【在 s***r 的大作中提到】 : 故意的,就是为了推迟打疫苗的时间,没几个人愿意当小白鼠,毕竟临床试验时间太短 : ,长期副作用根本无法检测出来。。。
| g******l 发帖数: 1 | |