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Military版 - Where is VP Mike Pence?
Mike Pence for PresidentSanders Shouldn't Attack Trump Yet
这b看来三胖爸爸还没出生就开始准备和三胖聊天了Donut Trump
弹劾总统下台几乎不可能尼玛mike pence长得太恶心了
Poll: Trump supporters see the world very differently than other RepublicansHillary Camp: ABC/WaPo Poll Rigged (转载)
摊牌了!Poll: China, not Iran, now USA's top enemymike pence再次证明鲁迅不是东西
西方人对达赖的质疑--达赖真的那么伟大嘛?彭斯、習近平APEC激烈交鋒... 場邊加碼聊1分半! zt
话题: pence话题: trump话题: vp话题: mike话题: where
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4140
Where is VP Mike Pence?
by Limin Wang
Jan. 09, 2021
Trump supporters like me didn't have the freedom to hear and see the whole
thing what VP Mike Pence said or did on Jan. 06-07, 2021 at the Capitol.
Trump's enemies have been trying all possible ways, real or fake, to
separate Trump and Pence. VP Mike Pence, like President Trump, have you been
in the real enemy's custody too?
发帖数: 4140
The enemies of President Trump and Trump supporters try to make VP Mike
Pence as a victim of Trump's and Trump supporters'. The absolute reality is
that Mike Pence is a victim too of the election fraud. The VP may not have
the dominance power together with a minority of Senators and Representatives
to reject some absolutely questionable electorial college votes, but the
Trump-Pence ticket supporters want to hear at least VP Mike Pence raises his
own objection on the Senate presidium. VP Mike Pence simply should not be
dominated by some Trump-heater Senators. Remember, count every LEGAL vote
only. It's a rigged election system, and that's partly why the GA run-off
came out the way it is. I have been paying attention to the poll sites, and
I have polled some Americans about election, the facts only support the
conclusion that it is a rigged election system.


【在 W*******n 的大作中提到】
: Where is VP Mike Pence?
: by Limin Wang
: Jan. 09, 2021
: Trump supporters like me didn't have the freedom to hear and see the whole
: thing what VP Mike Pence said or did on Jan. 06-07, 2021 at the Capitol.
: Trump's enemies have been trying all possible ways, real or fake, to
: separate Trump and Pence. VP Mike Pence, like President Trump, have you been
: in the real enemy's custody too?

1 (共1页)
黄之锋现在的工作是什么?Poll: Trump supporters see the world very differently than other Republicans
禁航英国和爱尔兰了摊牌了!Poll: China, not Iran, now USA's top enemy
Mike Pence for PresidentSanders Shouldn't Attack Trump Yet
这b看来三胖爸爸还没出生就开始准备和三胖聊天了Donut Trump
弹劾总统下台几乎不可能尼玛mike pence长得太恶心了
话题: pence话题: trump话题: vp话题: mike话题: where