t****r 发帖数: 702 | 1 Serrana发起了一场前所未有的运动,在巴西Butantan研究所的支持下,Serrana市长
Leonardo Capitelli决定为小城的居民实施全面的疫苗接种。
Cases of covid-19 drop in half in Serrana after vaccination
During the vaccination campaign, more than 27 thousand people were immunized
against covid-19 in Serrana, in the Ribeiro Preto region
The Serrana Health Secretariat, a municipality 23 kilometers from Ribeir
o Preto, says that cases of patients infected with the new coronavirus (
covid-19) have halved after the mass vaccination of the population started.
The full study will still be released by the Butantan Institute in the
coming weeks.
The data are for the first three weeks of March compared to the same period
in April. Between March 1st and 21st, 331 cases of patients infected with
the coronavirus were recorded in Serrana, between April 1st and 21st,
confirmed cases of covid-19 dropped to 164
About 20, 30 days ago, we did almost 150 collections [exams] per day. Today,
our collection dropped to 30, 35, 40 exams and from these collections the
positivity [for covid-19] is very small. So, this perception of health,
cases that are decreasing, is in the collection and when the exams come back
, the positivity is low ", said the secretary of Health of Serrana, Leila
Gusmo, for EPTV.
According to the Secretary of Health, Santa Casa and the UPA (Emergency Care
Unit) of the city do not have patients hospitalized in ICUs (Intensive Care
Unit) for covid-19 26 days ago
During the mass vaccination campaign in Serrana, 27,160 people received both
doses of the immunizer against the new coronavirus. The amount represents
59.5% of the city's population, estimated at 45.6 thousand people by IBGE (
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). (With EPTV) | t****r 发帖数: 702 | 2
【在 t****r 的大作中提到】 : Serrana发起了一场前所未有的运动,在巴西Butantan研究所的支持下,Serrana市长 : Leonardo Capitelli决定为小城的居民实施全面的疫苗接种。 : 市长很给力,老百姓也很配合。除去未成年人、孕妇、哺乳期妇女和最近有发烧的人等 : ,这个小城大概有三万人,准确的说是28380人,其中98%(27160人)已经接种了两针 : 新冠疫苗,最后一针疫苗就在当地时间4月12日下午三点钟打完了。 : 也就是说,Serrana有60%的居民完全接种了疫苗。 : 而小城居民所接种的疫苗,正是来自中国的科兴疫苗。这应该是中国疫苗的第一项真实 : 世界研究。 : 最新的报道该镇确诊的病例已经减半了,检测阳性率也大幅下降 : Cases of covid-19 drop in half in Serrana after vaccination
| a******d 发帖数: 955 | 3 不错。灭活免疫原性差一点但是还是有用,尤其是降低重症率 | n*********7 发帖数: 4682 | | g*q 发帖数: 26623 | 5 需要每年都打
【在 n*********7 的大作中提到】 : 疫苗应该是有用的,持续时间可能短些 : 打了再说
| C*****l 发帖数: 1 | | G**h 发帖数: 21 | 7 流感疫苗也一样
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】 : 需要每年都打
| t****r 发帖数: 702 | 8 能避免重症就好
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】 : 需要每年都打
| m****d 发帖数: 1 | 9 nm,好,就是好。就不能公布有效率吗,副作用是什么,敢吗。
关起门来自家撸就得了,开开门赚丢人不是,真是土鳖 | t****r 发帖数: 702 | 10 科兴不是早就公布了吗?
【在 m****d 的大作中提到】 : nm,好,就是好。就不能公布有效率吗,副作用是什么,敢吗。 : 关起门来自家撸就得了,开开门赚丢人不是,真是土鳖