w*******s 发帖数: 285 | 1 别老拿
laundry powder言犹在耳。 | C******y 发帖数: 3249 | 2 抓捕了那么多的千人,肯定有吃不住严刑拷打的吧,作一个伪证换取释放 | n****6 发帖数: 1 | 3 你没搞清楚什么叫情报
As deputy director and director of America's leading intelligence agency for
many years, Gates and his CIA staff have been faulted for failing to
accurately gauge the decline and disintegration of the Soviet Union. More
particularly, Gates has been criticized for allegedly concocting evidence to
show that the Soviet Union was stronger than it actually was.[97] George
Shultz said that, while Secretary of State, he felt the CIA under Gates was
trying to "manipulate" him, that the agency was "a big powerful machine not
under good control. I distrust what comes out of it."[98] Schultz also told
Gates at the time that his CIA was "usually wrong" about Moscow, having
dismissed Gorbachev's policies as "just another Soviet attempt to deceive us
."[99] In 1991, Stansfield Turner, former Director of Central Intelligence,
described the "enormity of this failure to forecast the magnitude of the
Soviet crisis. ... I never heard a suggestion from the CIA ... that numerous
Soviets recognized a growing systemic economic problem."[100] Turner said
this failure was a consequence of deliberate distortion by those in the
upper echelon of the CIA who were helping to sell the Reagan administration'
s defense buildup, a view backed by former CIA analyst Melvin Goodman at
Gates' 1991 confirmation hearings: "[William] Casey seized on every
opportunity to exaggerate the Soviet threat ... [while] Gates' role in this
activity was to corrupt the process and the ethics of intelligence."[101]
Reviewing the third installment of Gates' memoirs in 2016, Goodman said, "In
my 24 years at the CIA, there was never the kind of toxic atmosphere that
existed when Gates served as deputy director for intelligence, deputy
director of CIA, and finally director of CIA."[102] Also, according to
Newsweek, Gates, as deputy director of CIA, allegedly vouched for the
comprehensiveness of a CIA study presented to the Senate and President
Reagan alleging that the Soviet Union played a role in the 1981 shooting of
Pope John Paul II. A CIA internal review later denounced the report as being
skewed,[97] but that Gates did not try to influence the report's
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z3z7DvoA-M | k****z 发帖数: 1863 | 4 考你妈逼。。。。。。
: 抓捕了那么多的千人,肯定有吃不住严刑拷打的吧,作一个伪证换取释放
【在 C******y 的大作中提到】 : 抓捕了那么多的千人,肯定有吃不住严刑拷打的吧,作一个伪证换取释放
| V********u 发帖数: 80 | | c********i 发帖数: 942 | | n********g 发帖数: 6504 | 7 有没有中国政府自己知道。美国的意思是有人向美国递刀子。就像新疆问题,不缺中共
【在 w*******s 的大作中提到】 : 别老拿 : “据可靠情报” : 作为事实。 : laundry powder言犹在耳。
| w***x 发帖数: 1763 | 8 如果美国人手里有你说的中国政府的文件,肯定早就拿出来做证据了
【在 n********g 的大作中提到】 : 有没有中国政府自己知道。美国的意思是有人向美国递刀子。就像新疆问题,不缺中共 : 党员向外国势力递文件。