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Military版 - MAGA:美国全球率先超过西班牙流感死亡人数
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发帖数: 1
What is clear is that the sheer numbers, given the modern-day tools that
combat such illnesses, are a heavy burden. COVID-related U.S. deaths as of
Sunday night are at 673,763, according to Johns Hopkins University data.
That’s just over 1,200 fewer than died in the 1918 Spanish Flu, which took
an estimated 675,000 lives in the U.S. Before this, that flu pandemic was
the most lethal since the United States was formed. With an 1,800-per-day
death average, the number who’ve died of COVID-19 could surpass the
previous scourge by Monday.
There are differences between the two scenarios. In 1918, the U.S.
population was just over 100 million, whereas it’s 330 million today, as
The Washington Post points out. That makes our death rate one in 500
Americans as opposed to the 1918 toll of one in 150.
Globally, the number is 4.7 million dead so far, which is much lower than
the worldwide 50 million who died in 1918 and 1919 from the Spanish flu, as
Fortune noted. But unlike the two-year period that the Spanish flu ravaged
humanity’s ranks, COVID-19 is not even close to quitting.
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