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Military版 - Toshi Motegi is embarrassed with the United States.
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
When Yoshihide Suga visited the United States, Wang Yi was talking on the
phone with Toshimitsu Motegi at this time. The purpose was self-evident.
Earlier, the Chinese spokesperson said that "the United States and Japan are
embarrassed" is not unimportant, but it may not necessarily need to be
cooled down. It is really necessary to say some kind words to the Japanese
before the Japanese Prime Minister goes to the United States to visit his
eldest brother. Before the flight takes off, don’t the flight attendants
always tell the passengers to wear their seat belts? Nothing else, just fear
of accidents.
发帖数: 1
When Yoshihide Suga visited the United States, Wang Yi was talking on the
phone with Toshimitsu Motegi at this time. The purpose was self-evident.
Earlier, the Chinese spokesperson said that "the United States and Japan are
embarrassed" is not unimportant, but it may not necessarily need to be
cooled down. It is really necessary to say some kind words to the Japanese
before the Japanese Prime Minister goes to the United States to visit his
eldest brother. Before the flight takes off, don’t the flight attendants
always tell the passengers to wear their seat belts? Nothing else, just fear
of accidents.
1 (共1页)