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Military版 - 帝国 2021 年在几内亚发动政变
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
The Empire’s 2021 Coup in Guinea
The United States openly seeks to dominate the world. This becomes difficult
as China’s economic power grows while the United States stagnates. The
Chinese developed trade relationships with many nations in Africa, a region
the United States considers part of its empire. The United States created an
Africa Command after the Cold war ended and now maintains dozens of small
bases and thousands of troops on the continent. The president of Guinea,
Alpha Conde, developed close relations with China and profitable trade deals
. China is Guinea's chief customer for its principal export -- bauxite,
which used to produce aluminum. China imports half of Guinea's production
that provides half of the world's aluminum. China provided funds to improve
Guinean hospitals and infrastructure to ensure good relations. This
friendship upset the United States, so President Conde was ousted in a 2021
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