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Military版 - 从俄国本土经乌东到赫尔松和克里米亚的铁路和公路通了
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发帖数: 32122
发帖数: 3500
Since I have some suspicion that the enemy is well aware of the location of
our troops opposing him, I will reveal to the citizens of the Russian
Federation a terrible secret about the current situation in the Kherson
So, we open "Yandex-maps", we find the Kherson region.
North-west of Kherson - not far from the outskirts - there is a village and
an airfield under the common name Chernobaevka. There are ours. And to
the north - already ukry. We draw an imaginary line on the map from
Chernobaevka to the northeast, we find the settlement. Pershetravanevoe and
Muzykovka. They are behind ours, and to the west they are already ukry.
Further from Muzykovka we draw a line to the east along the settlement.
Gorohovskoye, Sadovoe, Baratovka - up to the river Ingulets - these are the
positions of our troops (inclusive). Further to the east (to the area of 鈥
嬧the settlement Davydov Brod, where fierce battles have continued in the
last 2 weeks) - I am still clarifying, but the large village of Snigirevka
has been under Ukrainian rule since March.
Since it is this area that personally seems to me the most likely place for
an imminent enemy offensive, I recommend paying attention to its study to
those subscribers who are interested in the tactical alignment on the
theater of operations.
袩芯褋泻芯谢褜泻褍 褍 屑械薪褟 械褋褌褜 薪械泻芯褌芯褉芯械 锌芯写芯蟹褉械薪
懈械, 褔褌芯 锌褉芯褌懈胁薪懈泻褍 褏芯褉芯褕芯 懈蟹胁械褋褌薪芯 褉邪褋锌芯谢
芯卸械薪懈械 锌褉芯褌懈胁芯褋褌芯褟褖懈褏 械屑褍 薪邪褕懈褏 胁芯泄褋泻, 芯褌
泻褉芯褞 写谢褟 谐褉邪卸写邪薪 袪芯褋褋懈泄褋泻芯泄 肖械写械褉邪褑懈懈 褋褌
褉邪褕薪褍褞 褌邪泄薪褍 芯 褌械泻褍褖械泄 褋懈褌褍邪褑懈懈 胁 褉邪泄芯薪械
袠褌邪泻, 芯褌泻褉褘胁邪械屑 "褟薪写械泻褋-泻邪褉褌褘", 薪邪褏芯写懈屑 啸械
褉褋芯薪褋泻褍褞 芯斜谢邪褋褌褜.
小械胁械褉芯-蟹邪锌邪写薪械械 啸械褉褋芯薪邪 - 薪械写邪谢械泻芯 芯褌 芯泻褉
邪懈薪 - 褉邪褋锌芯谢芯卸械薪褘 锌芯褋械谢芯泻 懈 邪褝褉芯写褉芯屑 锌芯写 芯
斜褖懈屑 薪邪蟹胁邪薪懈械屑 效械褉薪芯斜邪械胁泻邪. 孝邪屑 - 薪邪褕懈. 袗 褋
械胁械褉薪械械 - 褍卸械 褍泻褉褘. 袩褉芯胁芯写懈屑 薪邪 泻邪褉褌械 胁芯芯斜
褉邪卸邪械屑褍褞 谢懈薪懈褞 芯褌 效械褉薪芯斜邪械胁泻懈 薪邪 褋械胁械褉芯-胁
芯褋褌芯泻, 薪邪褏芯写懈屑 薪.锌. 袩械褉褕械褌褉邪胁薪械胁芯械 懈 袦褍蟹褘泻
芯胁泻邪. 袨薪懈 - 蟹邪 薪邪褕懈屑懈, 邪 蟹邪锌邪写薪械械 - 褍卸械 褍泻褉褘.
袛邪谢褜褕械 芯褌 袦褍蟹褘泻芯胁泻懈 胁械写械屑 谢懈薪懈褞 薪邪 胁芯褋褌芯
泻 锌芯 薪.锌. 袚芯褉芯褏芯胁褋泻芯械, 小邪写芯胁芯械, 袘邪褉邪褌芯胁泻邪 -
写芯 褉.袠薪谐褍谢械褑 - 褝褌芯 锌芯蟹懈褑懈懈 薪邪褕懈褏 胁芯泄褋泻 (胁泻谢
褞褔懈褌械谢褜薪芯). 袛邪谢褜褕械 薪邪 胁芯褋褌芯泻 (写芯 褉邪泄芯薪邪 薪.锌
. 袛邪胁褘写芯胁 袘褉芯写, 谐写械 胁 锌芯褋谢械写薪懈械 2 薪械写械谢懈 锌褉
芯写芯谢卸邪谢懈褋褜 芯卸械褋褌芯褔械薪薪褘械 斜芯懈) - 褟 锌芯泻邪 褍褌芯褔
薪褟褞, 薪芯 泻褉褍锌薪褘泄 锌芯褋褢谢芯泻 小薪懈谐懈褉褢胁泻邪 - 褋 屑邪褉
褌邪 屑械褋褟褑邪 锌芯写 褍泻褉邪屑懈.
袩芯褋泻芯谢褜泻褍 懈屑械薪薪芯 写邪薪薪褘泄 褉邪泄芯薪 谢懈褔薪芯 屑薪械
锌褉械写褋褌邪胁谢褟械褌褋褟 薪邪懈斜芯谢械械 胁械褉芯褟褌薪褘屑 屑械褋褌芯
屑 褋泻芯褉芯谐芯 薪邪褋褌褍锌谢械薪懈褟 锌褉芯褌懈胁薪懈泻邪 - 褉械泻芯屑械
薪写褍褞 褍写械谢懈褌褜 胁薪懈屑邪薪懈械 械谐芯 懈蟹褍褔械薪懈褞 褌械屑 锌芯
写锌懈褋褔懈泻邪屑, 泻褌芯 懈薪褌械褉械褋褍械褌褋褟 褌邪泻褌懈褔械褋泻懈屑
褉邪褋泻谢邪写芯屑 薪邪 孝袙袛.
发帖数: 37081
优先级,乌东>哈尔科夫> 奥德赛
1 (共1页)