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Military2版 - 这个传言靠谱吗?
中共先進武器曝光 實力威嚇並進ZT中央社东方早报特刊:大船——航母与中国海军的未来
到2020建4个航母舰群,5艘航妈【号外!】:瓦良格号己出阁 zzz
傳陸殲10B墜機 飛行員殉職 ZT 中央社张铮说“我国飞行员当航母舰长条件不成熟”是扯淡 (转载)
《歸來的軍刀》选:寂寞的勇者——黑貓中隊第一任中隊長盧錫良[ZGPT]两名少将缺席缺席自己的晋衔仪式 他们在哪? (转载)
中国第一艘的航空母舰舰长定了。 (转载)话说土鸡原先也是跟土鳖过不去的
媒体猜瓦良格航母2名舰长人选 大型辅助船现身震惊了:平可秃正在深刻反省對Varyag航母改裝進度預測的失誤
转自飞扬:李晓岩已出任中国首艘航母舰长平可夫与海军上将吴胜利合影 (转载)
话题: china话题: carrier话题: chinese话题: pilots话题: 艦長
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4978
陸航母艦長 美看好柏耀平
发帖数: 444
柏耀平 大差不差了,现在少将了已经
发帖数: 4978
Who Will Command China's Aircraft Carriers?
Publication: China Brief Volume: 11 Issue: 12
July 1, 2011 04:34 PM Age: 3 days
By: Russell Hsiao
China has reportedly postponed the sea trial of its long-awaited aircraft
carrier to an unspecified date in August. The Varyag, which was purchased
from Ukraine and is under refurbishment at Dalian port, was widely believed
to set sail on July 1 for a trial run. Ostensibly to demonstrate the Party's
indispensible role in bringing about the “new China,” the date of the sea
trial for China's maiden carrier was apparently planned to coincide with
the 90th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Yet, due to
mechanical difficulties or, in part, Beijing's concerns about regional
anxieties over growing tensions in the South China Sea, the sea trial was
reportedly delayed (Focus Taiwan News, June 30).
The rollout of China’s maiden carrier has been widely touted as a symbolic
demonstration of the nation’s growing strength and maritime aspirations. To
be sure, a single carrier has limited capabilities and, for that matter,
limited utility in near-term tactical missions, and its development required
a significant investment of economic as well as political resources.
Conventional wisdom on China’s carrier plan suggests that the Chinese
leadership did not put enough planning in personnel development, and
therefore will face a lot of difficulties in operating a carrier group. A
review of the training programs developed to cultivate the commanders for
its aircraft carriers suggest an ambitious, meticulous and long-term
strategy, however.
On March 31, 1987, Admiral Liu Huaqing, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
Navy commander (1982-1988), submitted an internal memo to the PLA Staff
Headquarters and National Defense Technology and Industry Committee on
developing the core strengths of the PLAN, which included developing
aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines (China Review News, May 22, 2009).
According to a Jiefangjun Bao (PLA Daily) article in 2008, the Central
Military Commission in May 1987 initiated the first and only “Pilot Warship
Captain Class” (feixingyuan jianchang ban) at the Guangzhou Warship
Academy. The program selected the military’s most talented pilots to
undergo surface warship vessels leadership training. In other words, the
Chinese military has been training navy pilots as aircraft carrier ship
captains since 1987 (Sina.com.cn, June 26). Ten naval aviation pilots were
apparently selected to attend the pilot training program. Nine pilots went
through three and half to four years of training in naval aviation command,
and were stationed in different command units to serve as deputy captains
and then became captains of their aviation wings (Sina.com.cn, June 26).
The aircraft carrier program was delayed and these pilots were retrained and
reassigned for destroyer commands. Most of these destroyer commanders are
qualified naval pilots. This training background establishes a link between
the Chinese aircraft carrier and destroyer—many captains and their deputies
of Chinese destroyers were former naval pilots and are thus ideal
candidates to serve as captains of China's aircraft carriers (Sina.com.cn,
June 26). They have already gone through intensive training, and served on
board naval vessels after graduating. Now most of them have close to 20
years of joint training experience, and serve essentially as the backbone of
China's surface warship fleet. For example, Bai Yaoping is widely
speculated to become the Chinese carrier commander. As a member of the class
of ‘87 at the Guangzhou Warship Academy, most of the students who attended
this class are close to their 50s, and to varying degrees have set the Navy
’s standard as potential commanders. They are at a prime age and experience
; most of them hold military ranks that are above colonel or senior colonel
(Sina.com.cn, June 26).
The time and preparation that the Chinese leadership invested in cultivating
these personnel may be one indication of a robust carrier plan. The time
required to train and develop experience and skills is arguably longer than
the development of some military technologies. While there are many
variables involved in ensuring the operational success and effectiveness of
an aircraft carrier not the least a carrier group, it appears that the
command aspect of these vessels may not be a major issue. To be sure, there
remains a long period of training, development and joint exercises before
the carrier becomes fully operational. Yet, the prestige and importance that
the Chinese leadership attaches to the carrier program should not be
understated. Given the political capital that the Chinese leadership has
clearly invested in the program, its funding and development would not
easily be shelved again. Furthermore, there are indications that China may
already be cultivating the subsequent batch of captains and pilots for its
next fleet of carriers (See "PLA Navy Expands Recruitment Drive to Enhance
Operational Capability," China Brief, May 20). Indeed, the pending sea trial
for the Varyag will mark an important milestone as the first step in China
’s effort toward becoming a global naval power.

【在 P*****t 的大作中提到】
: 陸航母艦長 美看好柏耀平
: 【聯合報╱大陸新聞中心/綜合報導】
: 中國大陸第一艘航空母艦瓦良格號(又稱瓦雅格號)在大連加緊改裝,環球網引述美國
: 詹姆士基金會網站的「中國簡報」專欄,指美國研究機構開始關心誰將成為首任艦長,
: 而人選很可能是柏耀平。
: 這篇專欄說,中國大陸為培養航母艦長,已進行了「長期有雄心的嚴密戰略」,柏耀平
: 是廣州艦艇學院「飛行員艦長班」八七級的一員。
: 文章說,中共中央軍委一九八七年在廣州艦艇學院開辦的首屆「飛行員艦長班」,挑選
: 十名最優秀的飛行員,進行水面艦艇指揮培訓。其中九人進行三年半到四年的海航指揮
: 培訓,培訓結束後,被分配到不同的指揮單位擔任副艦長,之後又提升為艦長,包括驅

发帖数: 8536


【在 P*****t 的大作中提到】
: 英文原文:
: Who Will Command China's Aircraft Carriers?
: Publication: China Brief Volume: 11 Issue: 12
: July 1, 2011 04:34 PM Age: 3 days
: By: Russell Hsiao
: China has reportedly postponed the sea trial of its long-awaited aircraft
: carrier to an unspecified date in August. The Varyag, which was purchased
: from Ukraine and is under refurbishment at Dalian port, was widely believed
: to set sail on July 1 for a trial run. Ostensibly to demonstrate the Party's
: indispensible role in bringing about the “new China,” the date of the sea

发帖数: 13172

【在 d***y 的大作中提到】
: 長的猥瑣了些。
: believed
: 's
: sea

1 (共1页)
平可夫与海军上将吴胜利合影 (转载)海军护卫舰舰长相当于陆军什么级别?
此图充分说明平可夫是TG的杰出鼹鼠中国第一艘的航空母舰舰长定了。 (转载)
还是很神气的媒体猜瓦良格航母2名舰长人选 大型辅助船现身
中共先進武器曝光 實力威嚇並進ZT中央社东方早报特刊:大船——航母与中国海军的未来
到2020建4个航母舰群,5艘航妈【号外!】:瓦良格号己出阁 zzz
傳陸殲10B墜機 飛行員殉職 ZT 中央社张铮说“我国飞行员当航母舰长条件不成熟”是扯淡 (转载)
《歸來的軍刀》选:寂寞的勇者——黑貓中隊第一任中隊長盧錫良[ZGPT]两名少将缺席缺席自己的晋衔仪式 他们在哪? (转载)
话题: china话题: carrier话题: chinese话题: pilots话题: 艦長