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Military2版 - 让美鳖抓瞎的消息...............
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话题: 8232话题: zimbabwe话题: yuan话题: us话题: dollar
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8422
Zimbabwe considers dumping US Dollar for Chinese Yuan
THURSDAY, 11 AUGUST 2011 14:11
Zimbabwe is considering adopting the Chinese Yuan or the South African rand
in the wake of the United State’s debt problems.
The southern African country adopted the use of multiple currencies in 2009
after its dollar was rendered unusable by hyperinflation.
However, the US dollar has been the biggest circulating currency in the
country followed by the rand.
Following the downgrading of the debt of the US last week by the Standard &
Poor (S&P) rating agency, Zimbabwean officials have been calling for a
rethink on the use of the dollar.
S&P dropped the US’s rating to AA+ from the top rating, AAA, based on a
lack of confidence that Congress and President Barack Obama will resolve
their stalemate on how to address America’s worsening debt situation.
Zimbabwean officials say this will have an effect on the US dollar which
will in turn negatively impact the country’s economy.
Killer Zivhu, president of the Zimbabwe Cross Border Association, said if
the Yaun was adopted it will come as a big relief to members of his
association who buy most of their merchandise from China.
“We would rather officially adopt the Yuan or South African rand. The

; dollar is exposing us to unfair business practices,” Zivhu said.
Last September, Vice President Joice Mujuru said Zimbabwe should

consider adopting the Chinese Yuan, in line with the country’s policy

; of using multiple currencies to tackle hyperinflation.

Mujuru said adopting the Yuan would be a "natural progression and

offshoot of the Look East policy,”
China has already called for a new global reserve currency to avert a
catastrophe caused by any single country.

China is the U.S. government’s largest single creditor, with over $1

trillion locked in treasury bonds as well as more than a trillion in other&#
8232; dollar-denominated assets.
But Tony Hawkins, a professor of economics at the graduate School of
Management at the University of Zimbabwe said “there is no 
alternative to the US dollar.”
“There is no such thing as a stable currency in the markets,” Hawkins said.
“At present the Euro, British Pound and Chinese Yuan are also shaky.

“Unfortunately for Zimbabwe we are caught up in the financial mess and&#
8232; we have to live with it”.
发帖数: 31686
沃卡, 津巴布韦, 生产斗笠还是竹篾?


【在 v**e 的大作中提到】
: 让美鳖抓瞎的消息...............
: Zimbabwe considers dumping US Dollar for Chinese Yuan
: THURSDAY, 11 AUGUST 2011 14:11
: Zimbabwe is considering adopting the Chinese Yuan or the South African rand
: in the wake of the United State’s debt problems.
: ©Reuters
: The southern African country adopted the use of multiple currencies in 2009
: after its dollar was rendered unusable by hyperinflation.
: However, the US dollar has been the biggest circulating currency in the
: country followed by the rand.

发帖数: 5581

【在 s****r 的大作中提到】
: 沃卡, 津巴布韦, 生产斗笠还是竹篾?
: rand
: 2009

发帖数: 31686
恶意猜测一下, 津巴布韦可能连个厨房里面用的锅都造不利落

【在 w****j 的大作中提到】
: 卖地就行了。
发帖数: 107
tianchao v5


【在 v**e 的大作中提到】
: 让美鳖抓瞎的消息...............
: Zimbabwe considers dumping US Dollar for Chinese Yuan
: THURSDAY, 11 AUGUST 2011 14:11
: Zimbabwe is considering adopting the Chinese Yuan or the South African rand
: in the wake of the United State’s debt problems.
: ©Reuters
: The southern African country adopted the use of multiple currencies in 2009
: after its dollar was rendered unusable by hyperinflation.
: However, the US dollar has been the biggest circulating currency in the
: country followed by the rand.

发帖数: 15691

【在 s****r 的大作中提到】
: 沃卡, 津巴布韦, 生产斗笠还是竹篾?
: rand
: 2009

1 (共1页)
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有没有人参加赌博?关于wikileak的事Zimbabwe Dollar Outperforms UK Pound? (zz)
新蓝德报告:现在中国会赢得台海空战 (转载)一带一路重大利好
津巴布韦副总统说应该使用人民币做流通货币capital one的ATM收费太高了,NND收了我2块75 (转载)
话题: 8232话题: zimbabwe话题: yuan话题: us话题: dollar